Name: 'Cappy'

Gender: Female, highly likely fertile

Age/DOB: young 'adult' probably around 4 years old

Origin: Vault Earth / Nuka World Safari Adventure

Family: spliced from deathclaws and captive gators, and was hatched rather than created

Other: smart enough to know collectables, and looking for an equally nerdy partner

Height: 8' at head when standing fully upright, usually around 6'8" as shown

Weight: lorg; around 10' long nose to tail

Hair: none, but do you see those brilliant Nuka Cola colored nails and horns? That's right she figured out a way to paint her nails with the local materials (the paint cans are all over the place!)

Eyes: glowing yellow

Appearance: as shown, a greenish-tan color on back and limbs, with soft parts in paler beige tan

Icarus Processing: no, but as an engineered creature her ancestors have FEV directly impacting their genetics, as well as the mutated gator and chameleon genes found in the Deathclaw family

Location: Remaining in Nuka World, resides in the Nuka Factory's lake, with some other mutated people-creatures

Image Credits: Bethesda

Genetic Abilities: Far smarter than many spawned from the facility, Cappy likely has been influenced by the endless radiation and ingestion of Nuka Cola.
Resistances and Immunity - her body is strong and has thick flexible slightly scaled skin and armor in the form of horns along her legs and arms, back, and neck. She is resiliant and resists quite a bit of physical damage from things like falling or melee weapons, and bullets often just bounce right off. She is moderately able to resist fire and electrical energy, as well as plasma and laser weapons fire, but will still take damge. She cannot be poisoned by normal means, it would require quite a bit of tainted meat or specific toxins to affect her system. She is entirely immune to the effects of radiation and weapons that use it, however she is genetically apt to absorb it, and it may affect her offspring
Swimming and Tunneling - because she's so large she can't add 'climbing trees' but she had been known to sit atop Cappy's Treehouse in the middle of the hedge maze when she was a hatchling. Her ancestry enjoys humidity and water, and there is plenty of water in the area... all of it fairly radioactive and some of it directly connected to the Nuka Cola Bottling Plant. She benefits from being at least somewhat moist but doesn't need to be immersed in water, and can swim remarkably quickly even in difficult tunnels. When she can't move through a tunnel she'll use her head or claws to remove debris, and can do this in land based dry areas as well, having a keen sense of whether there is an open area beyond where she is. She won't stupidly bury herself or break room integrity.
Communication - While she cannot speak English she does understand it, and often chirps to herself 'talking' to her Cappy toy. Her bellow can be heard across the park, and is distinct, extremely similar to the 'hello we want to communicate' sounds that Vortigaunts make, and it is easily imagined that she could learn to emulate Vortigese language verbally. She definitely can read English, and enjoys it when someone makes a slideshow or enlarged version of comic books and other things
Fertility - does not need a partner to lay viable female offspring (live born, up to 4 which only 1 or 2 might survive) or with one to lay male or female eggs based on temperature (up to 12 laid, usually around 2 to 4 surviving)
Skills or Profession: with the arrival of dragons and the changes made to the park that allow her kind to thrive (provided they are friendly to other beings) Cappy has taken it upon herself to become a 'shop keeper' of sorts. If you bring her an item, whether it's a collectors plate or something from the Commonwealth proper, she will find something you want in trade. She clearly values things that are in better condition, and has a huge pile of broken mugs or plates, ripped pieces of clothing and dolls, refrigerator magnets and small toys that her large clawed fingers can't really manipulate. But those fully functional Bottle and Cappy toys, oh and did you have a working GiddyUp Buttercup? You will be her best friend for life if you do. She does not deal in bottlecaps, only trade goods. She has a specific shed that has been refitted to suit her size, serving as a shop, in the loading dock area next to the Nuka Bottling Facility
Personality: A nerd. Seriously she is a collector, and has met Sierra Petrova up in the main park and they get along famously. She is extremely careful around precious things, and will opt to look but not touch when she's around anything that might break, like Sierra's collection of Nuka products. She doesn't think twice about using the local area's resources however, so if you have a barrel or crops that you don't want disturbed, just put up one of the 'employees only' signs and she will obey that warning. Only a tiny bit vain, she has discovered magazines and pictures of fashion models (human, obviously) that showed off hair styles, cute clothing, and - her favorite - nail polish! With the plethora of supplies found in the Nuka plant, she has painted all her claws and nails in the pretty Nuka Red shade! She doesn't mind chipping it, there's plenty more paint. She definitely is protective of a few of her found items, like the Cappy plush she carries (it has a strap and may have originally been a backpack intended for children), she will show them off but don't touch them please you will not like her if she finds something out of place in her lair!

Events or History: As a gatorclaw, Cappy is unusual in that she is from an egg rather than the cloning and engineering device found below the Safari Adventure welcome center building. She met up with Trinity when they were bringing some local humans, and one of the Nukalurks, back home to the coast. She preferred to remain at Nuka World, but that just means that once they were looking for potential dragon-partners, she was on the short list!


Name: Ardeeth
Gender: Male, chaser
Size/Shoulder/Length: sport, 6'2" s / 20' l / 40' ws
Colors: IceSea Velvet Violet; body glittery icy blue with strong peacock teal on horn buds and hind feet webbing; teal-green dorsal spines and horns; wingsails and tail spade velvet-grained deep violet
Breed Features: basically Pernese aquatic, hide skin with granularity (not scales); Four legs with sharp 3-toed paws*; Two flight-capable single-fingered wings*; Faceted Eyes; Head and Back adornment*; Tail Spade; Semi-Aquatic, but cannot breathe under water and has no requirement for it, might walk funny with big webbed feet though
Clutch Variant Type A - Head dragony, horned headknobs, knobby spikes on neck and tail only, hind paw webbing and fin only, wrist thumb on wings
Powers: Winged Flight (2)
Teleport (1), Time (2), Genrehop (5) can return home to Twoarth, head over to the Rookery, and back to Vault Earth knowing there are different versions of each of them out there too
Telepathy (3), Verbal Speech (5), Empathy (1)
Telekinetics (6) allowing him to manipulate smaller items, and he can even lift his partner carrying her up to the top of Fizztop Mountain! Wheee!
Chameleon Shifter (6) Suitable power for someone who may very well be capable of breeding with Cappy, since her genes are also chameleon based. This is a genetic-level change and while he cannot make radical changes to his physical shape (he will always basically look like a dragon) he can make adjustments to skin thickness, even remaining under water with strongly enlarged lung capacity. He will use this ability to enhance his coloration, mainly to 'Quantuum Blue' and 'Nuka Grape' shades, though he can also tone down to muted grey-blue, darker turquoise, and brown-violet
Water Breath Weapon (4), Fire Breath Weapon (2)
Parentage: Gnodensyith + Lokkith
Origin: Summer Swim 20th Anniversary by Shard
Other Info: Ardeeth is not the type to worry that his bond isn't human. In fact that's part of the charm! She can swim and he loves to pace her either under the water or over it flying very low (and admittedly, she can swim way faster than he can fly!)