Name: Hognose

Gender: Male, partially fertile (+mutant, -human/other)

Age/DOB: ~40 / 2240 - note that Supermutants are effectively immortal

Origin: Vault Earth, Commonwealth, unknown military Vault near Boston

Family: Had been human, when experimented upon they turned into Supermutants, and he has a younger sibling (female presenting supermutant), all remaining in the Vault

Other: At times he still absolutely believes that people don't see him as a Supermutant, and in fact acts like a regular Vault-dweller; that said, he also knows how to act like a typical Supermutant 'in the wild', passing as one of them even if he is much more advanced in mind and psyche

Height: 7'8"

Weight: 450+, though he's quite a bit shorter than many full-fledged Supermutants, he is at least as wide...

Hair: none, had been dark brown, straight

Eyes: beady dark violet-red, had been more brown violet, no eyebrows

Appearance: rather piggish with that name, with broad and prominent jowls and strong underbite with large upward teeth. Obviously the green skin is a giveaway that he's been tampered with genetically, but he still prefers to wear 'clothing', and assembles whatever he can out of pelts, old cloth, armor bits, and the like. He does however have his very own specially sized Pip-Boy, which he uses adeptly enough given his big hands

Genetic Abilities: SPECIAL
Strength: 14 - quite strong particularly compared to any normal human in the area
Perception: 4 - with small eyes and unusual head shape he responds slower than typical
Endurance: 12 - hardly ever needs to breath hard even after a long chase or heavy work
Charisma: 5 - with a genial outlook and very casually remaining 'vault dweller' it's hard to dislike him
Intelligence: 5 - if you expected a dim witted or barbaric mind, guess again
Agility: 8 - most of the pelts, he's caught and sewn himself! can type quickly and use small tools
Luck: 4 - pretty average for someone whose entire community was mass-changed to mutants

Icarus Processing: none, though since he's apparently marginally fertile, Mel is wondering why?

Image Credits: HeroMachine 3

Skills or Profession: though most of his kin in the wild are far more dangerous, Hognose prefers to keep himself busy by scouting, guarding, and hunting. He can reliably keep an area patrolled well enough, who's going to mess with a supermutant on guard? He does volunteer to help with heavy lifting, he really is quite incredibly strong. And, he wants to learn more about tanning and fur manipulation, though that might come from other places than the Vault.
Personality: though he's not 'happy go lucky', he's definitely not morose and absolutely not a violent type. He'd much rather have a conversation than a fight, and will sometimes just start chatting to someone nearby in the hopes that they have anything of interest to say. He's not stupid though, he does know that people sometimes talk about him behind his very broad back, and that he is kind of scary to smaller people. But he makes amends if anything happens, he would never purposefully harm his Wakefield people!

Events or History: Being part of a Vault Tec experiment in association with the military, the entire group of former Vault Dwellers were exposed to the FEV, the Forced Evolutionary Virus, which turned a huge portion of the population into a variety of stages of mutants. Not all of them became the 8 to 10 foot tall monstrosities that roam much of the ruined countryside, in fact a goodly number including his family line seemed to retain almost all of their human-like mental capacity and personality. That was at the cost of being much smaller than some, but over the decades it was also clear that these supermutants were fertile (like some others in this wasteland). It's possible that the Vault where this happened was also connected to the military department that Tartan is from, and after the war ruined communications, they fell out of contact. Hognose sought education and entertainment outside of the Vault, and found quite a bit more than he bargained for. The world was nasty - until they established some kind of trade with the locals, a lot of people assumed that his group had invaded that Vault, not come from it! Hognose grew up moving in and out of the Vault at will, sometimes bringing in food in the form of yaoguai or deer, and others laden with half-burned books and items that he then divvied up with his friends.

Eventually he decided to find out what was going on more formally in the Commonwealth. The Vault's education system was long out of date, and he'd been seeing things in the skies that weren't in the history books. Levi's takeover of the Institute and the unification of the Commonwealth would rely on his group among a few others, smart and wise supermutants that could tell a good thing when they saw it. That good thing meant he could roam reasonably safely around the old ruins, and not just be shot for being a supermutant. He learned the word after he'd exited the Vault... they didn't use it there.

On the northern edge of the Commonwealth, he came across the Galleria, and began trading meat and ammunition for cloth and armor bits. Since he has a Pip-Boy and it actually is keyed to his personal biology, no one can doubt that his stories of the Vault are true. They pointed him in the direction just north-east of there, to the weird structure on the hill. A Vault outside the ground? Well, some of it anyway!

He passed an 'interview' with one of the ladies running the Wakefield Vault, and is looking forward to continuing to prove his worth to them, keeping their northern perimeter safe, and maybe... maybe getting chosen for dragon bonding!


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