Name: Dr Bubby

Gender: doesn't have time for 'gender' (presents male), het...ish

Age/DOB: appears middle aged, chronologically around 12, unknown DOB

Origin: Aperturth, Black Mesa facility clone department

Family: has... prototypes

Other: the prototypes will try and kill you, though there's always the chance that he will too

Height: 6'2"

Weight: around 165, not skinny but wiry, surprisingly strong given his build

Hair: greyed blond, fringe baldness

Eyes: vibrant blue, behind tinted glasses

Appearance: medium light skinned with very little distinguishing him from other scientists, wears labcoats, talks with a snarky and snooty intonation and isn't afraid to use the big words to make you look like a dumbass; Originally portrayed by MasterGir

Genetic Abilities: Able to produce extremely hot fire, yes he's a pyrokinetic. However, he doesn't show anyone this fact until they're not looking, and as such a lot of folks back at their version of Black Mesa didn't honestly believe him when he said he could. He's spent endless hours perfecting this power, but it still pales in comparison to his brain's capacity for logic and clever snark... Oh yeah, he is also remarkably strong, strong enough to knock out Coomer and punch through thick wood to shatter crates or barriers

Icarus Processing: technically yes, he's a modified genetically engineered subect, one which had... a lot of prototypes. A lot. And they are terrifying. Whether any of this has any bearing on how he exists now, no one knows. 'He' spent time being grown in a lab, which may have occurred upwards of 60 years before the current era - or, they merely aged a newly diverged prototype until it grew properly unlike the others

Image Credits: City of Heroes (and Valve and RTVS)

Skills or Profession: Science! He is extremely capable of engineering, coding, rocketry, and virtually any other subject found at Black Mesa, and he will not hesitate to show you how god-damned-smart he is. He is, in fact, better at nearly every scientific or engineering discipline than You are, regardless of what that discipline is; currently is tapped for rocketry and satellite observation at the Rookery proper
Personality: Snarky, annoyingly smart, bold, but not so bold that he is going to endanger himself in a bad situation. Extremely self-serving, egocentric, and mean - but he still is a team player in the long run, and will absolutely defend the things he thinks will gain him security, power, or a good laugh
Events or History: see HLVRAI; after being moved to the Rookery world he's having a fucking ball destroying the Combine...


Name: Feel the Burn, "Burnie"
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-Large 14' s / 140' l / 280' ws (!!)
Colors: Faded but fluctuating red-and-smoke on belly, darker red similarly patterned on body/limbs and tail; shiny red armor; darker red horns, claws, and dorsal ridges; wingsails highly reflective copper that looks extremely hot (and is, extremely hot) with browns, bronze, burnished orange, and yellowish highlights all depending on the light hitting it and how hot he's gotten; blue eyes
Features: Skywing, firescales though in his case it's easily controlled, however he is remarkably warm to the touch, and only Bubby really goes near sitting on him for this reason
Powers: Winged Flight, this dragon is ridiculously powerful in the air, able to remain aloft for half a day before needing to rest a little, and can fly with full strength upwards of 150 miles an hour - for several hours. Only Bubby, again, dares ride him while he's up that way... He is elegant while flying, as well, able to do pretty impressive tricks high up, though he has a very large wingspan and cannot maneuver easily among ruins or close quarters; he chooses to fly high over forests or ruins, rather than damage either himself or the surroundings by clipping trees or crashing into buildings
Verbal Speech, thankfully Burnie doesn't take his cues for speaking from his rider friend, as he's merely energetic and not a complete asshat. He understands and enjoys listening to highly technical discussions among the scientists, and can posit his own questions without fear of being snubbed; speaks Draconic and English, with a little latin thrown in
Fire, Fire, Fire; Burnie uses his internal fire and warmth to create lift, which he uses to remain in the air much longer, but he can also bellow out a mass of flames that render even hardened or vulcanized items melted or ash. This fire is accurate in a line up to 500 meters, for a burst fire like a snipe; for closer range work, he lets out a vast cloud of superheated gas, and then ignites it where it explodes on contact with air, and this can be done while on the ground - to flush out anything living that may be hiding in a Combine structure for instance. All around, though, he's a nice toasty dragon who likes to be of use... and can't be put into the facility too deeply because there are a lot of explosives, gas pockets, and vital equipment that would just melt on contact...
Parentage: unknown, he's definitely looking for a hot lady to settle down with
Origin: adopted from TerrorTheArtist with PeregrineCella lines from Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: The only possible outcome for Bubby's arrival, was to pair him up with this hot-winged dragon. Hey, hot wings would have been a good name too!