Name: 1st Lt. Keira Stokes

Gender: Female, Straight

Age/DOB: ~21 at Synchronicity, currently ~30

Origin: Repurposed Earth, PHEAR team member

Family: Unknown, likely all deceased during the Synchronicity or later during Portal Storms

Other: Though quite young she and several others had just been acquired by Armacham's research branch, and thus she was assigned with several others to search for psychic individuals across the country. She was not placed at the Enrichment Center until the final pull-out, at which point she remained on.

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 140, quite muscular with good overall tone and strength

Hair: Dirty blond, straight, usually kept in a tail or braid, and rarely longer than shoulder length

Eyes: medium blue, a bit tired looking, eyebrows are naturally fashionable

Appearance: fair skinned with prominent moles and beauty marks, full lips, and even features; sounds a bit snarky; typically wears Delta Force or Harbinger gear, and has rooted around to locate more military gear near both Black Mesa facilities

Genetic Abilities: None known, however while she's ostensibly considered a 'normie' by most Vortally active people, she's incredibly resistant to Vortal power and particularly to Alma's powers. She can certainly be affected by the physical effects of those powers, but Alma can neither enter her mind, nor affect her aura or psyche. Melissa claims that this makes her a very good candidate for splicing, particularly with Geoff.

Icarus Processing: None, she isn't a candidate but would refuse anyway.

Image Credits: Monolith/JohnTurner3D / tektek

Skills or Profession: Well versed in both military tactics and Armacham's procedures, Stokes is ideal for scouting and sniping, as well as organizing and leading small strike teams. Though she is unable to take direct instruction from Paxton or other Vortal members of any given team, she doesn't really need them: she's exceptional with assessing a location or enemy camp, and presenting a plan to deal with it. While she prefers automatic rifles and sniper rifles, she is comfortable with handguns, shotguns, and even siege weaponry and mech units. She is one of the few in the Rookery able to pilot the mecha brought from their dimension, and loves sparring with Manny in one of his tanks, when they have time and extra equipment to blow up. She's a good speaker and can both take and give orders with confidence.
Personality: Being a woman in the military is one thing but being one when the entire shit hits the whole fan is another. Though she has her moments of panic and anger, Keira is very quick to recover her wits and rarely allows others to lose time to such things. If she sees something she wants, or needs to correct, she will go right ahead and do so, even if it means butting heads with people who believe she's nothing more than another grunt - or worse, 'just a woman with a gun'. She is anything but that.
Events or History: ** haven't yet really fleshed her out in Repurposed. Had been in military for 2 year stint then picked up by Armacham, maybe there's a reason they wanted her, to be able to resist psychic issues? Maybe need to show her going into a shitstorm of psychic energy and not being harmed?


Name: Prrljati
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Small, 6'4" s / 27' l / 50' ws
Colors: body and limbs are faded blue, with very dark blue spots along muzzle, lower limbs, and tail (not on paws or upper limbs, nor on wing fingers); wingsails are 'water' blue with ripple markings on backs, and very dark blue underneath; tail spade and neck fins bright medium blue, horns and wing claws golden, all other claws white; eyes shift with mood and are usually green
Features: Sport dragon sized, four catlike limbs with longer hind, 3 digits each, and a dewclaw on forepaws, short curved claws; two 3-fingered leathery wings with sharp, long claws and distinctive White River style wrist claw/horn; body is compact, hide requires maintenance but not that much because of magic? Head is pointed and somewhat plain, with long mouth, flat top, and two outward and back pointing horns, neck has triangular short ridge, tail has long leaf shaped spade end.
Powers: Winged Flight, Running, Swimming, Prrljati is not a remarkably strong flier, but he can move quickly when needed, and carry a surprising amount of weight while doing. Though he usually races along the ground, he can at times pick up wind currents and glide as though they're much stronger - perhaps a remnant of his parentage's elemental magic. He is comfortable running, or even swimming, and can basically trot, fly, or swim at the same pace regardless. His strong wings are actually quite well suited to underwater propulsion, and he can hold his breath for 10 to 15 minutes - another magical or genetic quirk.
Nexus Teleportation / Genrehopping, On the other hand, Prrljati learned from his sire the ins and outs of Nexus travel, teleportation, dimension hopping, and moving between times from Minath before he was even hatched. As Minath is a resident of the Outside, a transdimensional timeless space very similar to the Healing Den itself, this would certainly follow... It doesn't hurt that his friend is a time lord. Prrljati can, with some preparation time and concentration, teleport a group of around 12 humans or humanoids, or gear, or whatever else in combination, with him when needed, up to 10 miles away if on the same planet, and can also just hop back and forth between the Healing Den and other places much more quickly. He is intrigued by the fact that the Rookery was original experimenting with scientific versions of that very kind of teleportation, and he's more than a little impressed that the person responsible for it even in human guise, can do all of it too.
Verbal Speech (learned), Telepathic Communication, as most Healing Den dragon residents, he learned how to speak English over the many years he lived there, but usually relies on telepathy and empathic communication with his bond, friends, dragons or whoever else can hear him. He has a bubbly, almost effervescent mental voice. While he can claim to understand a few words here and there with Vortigese, he prefers listening in to Vorts Flux Shifting in order to really get what they're saying.
Breath Weapon, though his heritage is clearly fire-breathing dragons, Prrljati is able to manipulate air to a minor extent, focusing his voice into a sonic attack. It can deafen those within its cone, and even knock over things standing within 10 meters or so. Outside the cone of effect, or beyond around 30 meters, the effect is merely a very loud hissing screech, however that can 'stun' Combine scanners and seems to interfere with their transmission abilities just long enough to take them down. Timed right, they won't ever even know he and Stokes were there.
Parentage: dam Air/Water Tobuth (Buszketh/Bazuk HD Halloween)/sire Black Minath (White River)
Origin: Healing Den Cross-Gen Frenzy, remained in Healing Den since hatching as Search and Aid dragon
Other Info: Prrljati was never restless, but that's only because he would be among the dragons chosen to scout an area where the Den might land for flights or hatchings. Over time, as those both became more rare or even stopped entirely, he did grow bored, though would then move to, say, Planet Twenty or even Carramba High on Twoarth to entertain himself. Now that he has a friend - is Keira an actual bond? He doesn't really say, perhaps he doesn't even really know? - and that friend is involved in the protection of her world and others, he knows his entire bloodline will appreciate the efforts he contributes to. And perhaps some day, he'll bring his own young back to the Den and show them off.