Name: Avery Clock

Gender: Female, straight

Age/DOB: 19 / 2258

Origin: Vault Earth, Commonwealth, southern Boston

Family: deceased farmers

Other: Seems pretty sure that she has relatives in the Commonwealth, but she has traveled north quite a ways from her childhood home, so she'd have to head back to find out

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 130, pleasantly curvy, though is rather strong for her size

Hair: very dark brown-black, thin and wispy, kept very short

Eyes: medium brown, close set, under worried brows

Appearance: tanned skin with small scars including a burn that goes from her heel to hip on her left leg; she has taken to using natural dyes for her clothing and tends to like neutral earthy colors; she does look a little older than she is, thanks to a hard life; speaks rarely, but in a high and slightly hoarse voice

Genetic Abilities: none known, but she does show a decent affinity for gardening and crops

Icarus Processing: none, it's unclear whether she would benefit but shows no negative markers

Image Credits: Bethesda

Skills or Profession: has known farming all her life, and spends a lot more time in the field than in the vault buildings. She enjoys sorting seedlings, and even experiments with splicing new plants together, to some success. After noticing how some beans and stalks turned her shabby rags different colors, she also asks to keep some of the leavings and is hoping to work with the tailor to color their goods. Though she has quite a bit of skill with her tools, including spades and shovels, hoes, even some amount of construction equipment, she lacks either the desire or the stomach to use weapons. She will defend herself with whatever is on hand, but won't go out of her way to harm others with guns or melee weapons.
Personality: sweet and quiet, though a little sullen to be honest, because she has lost most everyone and everything she knew down south. She is reserving any display of excitement for real occasions... and has yet to see any.

Events or History:

"Almost didn't find you in the razorgrass," Trinity smiled gently.

"Grain," Avery said, almost too quietly to be heard. Trinity tilted her head. To explain, the young woman added, "it's razor grain, not grass."

Raising her eyebrows, Trinity assessed her in a more serious way. "I've heard that you know your crops, are you okay with working on a team?"

"I've met Rose, I like her. She has more experience, I think. I'll be fine with her in charge of crops."

Trinity wondered whether her own instincts about farmers and their behaviors were completely off - because Rose was absolutely not an experienced farmer. Still, if she was seen as the farmer's coordinator that would work fine. "So...I've heard," Trinity almost said it as a question, but still Avery was sure of herself on their team. "We'll be doing some... interesting things later on here," Trinity assured her, "and I'm pretty certain you'll be able to roll with it."

If there was anything sure about her, Avery did seem able to adapt fairly well. Her home to the south, Trinity knew, was in ruins - more than it had been when her family was alive, anyway. The fields there were burned, brahmin corpses littered the farm as they left in haste. Trinity was going to head back there with her eye on removing that raider gang, but Avery was absolutely not going to be joining them. For whatever reason, Avery seemed to bring out the nurturing instinct in the cloned woman, and she'd be damned if the farmer was ever going to have to deal with another raider gang again.

"I'm pretty sure we can get a good crop of razorgrain going here, the soil is really nice." Avery finally said, glancing over her shoulder at the sun-streaked hill. "Once the other plants are cleared, it'll be perfect right there on the east side."

"I'm glad you have a plan," Trinity said. "So let's get you on that!"


Everyone was actually ready to gather around the three dragons that arrived from Rialoth's shiny clutch, and while Avery was a little less thrilled, the dragons seemed very happy with this attention. Actually she noticed that their former-courser X3-80 was similarly uncomfortable with a group like this. But the young dragonets would have their place, and their riders as well!


Name: Orath
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: sport 4'9" s / 24' l / 55' ws
Colors: Green Pearl, stunningly shiny olive-green body and wings, quite shiny where light hits with strong dark contrasts in shadows
Features: Standard Pernese, split tail end, large headknobs, 4 fingered wings with large extended thumb with web
Powers: Winged Flight, good with close quarters flight, and zippy in open skies, Orath can carry bundles and kegs around even inside the Vault's cavern space. She rarely is ridden, but that's more due to Avery wanting to keep her feet on the ground, than being too small to lift. She only 'looks' too shiny to ride and not slip off, promise!
Teleportation, able to clearly envision a location or two, Orath monitors spots outside and pops back and forth between them, mainly when harvests are being done, and requires little to no space to move around when she's doing this. She doesn't need to be off the ground but people do notice traces of outside dirt coming in with her feet
Telepathy, Orath is a good listener, and comments only where appropriate if she has an opinion. She will help out wherever possible so she likes to be ready to go if she detects needs. Her mind is smooth and pleasant to hear, though oddly does have a lingering scent of olive?
Telekinesis, quite strong with this power, Orath's ability to lift and maintain a hold on ungainly or heavy packages is impressive. She won't leave a store room unless she knows those stacks and barrels are not going to tip over
Assisted Firebreath, she doesn't use this ability, knowing that fire and crops don't always mix...
Parentage: Akiriath and Rialoth - note that she is from a twin egg, with Loriath
Origin: Nidus Descendi (Giveaway bonus round) Rainbow Glitz Art by Dray
Other Info: Orath was not a bumbling baby, she seemed to know just where she was going when she bumped up against Avery's leg. They came back to the Vault along with two others, when they were old enough to travel and be a bit more self-sufficient. Avery was aware of the oddity when they came back, they'd been gone for almost half a year, and she'd fretted about losing time on the harvest... only they came back just a few days after they'd gone. But both dragon and bond took this in stride. Avery introduced her to everyone that would be working on the farm above, and equally the folks below where all the housing and amenities were found. While Avery was busy digging in the dirt and making sure that no stray weeds were strangling their vital food, Orath moved around the place with purpose, memorizing hallways, sniffing the individual quarters ('they're not weyrs, they're just rooms') and learning to associate each with their residents. There were some much bigger dragons around, but Orath found herself happily trotting behind her sire Rialoth. The pearl white proudly displayed this feature or that locale, and she learned them all by heart. She once watched as one sibling flew off with his burly rider, but didn't have the bravery to follow him on that patrol. That was fine, the Vault's hillside was fine with her!