Lane Mansion, Vance Bayou House, Hoyle Enclave, Carver Snow House, The Vent Nightclub Though not necessarily permanent residences or locations of much strategic importance until late in the Combine occupation of either the Rookery or Repurposed Earth, a number of these places have become known as 'safe houses', backup plans, and spots of interest to refugees and surviors. Of note, several of the locations belonging to or being created by Lane have also been recreated on Xen - not just because it's easier for him to manipulate the matter there, but because he wants 'backup' copies. Each of these spots - including those not originally belonging to him - have been tucked away on individual islands of Xen, usually quite far apart so as to keep any prying eyes or incursions to a minimum. The islands have been fully cleared of any other wildlife, and occasionally are stocked with Earthly animals instead, though not all of them thrive in the weird atmosphere and gravity. When possible, Lane also moves the power supplies and water lines, sewer connections and other sundry 'on the grid' elements, which are then connected in whatever ways likely or available, to local sources. Sometimes those local sources are just... a relay point to Xen, where a central hub of such things is found. Water purifiers, power supply converters, sewage lines, and air filtration machinery are all located within one of the larger chunks of Xen, and virtually no one but Keenan has ever actually been there. Since it all runs off of the locally found energy and water, or his own Vortessence, nothing is going to break or need repairs: he is the repair system. Hoyle's Enclave is not currently accessable by the Rookery, though as time goes on (in about 6 or 7 years since the Rookery's founding) it will be Vortally inserted into the landscape. In the case of Wilson Carver's locations, they are currently either only accessable when he wants them to be (his home is private and small, after all) or via dimension hopping into Paragon City or Twoarth.
Black Mesa Dragon Rookery is (c) Lethe Gray / Droppin the Fork and is not to be reproduced anywhere. Do not take images from the site unless that page grants specific permission. Always link back appropriately. Rookery layout and Maps are based on visuals from the Half Life game and the Black Mesa Source mod. Maps made using Terragen. |