Name: Addison Lockwood

Gender: Female, Straight

Age/DOB: ~28, unknown dob

Origin: Aperturth, Midwest USA

Family: Unknown, abandoned her since she's a dwarf and they just couldn't handle it; she does not have any children, though she's just as active in their antics as any, it's possible that she's sterile

Other: the Carnies are her real family, and she absolutely digs the hippies too

Height: 3'8", Addison has pituitary dwarfism, her head is slightly larger than normal, but otherwise she seems reasonably well proportioned, only quite - very - short, as 4'10 is typically referred to as 'dwarf' stature

Weight: less than 50 lbs, there aren't any scales out here beyond the one that Pierre uses to prove how much he's lifting, and that starts at 200...

Hair: Greyish platinum blond, had started out pale blond and went silver quite early in her life, straight and thick, kept to mid-back or waist length in a braid or pony tail

Eyes: dark green, deeply set with a slightly wandering left eye, hooded

Appearance: fair skin with freckles and a scar that goes over her shoulders, back, and left hip from a fire in the Carnival when she was little; yes, yes she's super short, too. People tend to first think she's just a child, because she doesn't have the typical short-limbs or ultra-compact frame that some dwarfs exhibit. Her voice is typical of a young woman, not high or shrill, but airier than a woman bigger than her would have

Genetic Abilities: quite fit and with good endurance, but this is mainly because she's used to keeping up with people twice her size; able to fit into small spaces is a bonus feature, though she's no contortionist

Icarus Processing: none, and would be unsuitable for the process with the genetic tags she's got - they aren't the same governing her stature, however

Image Credits: Doll Divine Gemsona

Skills or Profession: Sideshow dwarf, from an early age she was shown off as 'the world's tiniest baby'; grew up around all the Carnies so she has an innate ability to judge an area for dangers, spot individuals in a crowd, pick pockets, climb, and hide with ease. For those reasons she's been relied upon to keep the Carnies safe on their journeys even before anything weird happened on their home dimension, and certainly now in this other one.
Personality: Addison is quite the good speaker and likes to debate, she's much smarter than most people give her credit for, and she often uses that to her advantage to outwit opponents.

Events or History: It was pure luck that the Carnival was in town when Addison was born, because as a home-birth in the 50s went, her parents were a bit too surprised to deal with her as tiny as she was. Not premature, just ... incredibly small. Her mother went to the Carnival, sought out their 'Fortune Teller', and handed her off silently, never to be seen again. The Carnival as a whole raised Addison, giving her the surname of Lockwood, the show's owner's name, so she could wear it with pride. They have never lied to her about her origin, and had never sought out that town to travel through again. She learned everything that was typical for a Carnie, from the skills above, to the day to day business of filing paperwork, distributing pay, and occasionally talking to local officials about their rights. At some point, her 'mother' the older fortune teller passed away, leaving a younger woman in charge, who was among those that perished some time after Aperturth's... weird disaster they don't talk about. It was shortly after that the group came to Lane Mansion's grounds, and basically never left. There were hippies already in residence, and they eagerly accepted the group. Then, somewhat after that... they were moved to a different Mansion.

As the dragons and their bonds or friends begin helping the rebels and Rookery gain a stronger foothold on their territories, Addison and Underbrush serve still as a communication unit, but tend to remain nearest the Mudwing Wallow area at Dragon Tower 12 in the north-west area.


Name: Underbrush
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-Small (bulky, seems very small for either breed) 10'6" s / 40' l / 70' ws
Colors: *Vary, but mainly shades of caramel, tan, beige, brown, and rusty-red brown. As shown below, quite a bit mud and dried leaf colored overall.
Features: Mudwing-Rainwing hybrid, primarily Mudwing dominant, with the ear frills and prehensile tail, and slightly smaller back end of a Rain, the rest Mud. However she can still *shift colors, or at least their intensity, see below.
Powers: Winged Flight, Camouflage, Underbrush can fly reasonably well, but she's never going to win a competition against bigger or more aggressive fliers - or those who are less bulky, she knows she's kind of wobbly in the air, so she keeps the ground, and on the ground she is incredibly sneaky and quick. Have you ever imagined an elephant hiding behind a sapling? Well, Underbrush can do that, thanks to her camouflage, and she can move between trees in fall and even winter, without disturbing a leaf on the ground.
Communication, She has a pleasant voice, distinctly feminine when speaking English or Vort, and quite rumbly and 'matronly' when uttering any form of Draconic. But also, she can signal with her neck frill in different much more vibrant colors*, and has a strong Vortal connection to Addison. She can't necessarily telepathically speak to anyone else, but their bond is strong and sure.
*Color Shifting, Her Rainwing side offers not a straightforward color shift except on her neck frills (her wingsails only to a small extent), but to add mottling and variation to the color scheme she has; using this allows her to blend in with any natural area, even a vibrantly green or desolate icy or snow covered spot. She can't blend in with structures or technology, though she does practice against the Carnival's brightly decorated vans and carriages, to some limited amount of success. This feature is primarily unconscious, but she can dedicate herself to remaining unseen and basically can be right next to you, and you'll only know when she exhales.
Mud Healing, her Mudwing mother taught her straight out of the shell, how to perform healing magic, and Underbrush is quite good at it. She can take even a small amount of mud - anything that she can wrap her forepaws around to manipulate, so still a decent mud puddle and not just a few splashes of water on dirt, she can then breathe gently upon and cause it to aid in healing of any living thing. She confers with the few others who can do this, and is occasionally brought in after a battle at the Rookery, to help with the dragon injuries sustained. She herself is hardly a combatant, and wishes to look after her friends both draconic and humanoid instead.
Venom Bite, that breath is a modified version of a Rainwing's venom, which she can produce and only does so when hunting. Her venom is hardly deadly, in fact it's more beneficial and she allows the scientists to collect it at times, because it has nerve numbing and muscle relaxation components they really need for surgery and triage. At best, she can cause a human to 'sleep' or 'fall over' with a bite, though the bite itself would do far more damage than that! But it certainly does make prey much easier to kill, and she has concentrated on finding non-native animals, because they're considerably more dangerous to her friends, than regular ones.
Parentage: Unknown Mudwing mother and Rainwing father, both still residing on their homeworld, and supportive of her desire to travel and heal.
Origin: Adopted from Moonshimmer981 on Deviantart, Wings of Fire by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Though still a decently large dragon in terms of 'dragons are big' it's true that Underbrush is small for her overall breed and will never get any bigger. This attracted her to Addison, not because she was smol, but because she was healthy and fun to be around even though she's little. Underbrush came to the Rookery barely out of the shell, and some who watched her grow were sure she was going to be even smaller as an adult than she is.