Name: Dr Walter Bennet (Biological Sciences PhD)

Gender: Male, Straight

Age/DOB: ~45@events / 1959

Origin: Repurposed Earth, Iowa

Family: None known

Other: Reliable as a scientist, and enjoys instructing younger newcomers and children, so he's well liked by most.

Height: 5'8

Weight: 145, slender build and a bit on the weak side, but considered spry and can handle a crowbar as well as power tools

Hair: Greying light brown, balding, usually has a fringe of hair as shown, perpetually surprised looking eyebrows

Eyes: grey blue, does require corrective lenses for distance vision

Appearance: as shown, pale skin with premature grey and pattern balding, but he doesn't really seem to notice or care. He prefers casual button up shirts and slacks, and with the Events, keeps a supply of running shoes on hand for, well, running away from dangerous things. Unlike some of his colleagues he almost refuses to wear a tie any longer...

Image Credits: Valve/CombineOverWiki / tektek

Genetic Abilities: Unknown, though seems to have a flair for biological creatures, and may be somewhat empathic with them similar to Jaime's ability.
Icarus Processing: None, though possibly would be able to exert some empathic power over wildlife if it was done.
Skills or Profession: Walter is among the few Biological Sciences experts left at Black Mesa, having been working closely with the military contractors to weaponize certain alien life forms found on Xen. He's an adept tinkerer, with knowledge of both vehicles and hardware, but his expertise is mostly in the field of experimentation and research on biology. Though technically not a Xenobiologist, he is probably the most well versed in alien life aside from the Vortigaunts these days. He has always liked observing animals, and some of his research has involved using naturally occurring substances from said animals, to weaponize or use as practical items. He's responsible for researching the Barnicle as a grappling gun, and some of his work with the light-bearing flora (? is it really? a plant?) has allowed any version of Black Mesa to reduce its reliance on electric or battery lights. He is also adept at the use of the HEV exploration suit, not the fully armored version. Though he's not technically part of the Lambda team, he is quick enough to learn how to fix or piece together hardware and computer systems, and allow for its use once again during the Resonance Cascade. He has since become a source for teaching about many of these same subjects.
Personality: Reliable and intelligent, Walter is adaptable and works well with others, able to form plans and cooperate quite well. He doesn't hold back any astonishment or suggestions, occasionally blurting things out, but often enough his observations are correct and appropriate. He's not 'jovial', but he is a good addition to any small group or gathering, and his wit is well known.
Events or History: *from Combineoverwiki, events are altered slightly in Repurposed as Mars, Maleev, Magnusson, Ashep and Renee, among others, are added to this mix.
After being at ground zero during the accident, Walter managed to survive long enough to arm himself. When the soldiers came, Walter became a valuable fighter for the Black Mesa team. it is learned that when the Resonance Cascade occurred, Rosenberg and a colleague named Harold formulated a plan of escape: They would make their way to the disused Prototype Labs and use its old teleporter equipment to transport themselves to safety outside of the facility. Along with Simmons and Walter, they set out to accomplish this goal, but the arrival of the HECU cut their plan short. Harold was killed and Rosenberg was captured, but Walter and Simmons managed to reach the Prototype Labs and piece together the larger equipment in preparation for the teleportation sequence. When Rosenberg is able to return with help of a security guard named Barney Calhoun, Walter is extremely relieved and briefs him on the situation. After the teleport is powered up, Walter is the first to enter, arriving outside the Black Mesa South Access Tunnel. Simmons soon goes through as well and obtains a Black Mesa SUV ready for their escape, while Walter attempts to forcefully open the exit gate with a crowbar. Rosenberg and Calhoun shortly follow, and they all depart in the SUV.


Name: Dorsalis
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-Large (bulky) 13'5" shoulder / 50' l / 75' ws
Colors: Buff and creamy tan body with caramel and tan snake-like markings and tan fades to ends of limbs, pink-cream face, wingsails red brown mottled with black-brown, strip of bright blue scales along side of body and tail, back ridge scales royal blue; horns and claws creamy tan, eyes grey
Features: Mudwing, four large widely planted legs with 5 and 4 sharply curved claws including a heel-claw on hind; heavily armored scaley skin with large even plates along entire body and belly; large leathery four-fingered wings with short elbow strut and prominent wrist thumb, all with heavy curved claws; broad blunt face with short backswept horns, external ears, nubby jaw-plate horns; back ridge consists of short plated scales, tightly packed on neck and back, individually emerging on tail.
Powers: Winged Flight, though quite strong on land, Dorsalis is not a good flier purely because he's just heavy. While he can fly, it's with difficulty and you just do not want to be under him when he's up in the air... just in case. He can leap strongly, however, and uses his massive wings for protection or intimidation while in mid-air. They certainly aren't going to be lifting him off the ground, he requires both a running start and a very high wind in order to maintain any kind of distance.
Verbal Speech, able to speak English and Draconic, Dorsalis is adept at reading and wishes he could write more easily. He has studied with his little human friend, and enjoys learning about the local flora and fauna - and the not-so-local Xenian biology. He has quite the vocabulary, and speaks with a rumbling, pleasantly deep sound. He rarely raises his voice, but if he does, it's enough to boom across canyons or even cause small rockslides.
Fire Breath, as with almost all of his world's dragons Dorsalis can produce a steady, hot flame from his mouth. While he can certainly breathe fire in a gout up to 30 meters long, hot enough to burn through thin wood and catch any flammable items on fire, what he excells at is keeping the surrounding area near him quite warm. Some Sandwings have compared him to their kind, in that regard. Since he lives among the Black Mesa scrub, while he does miss most 'mud' to submerge in, the warmth is in his opinion quite enough to get by. It is unknown whether he's suffering any ill effects from this lack of actual mud, but he certainly thinks that the loose dirt and occasional dunes are good enough. He has been known to head over to the Pecos river and wallow a while, but as nothing else is really going on there he returns to the Mesa soon enough.
Submerging, Breath Holding, because of his Mud type, he is able to submerge in liquid or muck, and remain with just his nostrils above the surface, and be remarkably hard to see. He can also hold his breath for an hour or more, though he claims that some of the actual muck at the Mesa is still riddled with sharp things and smells a bit weird. Given that it's all converted from highly toxic or radioactive waste, often enough runoff from the manufacturing as well as the inexplicable meat packing area... it makes sense that he'd want to avoid romping through that nonsense.
Healing, perhaps because of his breed, but also likely due to the movement between dimensions, Dorsalis has the ability to physically heal injuries, either on himself, or other dragons. He cannot heal non-Pyrrhan/Pantalan dragons, only their specific types, and cannot heal any other creature such as humans or hound-eyes. But his ability can be accented by a quick wallow, embuing himself with power to do this over in the river bed, and then tending to the wounded coming back from battles with the Combine. He can heal all but the worst of injuries with ease, mostly focusing on wing-sail rips and burns from their laser weaponry. He leaves the internal injuries to others - and he cannot fix parasites or illnesses, just injuries.
Parentage: Unknown, no known clutch-siblings, so he's adopted many of the local dragons as 'his' family.
Origin: Adopted from Moonshimmer981 at Deviantart, Wings of Fire by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: He has as big a heart as he does a stride, according to many who get to know this dragon. He is incredibly good with humans and particularly with children, for whatever reason - even though his breed the males often don't do any kind of child-rearing, he seems very adept with it. He loves sitting in on Bennet's classes, keeping an eye out for any dangers while they are on field trips into the scrubland.