Name: Dr Coomer SuperPlayer

Gender: Male, hypermasculine, pan

Age/DOB: appears aged, chronologically around 2

Origin: Aperturth, Black Mesa facility cloning department

Family: He is among the 'damaged' clones of Dr Coomer

Other: don't fuck with this one. He's very, very dangerous

Height: 7'3"

Weight: likely around 300, including cybernetic enhancements and huge bulky muscles, he doesn't skip leg day but he's very upper-body strong indeed

Hair: grey white, fluffy but a bit wiry

Eyes: vibrantly green, glowing, slightly sunken and shaded under bushy brows

Appearance: light skinned but has massive rippling muscles and large scary monster-hands, along with the fact that he's huge; though he has a similar outfit to other Coomers with the white pants, blue shirt, and lab coat, but his sleeves are absolutely gone; he speaks with a reverb that could terrify anyone; he does have a visible bright aura as shown, with fists and arms powered by some incredible energy

Genetic Abilities:

Icarus Processing:

Image Credits: City of Heroes (and Valve, and RTVS)

Skills or Profession:
Events or History:


Name: Iceblock
Gender: Female, don't question her about it
Size/Shoulder/Length: Large (bulky) 16' s / 70' l / 100' ws
Colors: cool icy white-grey belly, light grey back and legs, with ice blue face and mid-scales; icy white fringe scales, spikes, and claws; horns medium grey; armor slate grey-blue; eyes blue
Features: Mud-Icewing hybrid, mainly mudwing in layout and build, but Icewing with coloration and abilities
Powers: Winged Flight, though not typically airborne, Iceblock can take to the air with a massive burst of speed, requiring a lot of space to both take off or land, and making a very large impression when she does either. She doesn't crack like ice, but the ground has been known to, when she lands! She can carry a large amount of weight but doesn't fly much so don't expect it to get there in one piece
Verbal Speech, Iceblock's voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard, or more accurately metal scraping ice; she speaks English and Draconic, equal amounts of both of those, and can follow technical conversations but much prefers to just growl, snarl, and stamp her feet...
Ice and Cold Survival, very well suited to chill air, water, and icy ground, Iceblock takes no damage at all and isn't even inconvenienced when presented with misty, foggy, or murky views. She can burrow through snow easily, and claw her way through thick ice, swim in near-frozen water, and withstand blizzard conditions. Her claws can stick into solid ice and even stone or metal, to climb ... yeah right climb...
Ice Breath, able to project a beam of very cold air that instantly freezes any water in the air, encasing things in a brittle, ultra-cold frost and causing living things to be frostbitten almost instantly; if the air is exceptionally moist this can actually come in the form of a solid block of ice, and she can freeze quickly moving fresh water solid; salt water or impure liquid may take a moment or two but fresh water is affected almost instantly; this breath works best at close range, to up to 50 meters at most
Self-Healing, though her Mudwing side is hardly represented beyond physical shape, she is a fast healer, and doesn't require mud to enchant or anything like that. Even massive amounts of crushing damage such as you'd get if you landed from a high spot on flat ground, is healed within moments, or not even taken as damage. She lets her little human friend punch at her, she thinks it tickles...
Parentage: Unknown Icewing and Mudwing parents, not in Rookery
Origin: Adopted from TerrorTheArtist with lines by PeregrineCella on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Iceblock makes a great sparring partner, and keeps SuperCoomer occupied rather than dangerously distracted by all the fun he could be having in the Rookery. Well, 'fun' in the way of "let's punch someone and see if they want to play"...