Name: Forzen

Gender: Male, bisexual

Age/DOB: 24? Unknown DOB, but suggests that he 'only wants to graduate' indicating that he's young enough to be in college

Origin: Aperturth, French Canadian, for whatever reason in the American military

Family: Unknown, likely deceased after events in their world

Other: the only remaining member of Team Nice

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 230, literally a slab of meat, all muscle, surprisingly fast for one with such bulk; never skipped leg day

Hair: medium brown, kept very short under a red beret

Eyes: brown, squints a lot, surrounded by dark circles and scarring from prior incidents (likely the same that caused scars on arms)

Appearance: light skinned with extensive facial and arm scarring, chiseled features, usually 'concerned', and speaks a mixture of French and English, particularly when nervous or put-upon. Wears the arctic gear for no apparent reason, with a massive top-heavy harness and backpack filled with his goods and gear

Genetic Abilities: he is clearly able to teleport, and uses distraction and stealth to his advantage, but these things seem only to work when he's under pressure

Icarus Processing: none, but he's from Aperturth and has likely got all manner of weird shit going on in his DNA thanks to the Resonance Cascade there

Image Credits: Valve

Skills or Profession: Trained as a grunt soldier, Forzen is just trying to graduate - he possibly signed up for military duty thinking that it would give him a financial edge in college, but has gotten stuck as a soldier forever, thanks to their world's issues. It's very unclear whether he was any good at soldiering, beyond the fact that he is an incredibly good shot with automatic weapons, sniper rifles, and shotguns, along with a magnum handgun. He speaks fluent French and English, but mixes them freely and sometimes makes no sense in either language. He knows his gear inside and out, and is a very big video game player, going to any length to defend his favorite games and reviewers. If games are around in this dimension, his name will be at the top of the High Scores list.
Personality: confused, slightly angry, one might even say irate... Does not understand how the hell he got where he is, but now that there's a shiny in the form of dragons, he's less intent on finding his way 'home'. He does seem to understand that 'home' is probably 'gone'. While he tries to hang out with other members of the military units left in the Rookery, Forzen is not well adjusted and given a wide berth.
Events or History: A bit of a mystery, there. He was confronted by several of Black Mesa's locals when he and his unit were sent in by the government, or perhaps by Aperture itself, to 'fix' things in the errant facility. Since Black Mesa is considered a bit of a joke on that Earth, this is sort of a shit job, one no one really wanted. He and Benry appear to have been friends, but Benry isn't what he appears, so it's likely that either Benry messed with his memories, or he is thinking about someone else entirely.


Name: Equipe Joli (... team nice)
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium 10'8" s / 60' l / 96' ws
*Colors: belly creamy off-white from chin to tail tip; main body grades between faded aqua green and medium dusty grey-green; limb armor forest green; piping light green; wingsails and neck frill sparkly nebula green with tiny white spots; horns, claws, and spine ridges tan brown; spots bright yellow; eyes cyan *all values subject to change
Features: pure-looking Rainwing, though with the sparkling quality of those wingsails there might be a Nightwing in there somewhere
Powers: Winged Flight, Joli is an aggressive flier, commonly able to weave between trees or buildings, and can reach remarkable speed in the open air. He can carry quite a lot, he's not a small dragon, but prefers to carry only his rider Forzen, and perhaps some other of his crew
Communication, Joli speaks Draconic and an amount of English and French in the same somewhat rambling pattern of Forzen. He's quite chatty overall, often muttering to himself in Draconic, but then translating for himself - poorly. He's not dumb, he just 'forgets to use his words'... Also he can flash his *colors to communicate, but usually is vocal.
*Color Shifting, Joli tends to remain in the green and grey spectrum, he's able to flash a wide variety of colors and patterns, though they don't last very long. He can scroll colors across his luminescent patches, and camo markings over his body and wings. However, he can seemingly vanish even right before your eyes, if he's in green, grey, white, yellowish brown surroundings he can alter his patterning to emulate the background, long enough for you to 'look away'. And then, he's just not there.
Rainwing features, he has a prehensile tail that is used frequently to fly in difficult locations, but also can hold heavy weights or even pick up people or gear with it. He also has potent venom in his spit, which can cause near-instant paralysis and quick death in anything about horse-sized or smaller. However it does have to be in contact directly with skin to be absorbed, and otherwise if it's rubbed or washed off quickly enough it merely causes strong numbness, and most forms of cloth, armor, or other protective gear will block it. It goes inert within about 10 minutes if it is not absorbed.
Parentage: Unknown Rainwings, possible Nightwing great grandparent?
Origin: adopted from TerrorTheArtist with PeregrineCella lines on Devianrt, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: This pair are known to show up unexpectedly, mess things up, and then vanish just as fast. No one has yet been able to track them to wherever they might be residing.