Name: Amelia

Gender: Female, aro/straight

Age/DOB: 26 / 2254

Origin: Vault Earth, Commonwealth

Family: none alive, however her unit with the Gunners is 'all dead, wiped out', so her survival is something they are not aware of, and probably wouldn't be looking for her given the circumstances of that incident

Other: that incident was an attempted mutiny by her squad leader, one which was only supported by less than half of their group - she fought to preserve the order from their higher ups, not this schlub. She's remembered more as a fallen hero to the Gunners, than a failed mutineer

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 200, all muscle, and quite hip-heavy at that... She is used to heavy work, armoring and lifting metals or materials, and it shows in her build. She looks curvy when she wants to, but she can snap your neck with an ankle flex so just watch yourself...

Hair: brightly blond, shaved and styled, kept to chin length

Eyes: shining brown, very pretty, with scarring over one eyebrow, this scar does not interfere with her vision, and her eyes are quite keen

Appearance: tanned skin with numerous scars including those on her face which show that she did not escape completely unscathed from that insurrection. She has full lips and does like to pretty herself up now and again but finding lip gloss in this world is tough at best; typically wears full combat armor, prefers the 'heavy' armor shown, and even in it seems very graceful; she will wear civvies but tends toward fatigues and leather gear rather than trying to put on those fancy-dancy skirts and fluffy shirts that some of the girls like; has a scratchy voice, more than likely from a combination of yelling orders over loud combat, and the smoke and fumes from her armory

Genetic Abilities: no active powers, however she displays a remarkable resistance to energy and plasma weapons, which certainly saved her life during the mutiny. She heals very quickly in addition to simply not taking much damage from those types (including fire, heat, plasma, and even electrical energies), so the scarring on her face, while still clear, is actually much more recent than it looks to be, and may even completely heal over the next few years. Melissa is very likely to want to take samples of her cells and get permission (... yeah okay right) to use them with splices, should the need arise.

Icarus Processing: none, but Melissa asserts that she might have a much more potent resistance to those damage types, and perhaps even more, should she take it. Amelia is not in the slightest interested in this, because as she claims, those days are over and she doesn't relish walking into fires thank you very much

Image Credits: Bethesda

Skills or Profession: Amelia doesn't hide the fact that she is a former Gunner. She was responsible for armoring and maintaining her squad's protective gear, and has done so since she was around 13. She had a very traditional 'apprenticeship' with the prior armorer, and though he was not her father he did treat her as such. She has a lot of strength from her fingers to her heels, and utilizes this regularly. Her entire skill set revolves around the creation and application of armor, including finding components, milling, forming, and fitting pieces for the combat armor, as well as working with power armor. She prefers static armor production but has proven to be the best option for repairing those power armor units. She prefers to use her own strength rather than relying on an externally powered - and dangerous - suit. That power unit however has a much stronger chance of harming anyone else than her. She does also know some amount of first aid, though hardly her specialty.
Personality: intense but not insecure, Amelia will never hesitate to help a person in need, though... usually that had been only "her people", the Gunners. These days, she has people who rely on her, and she places tremendous importance on their safety. Even though she is uninterested romantically in anyone, she definitely enjoys letting off stress with whatever man can keep up with her. She maintains a bit of reservation when it comes to discussing her past, though she's never going to deny her involvement with the Gunners (like... some people...). It's more because they left her for dead, than any other resentment factors, mostly. ...Mostly.

Events or History:

"So they just... left?" Trinity asked, somewhat baffled.

"Well I mean, it was burning, the building was collapsed, so yeah. I mean I would have left me." The blonde shrugged and the big metal shoulders she wore exaggerated it. "At least I wasn't the one throwing molotovs into the place." She narrowed her eyes a bit, and snarled just a touch. "That asshole would snipe with a flamethrower, if I ever wished a bad death on one of my own it would have been Mag, but... whatever. He blew his own ass up so I didn't get the chance."

"You escaped with such minor injuries," Trinity commented, "it--"

"Oh, no, no, I was burned. Real bad." Amelia shook her head, and absently touched her cheek with a gloved hand. "What's left of that is just this," she indicated that scar. "I was under the rubble for days. The fire burned for at least the first two." She sighed and looked away, as Trinity's expression betrayed her shock. "But I had supplies," she patted her hip which still had a leather pouch strapped to it. "I wasn't going to starve or dehydrate, but... I wasn't happy being there. I dug myself out, once the place was emptied of enemies."

"You really are a lot stronger than most," Trinity finally found her voice. "Where exactly was this happening?"

"Down near the Glowing Sea, actually, so it wasn't going to be a good spot to secure. Too many raiders, too many weird animals to deal with. The ferals were awful too." Amelia glanced around, "doesn't seem like this area has any of that."

"Well, not in that way, no," Trinity brought up the area on her Pip-boy, and tuned it to radioactivity, "yeah, there's hardly any big rad blips, aside from that one where the plane went down," she tossed her head toward the southwest. "Though if there's any need for metal supplies, that is a pretty decent source. Once it gets less... hot."

Amelia gave a quick little grin, "yeah, but that's never really bothered me, either. If you've got a way to remove the rads, I'd be absolutely all over a whole-ass plane."

Trinity's own smile broadened, "well then that's going on the checklist," she typed into the Pip-boy. She grew more serious once more, though. "So you made your way north?"

"Yeah, no one messed with me, I looked like a Ghoul for ... I dunno, months. It's weird, it didn't really hurt so much, but man I was ugly. I went through a bunch of settlements, but... I didn't think any of them were a good fit for me."

Trinity didn't mention that those were established by Levi. Aretha, Deja, and herself had nothing to do with their creation, but were ostensibly in charge when Levi took off for places much weirder than the Vaults. "I'm glad you chose to come here, then," she said. "We absolutely need your expertise. So if you keep track of what you need or want us to pick up while we're wandering," she handed the armorer a clipboard, "I will bring it the moment it's found."

For the moment, however, Amelia made her way into the main section of the Vault and began setting up her shop. She laid out her space with care, she'd been taught well.



Name: Ashheb-Duwagee, "Dugee"
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: small, 4'3" s / 17' l / 20' ws
Colors: body boulder-opal brown with a slight rainbow opalescent sheen; armor, horns, claws bright orange-copper; eyes yellow, gem boulder opal
Features: gem dragon of different sorts, four legs with clawed paws, two leather wings with wrist claw and visible fingers; armored limb fronts, standing ridge entire spine to tail, large heavy armor tail spade; two long upswept back pointing horns, double jaw fins, inset gem on head; floating gem
Powers: Winged Flight, small as he is, he's quite quick in the air, and enjoys being able to actively fly indoors in some of the larger Vault areas as well as off in the dragon sections in the big Xenian island
Plane Shifting, if he gets lost on Xen he's easily able to move back to the Vault, and can take things with him if he can hold or carry them in baskets
Fire Breath Weapon hot enough for forge work so he can work while Amelia is resting, or just make sure that their projects don't go cold
Light Manipulation to keep the place well lit, he can maintain a soft, steady light, or focus it into a spotlight for those pesky under-the-hood type jobs
Lantessaman Opal Magic, able to condense ore and filter impurities out of it
Parentage: Ashheb-Nakasha and Mioski
Origin: Rainbow Glitz Gather, Nomi's Gem/Gem clutch
Other Info: Enjoys the company of other gem types, of which there are several at Wakefield!