Name: Maud Henshaw

Gender: Female, lesbian

Age/DOB: 24, unknown DOB, arrived RY9

Origin: Rapturearth, Columbia

Family: likely all deceased, and she's fine with that since they physically kicked her off of the flying city themselves

Other: she is very interested in this whole 'we don't care about gender stereotypes and who you fall in love with' thing that the Rookery has going for it, as well, she likes the idea that she can also have kids with the right partner

Height: 5'6"

Weight: ~100, slender and wiry, underweight, but quite athletic so she has never cared about putting more weight on; not flat, decidedly not curvy

Hair: very black, quite straight, cut short and she likes keeping it out of her face with grease from machines, why do people not do that any more?

Eyes: amber gold, quite light and shiny; seems to have natural 'smoky' eyelids, but that's likely just more grime and lack of sleep, under very pretty eyebrows

Appearance: Light skin with rosy cheeks, a little nose, and somewhat thin lips; she has good teeth but to hear her say it that's pure luck and not any good habits. Is happy to wear whatever she can find, though she did come to Rapture with a pile of her original more fancy clothing she traded it off for workmans gear, and will balk at the idea of wearing a dress. Prefers protective gloves and that waist brace because she does a lot more dangerous repairs than most ladies.

Icarus Processing: None, but she's dabbled with the idea of having that fancy Plasmid-Icarus treatment, if it's going to give her an edge.

Image Credits: Call of Cthulhu / Gmod Rip

Genetic Abilities: None obvious, she has used a few Tonics, Plasmids, and whatever else that world called them, frequently enough that she understands how telekinesis works, and how machine controllers can do what they do among the Pantheon. She is positive that this is a sign that she's much more than her family thought she could be.
Skills or Profession: though she started life as a pampered Columbia Lady, expected only to marry well and push out children to inherit her husband's wealth, she did learn from that era how to read and write, do basic maths, and the like. She's discovered that her history knowledge is absolutely useless in this new world, and has taken to writing interesting and fanciful works, though if there's a need for such a thing she's not positive. However, her more practical side knows that the mechanical aptitude she shows is of use everywhere she could possibly live. She can get a good feel for a machine, not computerized, but electrically powered ones as well as simple devices, clockworks, and constructions, just by looking at them or putting her hands on it and waiting to 'feel through it'. She doesn't need a Plasmid to help her sense where to lift a spring or tighten a screw, and she's never hesitated to hand her companions exactly the right tool even before they ask for it. Maud has only just started learning how to swim, however, so she is uncomfortable actually wandering around outside unless her dragon is near, or she's in a diving suit. She does know how to use and repair the 'Big Daddy' shells, including their weaponry. She was extremely good at using the Sky-lines, with grappling hooks and even riding sky cars which circled islands using these monorails. In active combat, though her own dragon is more seabound than others, she'll eagerly join on someone else's, and leap from dragon to dragon in order to deliver supplies.
Personality: thinks Rapture is a lousy name for a place that doesn't look like heaven, but it sure is much more like a home than Columbia was. Is willing to work hard for her goals, likes rewards, enjoys a job well done, and playing poker with the guys; tends to smoke whatever is around if there's a cigar box or cigarette case it's going to get purloined. It's possible that she is still apt to try too hard to be 'one of the boys' and definitely has different ideas of what that might mean from having grown up in a place like Columbia.

Events or History: Maud was born to a wealthy businessman's family, with two older brothers and three sisters just waiting to be married off. Even from a young age she was not comfortable with this idea, and would do her best to follow her uncle and his 'disreputable friends' when they went to work, fixing the machinery found between islands of Columbia, as well as some of the automatons and vending machines. From them, she learned mechanical engineering in a very organic manner, so she hasn't really been familiar with user manuals and the like. She would pretend to be a boy, so that no one knew it was her, cleverly dodging her mother and sisters, but was eventually discovered and punished 'suitably'. When she was old enough to realize she'd fallen in love with the 'wrong' girl, Maud knew that her family would not be generous with anything but hate. She was correct, and when they were discovered as she attempted to pack her bags and move to the negro ghetto quarters in the city, "if it had been a white girl", they said, she might not have been pushed to her death... Both girls fell, but only Maud lived to see another day.

The sheer coincidence of several dimensional rifts opening just before she fell into the sea below the city saved her from one gristly death, but she was nearly dead when found by her dragon. When she was finally revived and safe, Maud knew that her life was absolutely changed - the dragon wouldn't leave the window near her medical pod, and kept flashing pretty lights. He was sure that this little human would make the best companion, and was not wrong. Together, they go around the sea floor looking for parts and treasure, but also for leaks and problems down in Rapture, as well as occasionally surfacing to help with fending off any Combine intrusions that might get too close to the Aerie.


Name: Upwell
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-small 10'6" s / 55' l / 105' ws*
Colors: Belly from neck to tail tip, behind limbs, chest spines vibrant deep blue; face, mid scales, limbs, tail dark graphite; face to tail tip, dorsal scales, spines, wing armor, leg armor outlines, fade dusty mauve over graphite; wingsails, fins, chalky white with muted indigo bubble spots and burnished black edges, chest fins bluer; all inset markings glow brightly and are reflective usually white, can go through blue and violet; horns and claws mauve; eyes indigo
Features: Seawing
Powers: Winged Flight, Water Movement, Upwell is not a good air flier even with a wide wingspan*, his wings are narrow and would be great if he was built like a seagull, but he is a large and sturdy dragon, so he tires very quickly above the water, and requires a stiff wind and high cliff to leap from to get into the air at all, and cannot leap out of the water into flight like some can. However, below the water or on the surface he is superbly fast and agile. He can change depth and direction with a swish of his tail, and moves into narrow areas more easily than he ought, wrapping his wings around himself and becoming effectively a bullet to shoot right into holes or caverns. He has no trouble carrying or moving heavy items, as he will use his wings to balance through stiff currents so he can use his limbs and tail to move forward. Just under the surface, he can remain nearly flat and stable on choppy waves, providing a good reference point to dragons looking down or a platform for any rescues. He tends to carry the supplies and ammunition, health kits and such for those fighting above.
Communication, Upwell 'speaks' telepathically and with his glowing markings, though he can vocalize he cannot really pronounce words very well. He can understand Draconic and now English, but also is quite good at listening in on Vortigese. His hearing is very good, and he seems aware of the whales and dolphins, and... other things in the deep.
Undersea Adaptation, Upwell is very much the Seawing, and can reside at virtually any depth, breathing with gills as well as lungs above the sea. He has a tolerance for chilled water as well as the heated vents found near Rapture, and likes cruising between them, because he likes to take fish into the vents and cook them for his human and Vort friends. He can use his wings as shelter for his human friend. Creates a brine-breath which he also uses his wings to manipulate, the salt within the water condenses, so things that may survive normally will become clogged and sluggish, making them easy to catch, and his surrounding wings make sure they cannot get away. He can also saturate the water with oxygen somehow, which is how he saved Maud.
Parentage: Unknown Seawings, not present on Rookery
Origin: Adopted from GuildKnight on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Upwell was very young when he was first seen around Rapture, so he was known before he found Maud floating in the wreckage of what appeared to be an airship of some kind. He was aware that humans exit and enter a specific location, so when he brought her to them it was into their hospital area wisely. He is very smart, and enjoys watching the goings-on of the humans within the large city.