Name: Corporal James Fox

Gender: Male, Straight

Age/DOB: ~40/unknown

Origin: Repurposed Earth

Family: Wife and unnamed daughter, both residing in Black Mesa Refugee City

Other: among the eldest of the PHEAR team, protective of his charges

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 200, muscular and with good torso strength, he can casually strut around wearing full gear

Hair: red, including beard, usually kept as shown very short or shaved, slight pattern baldness, heavy body hair, thick eyebrows

Eyes: Hazel green, a bit tired, but does not need glasses

Appearance: Fair to burn and peel, with a broad often-broken nose, thick neck, and strong demeanor; oddly he has a decent and soft singing voice, which only very few people have heard

Genetic Abilities: Highly empathic, among those chosen for the PHEAR team for that reason. However this also made him a target for Alma. His Vortal energy is not active, but slightly better than merely latent. He is keenly aware that he is a 'walking Psychic target'.

Icarus Processing: none, but if he had it done when younger it would have quite strongly affected his overall power level.

Image Credits: Monolith / Garry's Mod

Skills or Profession: Extremely adept with military style commands, armor and weaponry, physical infiltration, some amount of computer use, and vehicles. He's among the few around who can still pilot both a helicopter and a tank with equal ease, not that either of those things exist any more in quantity. He's more or less a by-the-books type, he likes to make sure everyone's on the same page before getting down to business. He can use virtually any gun including anti-tank or -aircraft emplacements, mortars, grenades and explosives, and mobile weaponry. With that in mind, he's also very good with directing his dragon's fire.
Personality: Kindly, much more than one might expect from a guy that was military and Armacham. His strong empathy has always affected his mood, so if something's going wrong, he knows it because he feels it too. Well respected, genial, and honest to a fault, James seems like a bit of a bleeding heart at times. But he will still use his knowledge and combat ability to protect, rather than assault when needed.
Events or History: *since he's unwritten yet, ... He is among the PHEAR crew that was sent in to the Enrichment Center and never left. When the shit was hitting the fan, after Paxton brought his errant mother Alma back, he was one of the targets that she concentrated her empathic controls on until others intervened. This did leave him a bit shaken, but overall none the worse for wear. He was quite active in protecting the EC and later the Refugee City from incursions, but honestly he'd rather be teaching or instructing kids on their own defense. His family, now mainly grown, is entrusted to others' care now, as he has duties in the Rookery to handle. Having a ranking dragon like Vedoth come to him was a source of immense pride, and his daughter was super proud of her daddy. She knows he'll come back to them.
Because Vedoth is an experienced dragon, of equitable age to Fox himself actually, they know a lot more tricks and methods than some give them credit for. They remain at the Rookery, which means he also has easy access to the Portals between dimensions, to visit his family.


Name: Vedoth
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Large (small Pernese Bronze) 13'6" s / 40' l / 84' ws
Colors: Pale bronze, highly metallic in sunlight, faintly mottled along all of body with slightly lighter foreparts than tail; backs of wingsails a more dusty darker with bright light marks, undersides extremely pale washed out pinkish bronze, neck ridge similar to backs; eyes change often blue, claws ivory
Features: Pernese, gender-based colors, four legs with sharp claws (not visible in image) with thumbs on forepaws; two large 4 fingered leathery wings with wrist claw/thumbs, no further visible claws; long neck and tail, evenly built; skin is hide which must be maintained and sheds regularly; head is pointed nose with prominent eye ridges, head knobs, and low neck ridge/fin; tail has fleshy spade; naming convention with similar origin mate will have -TH ending only, generally will produce standard 6 color Pernese offspring but tend toward more liberal bonding or impression
Powers: Winged Flight, obviously with wings like these, Vedoth is a good sound flier, and enjoys soaring over the desert or nearby mountain range for hours on end. As a Bronze he would be relied upon for the entire fight against Thread, and thus his build and endurance reflects this fact. He's never fought thread in his life, but has encountered things that he is able to outfly and even pounce upon from above. His eyes have gotten a bit too used to the interior of the Healing Den, however, and he prefers flying at dusk or evening rather than in broad daylight.
Teleportation, all Pernese dragons have the innate ability to go between, but his extended stay (and birth) at the Healing Den has aided this so he can effectively teleport without mucking about in the chill of the void. He is normally not all that fast to do this, however, and wants to know the exact location of his landing point. He has experimented with just letting himself 'go wherever' and that almost killed him, so he likes to actually be running or on the ground, rather than in flight, when he teleports. He can take a literal caravan worth of people, goods, other animals, and vehicles with him on this ground-based trip though.
Mental Speech, though many in the Den learned how to speak verbally, Vedoth maintains a draconic trumpet and a mental voice with his chosen friends only. When he needs to, he can certainly broadcast to a wide range of dragons, who will relay his thoughts to their riders and partners. His range for this power is at least ten miles.
Firebreath, while on the Old World he and his breed required firestone or coal to chew in order to produce flames, it turns out Vedoth can just do it spontaneously. He's very, very good with it, though can't maintain a long gout of fire without resting up a little before the next. He is accurate with this flame blast for over 300 meters, and can also produce smaller puff-bursts of equal heat that can easily engulf whole Combine vehicles. He loves to see the flying ones explode, and has concentrated on learning tricks of multiple-burst blasts to 'create popcorn' while the troops inside them fall out...
Parentage: Gold Serenath (Katadon weyr) and Brown-Red bicolor Lutanth (HD)
Origin: Healing Den Cross Gender Frenzy, did not attempt to bond, and has remained at the Den since his hatching.
Other Info: From Healing Den info, Smallish for a bronze, around 40 feet long (and all tail!) this dragon will be one of the defenders of land, hunters and bolder types at the Den. He will want to fly in mating frenzies if given the chance.