Twoarth and Paragon Earth

Due to Keenan and his family's dimensional travel, first going to the Vault Earth dimension, later residing on Paragon's Earth for quite a long while, then discovering Twoarth and further compatible dimensions, they have settled in a number of very weird and wonderful places These locations afford the Rookery angles to their future that were completely unexpected early on. Though they revisit Vault Earth later, the Pantheon tends to remain in the more or less 'modern' and 'healthy' Paragon City area much longer than anywhere else.

Paragon City is known as the City of Heroes, filled with magic, power, technology, and crime - and it is where a number of Keenan's cloned selves still reside, performing heroics or keeping heroes on their toes, depending on which version of him is encountered (and there are ... quite a few). It's known that there are gods, magic and technology coexist here, and there is a very high 'viable mutation rate' (common to the world of Dawnlight, from which the Protectorate draws). Most of the original 'generation' of Rookery riders have spent at least some time there, at least Keenan's direct family, and have had the opportunity to let loose with their abilities, settle and even raise families, before diverging and moving on in some way.

Note that 'diverging' is exactly that: some versions of their personas remain on the original, untainted Repurposed Earth forever. Others are found in Paragon, still others split from there and multiply the dimensions they're simultaneously residing upon. Only in Carramba's setting do they usually meet face to face, and they have done on numerous occasions...

Twoarth is an unusual planet physically, with two dimensions worth of Earth smacked together at the Pacific Ocean and a landbridge discovered by Oliver Carramba (the namesake of Carramba High). On one side of this Earth there is the expected Human life, but on the other ('reversed' on any typical human-centric world map) live sentient animal-folk known as Morphs, Kin, or generally 'Furries'. It's unclear whether the planet grew this way or far more likely had been the focus of some kind of accident, much more recently. Both sides of the planet have the same level of technological advancement, but with notable differences in style if not functionality (you try making a computer desk for an elephant-morph!). Because Twoarth is very strongly able to break down or pull through the Barriers between dimensions, specifically in the Carramba High / Crescent City vicinity, quite a bit of unusual activity happens there. From alien landings (not invasions, that's on the East coast...) to magical realms and long-dusty deities coming to roost, this spot became involved directly with the Rookery quite early on.


Individual locations

On the East coast of the USA is a nexus hot-spot, though slightly more dangerous than both the Mojave and Carramba in most ways. Paragon City is the location of much of a Superhero-Earth world's heroics and villainy. These include massive alien invasions, winter coups, robotic Nemesis soldiers marching in and often fighting with fascists trying to recruit on street corners. In other words, it's a slightly more 'mature' messy nexus area than Carramba with its reasonably light-hearted and younger teen population. Paragon actually has numerous variations and dimensional overlaps to versions of itself, and is not found on the same dimension as Twoarth at all, at least not normally. Because Paragon hosts companies such as Crey and Portal Corp, the technological aspects of life there are significantly boosted at the same time as being quite a bit weirder. It isn't completely uncommon to see demons trying to recruit irate scientists in Portal Corp's parking lot, or ghosts helping teach tips to up and coming heroes in spooky ol' Croatoa. Though the 'city' is actually somewhat compact, its suburbs and related areas are sprawling, and in one of those suburbs Keenan (re)created his large mansion with the aid of some local - and not so local - magic. As an experiment the Mansion succeeded wildly, and he's duplicated it via Vortal means several times. Also, Wilson's nightclub The Vent (and his shared gym with girlfriend Aurora Crush) are there - with connectivity to other dimensions.

While Carramba does house a large number of dragons and serves as a strong feeding point for potential new recruits from the classes Keenan and others teach there, Paragon is not necessarily a place where this happens. This is primarily because there aren't any dragons there, and if there were they'd likely be hunted down by the villains or heroes. The dragons usually come to their rider and diverge, as above. However while there, the abilities and powers, experience in combat and tactics, and other such skills that grow while they're 'heroing' are valued for second generation residents and for skill downloads. Where else is a telekinetic going to learn how to juggle enemy grenades, or a mental controller learn to balance boss-and-minion groups?

Carramba High School is the primary hot spot for Keenan's visits to Twoarth, and at least one of his cloned bodies lives there instructing and doing heroics at Paragon as well. There are also at least two more of him, supposedly mortal, and one of them is a cow. Carramba has its own whole deal going, but suffice to say that dragonry courses are offered there for a reason, and some of the second (and third) generation Rookery inhabitants are at least partially affected by their gene pool. There is a known time dilation factor between Twoarth and the Rookery or other dimensions, and it seems like a lot of overlap is found among entire centuries worth of residents. At least one professor, for instance, has around 200 years tenure, and has taught thousands of children, their kids, their grandkids, and their great descendants as well - but they all come to the same reunion... Their dragon population were those who sniffed out Keenan to potentially bond to a dragon in the first place, and actually also arranged for that self-same dragon to meet him. It was all down hill from there... Particularly when a divergent Lane in the form of Nachos California bonded his own dragon while still being Keenan.

Wonder is a small but energetic township about 100 miles away to the north-east from Crescent City. Aptly named, it's a magic-centric hotspot which features more or less an entirely magical population. From witches and summoners, djinn and imps, the place is filled to the brim with wand-waving potion-imbibing mages. It is completely obscured off most maps, though in more recent times (particularly due to Carramba's magic studies classes being held in a co-hosted construct) they have been relaxing the extremely restrictive entry policies to the place. In fact the 2014 Carramba Rally passed through it, effectively making it the first west-coast magical town to be widely known. It has its own television and radio stations - both conventional and magical versions - and in most respects is a quaint mountain retreat. It is one of the last towns before the desert terrain begins to the east, and has been known to house lost folks in times of bad weather, subsequently removing their memories of the place. Dragons are very welcome here, as they can be comfortably housed in large magical constructs as well as natural caverns and valleys. Notably both this township and House Domina originate from the Potterverse, though they are being distanced.

House Domina is a Nexus-overlap dragonry as well as a school for wizards, many of the instructors at the location also serve in Carramba's Magic Studies department. The structure itself had been situated in England, however with the way things have gone in that dimension proper, it has slowly but surely relocated to 'somewhere in the United States', attracting students by virtue of, well, you know, being magical. Any location that has a chance of large stone structures such as castles, forts, or the like might be exactly where you'd find its entrance. Within the House's magical field, quite a lot of things go on and are as expected of a magical school, including dragon riding. Outside, its field of requirements for entry are much more rigorous than Wonder's. Zora Domina is one of the dragon rider leaders who 'interviewed' Keenan on his entry to the Protectorate.




Black Mesa Dragon Rookery is (c) Lethe Gray / Droppin the Fork and is not to be reproduced anywhere. Do not take images from the site unless that page grants specific permission. Always link back appropriately. Rookery layout and Maps are based on visuals from the Half Life game and the Black Mesa Source mod. Maps made using Terragen.