Name: "Q" for Quantum

Gender: Female, probably fertile

Age/DOB: unknown, barely adult

Origin: Vault Earth, Commonwealth, Nuka World Factory Facility

Family: none of her relatives are normal Lurks, but she's the only one willing to leave the Factory for now

Other: Vic and she will leave a trail of gorgeous, glowing eggs if she really wants to...

Height: 5' while on all fours, if she stands up she's around 9' to the head, but she spends most of her time in a quadrupedal crouch

Weight: likely around 250, as she's a Nukalurk/King breed she is actually lighter than you'd imagine at that size

Hair: if you count her dazzling set of fins, her 'hair' is absolutely glowing with Nuka Quantum blue, and it sparkles, in fact it looks like shining glass with glitter floating in it, those little sparkles actually move around

Eyes: also Nuka Quantum Blue, almost like she's filled with the stuff

Appearance: as a Nukalurk King or Queen as it were, she's very, very pretty; as virtually anything else, she is terrifying to behold

Icarus Processing: though it can't be said that there's Icarus anywhere in this world, her Lurk line grew for generations in the Nuka World bottling facility and specifically near the Quantum tanks, so... Yes

Image Credits: Bethesda

Genetic Abilities: as a Lurk she's semi-aquatic, though she doesn't necessarily require a wet environment she prefers it moist. Moist can come in the form of toxic puddles or pools of Nuka Cola. She has a remarkable tolerance for radioactive damage, and seems to store it in her fins, causing them to glow more brightly. She lets this energy off in the form of sonic shockwaves produced by yelling. While this yell is a feature of all her breed, hers is both laced with radiation, and visually sparkling. Some who have seen her perform this shout claim it looks almost like a Portal Storm, very small... Q keeps this radiation to herself, she's actually safer to stand next to than ... a bottle of Quantum. She can energize herself using any form of radiation, including fusion cells, gamma gun ammunition, barrels of waste, or Nuka Quantum - her favorite. In fact if she doesn't get Nuka Q about once a week, she gets cranky and her fins begin to dull down a little. They will never be completely dark or plain. As an obvious note: Q is markedly smarter than her peers, and sought out contact with Trinity and Deja when they went through Nuka World. Not for revenge (after all, they helped clear the place of 'dangers' like her family) but because she understood some of their banter and conversation.
Skills or Profession: Q can read (but not write) English and communicates in a series of what might be considered 'speak-belching', carefully applied use of her sonic abilities. Mainly she is an explorer and huntress, seeking out delicious bits of Nuka Quantum... In the Wakefield Settlement however, she has duties which include literally drinking barrels of nuclear waste. She enjoys being on the prowl, but also will report any unusual activity from animals or enemies directly to Trinity. Her patrols take her around the northern side of things, and she likes sticking to where there are streams and ponds left.
Personality: Surprisingly pleasant for a Nukalurk. She is a bit twitchy sometimes, both before and after sucking down a nice cold bottle of Quantum. She isn't a prankster, but she does enjoy startling people when she makes those burbling rumbling sounds... And then they realize she's 'singing' the Nuka World theme song.

Events or History: After overhearing about it, she would also like to visit Far Harbor, but that's a bit of a pipe dream. She figures the Fog there would be so refreshing! But she's not so hot on that whole "local flavor" drink - she only wants the best, Nuka Cola.

As an egg she was laid in sludge directly beside the Quantum vats, and like all of her siblings and several generations before this, she had a strong blue glow to go with the surroundings. But unlike the others, she seemed able to comprehend the sing-song ditties and endlessly repeating recorded loop that played through the Bottling Plant's boat ride. When she was able to reach the top of a chair, she began to explore the facility in earnest, and took the tour as though she were sitting in the boat ride. Each exhibit made her wonder more and more, and as she grew into an adolescent Nukalurk, she realized ... she wasn't human. But what was she? Shiny and glowing, and strong, that's what. And... slightly bored.

When she exited the facility for the first time, she wanted to try out some of those other strange flavors, sad that only one or two bottles of any given type remained within the factory. On her forays into the park at large, her impression of the world was... really weird. She did eventually find and befriend another 'human intelligence' level Nukalurk, who oddly enough is colored quite a bit like the Victory he likes to drink. Some of the local settlers and raiders would love to capture or kill her for her shiny fins, so she learned to shout first, scamper into the shadows, and observe before doing anything.

