Name: Joanna Eckers

Gender: Female, bisexual

Age/DOB: 35? Unknown DOB

Origin: Though Joanna has always maintained that she is a refugee from the Capital Wasteland south of the Commonwealth, as far as Trinity or others in the know can tell, she is actually an Institute Synth. Whether she was re-born based on an existing person or has been reinvented thanks to the Railroad is unknown - and even she doesn't really 'know' any of this

Family: claims that she had a husband but has also said something about a girlfriend back in a place called Lamplight

Other: The only way to really be sure is to extract a Synth Component out of her brain, and no one is willing to dig around in there just yet... Maybe Melissa can do it, but for the time being, Joanna is content to be just exactly who she is: a wandering woman in search of a place to settle like anyone else

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 160, all muscle, or perhaps more; She carries her weight with exceptional torso strength and has the muscular legs of someone who did walk from Washington DC up to Boston...

Hair: hay-straw blond in both color and texture, to mid-neck at the longest, and usually swept over one brow

Eyes: Pale blue, not icy, rather sky-blue in shade, and often squinting, it's possible she needs corrective lenses

Appearance: light skinned but burns often under the sun, and has small scars from what looks to be rubble-climbing in their distinct road-rash style; likes the Nuka gear she was given and has had parts of it dyed her favorite color, violet; generally looks a bit bored and rarely smiles, but when she does, she lights up a room and has a boisterous laugh

Genetic Abilities: unknown, and if she is a Synth that would follow - as they're generally built to be more durable and stronger than typical humans. However, she has only demonstrated the normal amount of endurance and sleeps like anyone else does, so perhaps none

Icarus Processing: none, Mel's looking into this matter just in case

Image Credits: Bethesda

Skills or Profession: though she does have a good head for vegetables and raising small herbs and even flowers, Joanna is also apt to use masonry equipment to break up rocks or move stones around, artistically at that. When she is concentrating, even her work on vines and tato plants can be seen as quite fancy, though she doesn't even talk much about it. She's able to use blunt weapons pretty well, and has a great throwing arm, able to stun flying Bloatflies with a rock or two.
Personality: diligent and likes to be left to her work, Joanna will meditate on whatever the needs of the day are before getting to it. She's the type to have a checklist for everything, and makes sure that everything is in its place before retiring for the evening. She likes repetition and improving on her last work.

Events or History:

"I am still grateful for the boots," Joanna said, "my old ones gave me blisters. Wrong size, you know how it is."

Trinity wasn't sure that she did, because frankly she'd always managed to have the right boots for her weird outfits... Well, Aretha always had, and those were the primary memories she had to rely on. "Well I'm glad that worked out for you," she said. Joanna kept looking at the hillside, seeing the others working on their sections of the gardens. It was very clear she wanted to join them.

She leaned on the thick handle of the hoe she'd brought with her, "I was worried that bringing this damn thing along would just slow me down, but it's definitely proven its worth. Of course," she slightly grinned, "that just moved the blisters from my feet to my hands."

"It's a good problem to have," Trinity suggested, and that brought an actual smile to Joanna's normally passive face. "We'll hook you up with some better gloves, those Disciples outfits usually had them but sometimes... y'know. Can't find all the parts to scavenge."

"I passed by their territory on the way here," Joanna said, "that what-was-it, theme park?" She adopted a bit of a quirk to her mouth, a sneer a moment later, "who needs a theme for a park? Just till the soil better and you get good grass and healthy trees. Pretty it up with some pillars or a bench."

Trinity wasn't about to correct her, after all the whole theme of that park was the ubiquitous soft drink Nuka Cola, and... well she'd never cared for it herself. "Do you think you'll want to... pretty this place up a little? After we're more settled?"

And with that, Joanna lifted her head and looked around more seriously. Trinity could see how she spotted locations for those pillars or a path, and soon enough Joanna was describing the kinds of flat stones she would want to break off from the naturally occurring rock nearby, carting them up from the river bed, maybe string lights on an entry arch, but should it be facing the Galleria path or directly south?

Trinity left the woman to her plotting - the place would look better for her work, and Trinity remembered to inform Rose to allow Joanna's landscaping to dictate those paths around their crops if need be.

When they're more settled under the ground and leaving the above-ground atrium to various shop stalls and caravans, she dedicated herself to really making the residential courtyard into a park-like place, where people sit under small well-trimmed trees supplied with 'sunlight' (still not sure how that is arranged, but... Lane's magic is pretty potent), smell roses, and play hide and seek near the hot tub in the middle.


Other Info: