
Name: Tunnelskip
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: big for a shrimp, around 5' long not including antennae
Colors: Pearlescent white, shiny orange, with some spotting and yes he's see-through
Features: Shrimp! Dragon! Detritivore, large spawn reproduction, bond welcomed but not required, underwater with brief air but definitely not suited to it
Powers: Swift Swimmer, the ability to swim very quickly, almost too fast to see, but only for limited distances. He can skirt around the entire Mesa in a couple hours using the existing water paths, and does so regularly on his patrols
Water and liquid survival, requires water though obviously it doesn't need to be fresh
Telepathy, his mind is ... unusual, feels like it's skittering around just like those leggies
Complete Vision, the ability to see in 360 degrees all around them and with highly advanced Color Perception, sees an expanded color range, including ultraviolet. Does not grant the ability to describe these colors to others so if you're not able to also process them you're out of luck
Unerring Navigation, the ability to find their way to wherever they need to be, which is a good thing here in Black Mesa because who even knows where this water has been or where it's going...
Sound Burst, produces loud clicking sounds that can stun enemies, and there are a decent (surprising) number of those still residing in places deeper than the humans and vorts go here. While he can easily stun a group of leeches (the electrically charged, highly dangerous foot-long ones from 'wherever') and gobble them up just like any other garbage, he has to concentrate fire on the larger creatures which may have arrived or escaped the biological research facility, and just escape through small areas in the system, he can't possibly eat one of the big guys
Parentage: unknown from the Specral Wilds
Origin: Spectral Wilds, Mermay 2023, by Ktrenal
Skills or Profession: Residue cleanup at your service. Or at his service, who even knows...
Current Location: Black Mesa Residue Processing, Sector E1-E2

"And you're sure it'll be ... safe? In there?" Barney asked, a little on the doubtful side but then he always sounded a little doubtful.

"Of course he will," Jamie chuckled, watching as the dragon emerged from his transport case and was obviously appraising the setting he'd been brought to. "Look he's already found something to do."

It was true, and very shortly he earned a name in the form of Tunnelskip - Jamie was the only one of the Pantheon who truly understood when the shrimp dragon broadcast his thoughts, tunnel collected stuff, move the stuff, no worries. To any other local telepaths they got a brain full of images, but they were all just 'dark' to nine out of ten of them. Probably Paxton would be able to interpret it, as reliant as he was on multiple sets of eyes, and a few more finely tuned folk with vision into ranges humans didn't normally use. They'd see a pack of weird shit down there, so Tunnelskip tended to think only to Jamie for a while.

They tracked Tunnelskip around the facility with a little microchip that could catch its ping in a small radius, nothing would stop this little guy! He reached the parts of the facility that had been breeched by large creatures, and left those alone except during what was clearly the Ichthy's 'sleep' time. So many bodies, still down there decaying, and folks sometimes wondered... Were they all after the Resonance Cascade? Because that was a rowboat that he'd discovered while scooting through Residue Processing. Why was there a row boat? Who had been in it? Was that when the water wasn't completely horrible and radioactive?

No one knew, and no one was willing to go down there and find out.


Background by WeakComposer121 on Reddit from a Black Mesa screenshot