She and Vic moved from Nuka World into the Commonwealth proper at the suggestion of Trinity, and they (along with one or two others who helped settle in Wakefield) took the monorail into the western area of the Commonwealth, viewing the terrain from a perspective they couldn't possibly have without help. It's a perspective that she really enjoys, and wonders... What about taking over one of those vertibird things? She can blast them off their trajectory, but not quite do enough damage to one to pull it down from the sky. But.

But maybe with a dragon, she wouldn't even need a vertibird to fly.


Name: Formula
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: medium 8'9" s / 37' l / 60' ws - note that she's quite a bit larger than some Night Furies, whether this is due to the travel between dimensions or some other reason no one knows
Colors: body steely medium grey with bright blue markings on shoulders and back, from neck to tail tip and over wing edge, spotty along edges and large blotchy spots on wings; iridescent warm grey scale patches on body, face, limbs, butt and tail fins; eyes bright blue, claws dark grey, back ridge black
Features: Night Fury typical aside from size, it looks like Formula has developed the double-flaps earlier than typical for her breed; four legs and two wings, tail has large stabilizing fins, rump also has larger fins than normal for her breed; axolotl style head nubs capable of sensing, retractable teeth; large feet with four digging claws that are retractable and can flex quite a bit longer than shown; wings have five internal fingers with no external claws or wrist thumb; note well that if her tail fins are damaged she cannot fly with either speed nor agility. Also she sticks to warm areas, though she does enjoy a nice ice cold Quantum... They are largely nocturnal, but Formula spends time both above and underground and hardly tells the difference between day and night.
Powers: Winged Flight, like many Furies she is a demon in the air, and is superbly agile in close quarters flights. She's easily the swiftest short-range flier the Commonwealth has, and can weave around ruined buildings and rubble with the ease of the wind. She can carry a decent amount of weight, above and beyond Quantum's, but generally it's just the 'lurk.
Swimming, Formula is a good swimmer and holds her breath for almost 10 minutes without needing to surface; she can withstand a very large amount of background radiation in the water, as well, and seems to like how it tickles. Oh honey we need to talk about cleaning up before marching through an inhabited area...
Communication, though Night Furies are certainly highly intelligent and have their own methods of communication, Formula is again above and beyond typical for her breed, and she tends to give lovely sing-song chittering play by play of things she is watching. None of that makes any sense to anyone but Quantum or someone who has language powers. She is absolutely able to understand the languages around her, and can mimic the sounds of various human tongues as well as the clicking, chirping, and other vocalizations of mirelurks, deathclaws, and other such creatures in the wastes.
Senses, Night Furies are able to detect sound and smells alike with their sensitive head nubs; she can also use echolocation to a very fine degree, given her vocalizations.
Glow and Plasma Powers, as Night Furies are generally able to soak up glowing algae or even lightning in order to power their abilities and look impressive, Formula definitely does this. She uses Nuka Cola, of course, but also can absorb radioactive material as though it was algae. If she is required to to be dim, she has to wait at least a full day after ingesting any glowing materials for her markings to stop being bright. The plasma that Night Furies unleash as a breath weapon or defensive shield are directly impacted by how much she's had to eat of these things, and thus her abilities vary tremendously in power level.
Stealth, typically Night Furies are good with this, but she's basically too brightly marked to bother. She can absolutely blend in with the dusty grey of a cinderblock ruin, though!
Electrical Burst, she can absorb power from lightning, power lines, nuka, or whatever else is around, and focuses that energy on her scales, rendering them highly charged, and releases this energy on impact, usually while dive bombing from flight.
Plasma Breath, Formula has two levels of breath weapon, based on her normal non-enhanced or the nuka fueled version. Typically she can fire a burst that is quite accurate up to about 300 meters, though it's fairly weak by that extended range; this level of it can blast a hole in a thick concrete wall easily at distances less than 50 meters. Powered up by soaking energy on the other hand, she can blow up an entire 2 story house from 300 meters away. There's very little in between for her. She does like draining a radioactive barrel and doing some 'clean up work' in the ruins, reducing already broken buildings into molten slag. However, she can only do either of those blasts at whatever power level, about 5 times before needing to rest up for a couple days. She is not a combat dragon for this reason.
Parentage: unknown Night Furies
Origin: Adopted from RemixStep with lines by ElectricAdopts on Deviantart; How To Train Your Dragon (c) Dreamworks
Other Info: They make a great team, and as they both like and can tolerate the radioactive waste found pretty much everywhere in the Commonwealth, while they're patrolling they're also doing everyone a service by cleaning that mess up too!