Name: Quinn Beckenridge

Gender: Female, straight

Age/DOB: ~22 / Unknown DOB

Origin: Vault Earth, Commonwealth

Family: None currently around, however they were farmers just north of Boston, likely working at Parsons Creamery for several generations

Other: She's been up to Far Harbor and is pretty sure that she has family that way too

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 135, wiry and somewhat more muscular than she looks

Hair: auburn red, silky, flyaway, kept short

Eyes: brown, always a little buggy

Appearance: light tan skin that tends to burn in bright sun, with reasonably attractive features that just don't seem to go well with one another (her eye color is very pretty but she just kinda s t a r e s at you with them...); prefers the waders and fishery gear that she's brought along from Far Harbor for working with animal stalls and muck, and also always smells a little more like the critters than folks want to get close to; voice actor inspiration...

Genetic Abilities: unknown, but it seems that she does have a way with animals, including the more skittish of the local wildlife like radstag and the wandering dairy brahmin. They tend to behave themselves around her, not necessarily obeying her directly but she has been able to train and work with animals that most others would fail with. She has a gentle and firm voice and hand, and the Chentuu nearby also seem to respond to her so she's helped the kids who tend them learn how best to do their work; she has hardly ever complained about the weird glowing rain or fog, lingering in it a while longer than most would before getting... strange

Icarus Processing: none, but she's lived in the radioactive Commonwealth and moved through the Fog up north all her life, so there's probably some kind of changes in her DNA that aren't immediately visible; she's no ghoul, but she's weathered these things well enough...

Image Credits: Bethesda

Skills or Profession: her family had always been around animals, mostly domesticated ones, but in this area they were always semi-feral at best. So she's learned a lot about their care, what to do with any given dead parts, how to breed and nurture young of odd species, and how to not get gored by dangerous parts of those live ones. Navigation in odd terrain including the areas around the Commonwealth but also the rugged and difficult Far Harbor islands. She's as good at fishing as she is with animals, but hardly has the chance to do it here in the Vault area.
Personality: She's definitely not a 'people' person, though friendly enough she's still just a little on the odd-bird side.

Events or History:

"We've picked you because you seem really good with... unusual creatures," Trinity said, and her 'sister' Deja nodded along, looking distractedly at one of the other farmers - Dan - until finally giving up and just walking after the attractive dragon-riding field hand. Trinity shrugged and glanced back to Quinn, who was unblinking and quiet. A bit too unblinking, for most people's taste. Trinity wasn't sure whether the woman was going to reply or ask for any information, so she just kept talking. "It feels like you're the best choice to send to this place, it's called Ryslen, and it's an unusual bunch of dragons."

There was a barely-perceptable nod from the red-haired woman, who still had yet to blink.

"It's... called the Flurry?" Trinity continued, faintly uncomfortable, "and there are going to be plenty of types there. So I've heard, anyway, we're staying here so you'll be our representitive if that's all right?"

At that, Quinn finally drew in a long breath, and as she let it out, she said, "will I have to dress up fancy for this thing? I ain't got much in that way."

It was possibly more than anyone had ever heard her say at one time.

Trinity gave a little shrug, "I'm pretty sure that we'll be able to hook you up with some clothes that aren't all just worked-in, it's no bother. You won't have to worry about that."

Another long pause later, Quinn said, "why's it called th' Flurry?"

Trinity grinned, her dark cheeks bunching up. "Because it's a snow event! We'll - definitely - have to find you warm gear, for it now that I think about it."

"Been in snow, it's nothin' much." Quinn said, flatly. "'s it radioactive?"

That brought Trinity to blink a few more times, apparently making up for Quinn's lack of the action. "Um, I ... I don't think so?"

"Good, can't make good drinkin' water from 'at."

It didn't snow very often here, even though the area was far enough north that it should. Of course, that was due to the shifted weather and climate disaster after the war, but obviously there were places around which still had a bit seasonally, and it seemed that Quinn took that in stride as well. She took another deep, slow breath, and finally did blink before asking, "have you found m'sister yet?"

Trinity shook her head gently, "not yet, but we think we know where she and her husband went," she admitted, sensing the faint disappointment on the woman. "By the time you get back from the Flurry, perhaps we'll have located them, though!"

That actually made Quinn's expression flicker to a bit of a smile, before dropping back down into a soft, but faintly disturbing, state. "Then maybe I'll get t' show off t' them when they come back."

Trinity sure hoped they could locate this pair, who had probably followed some of the radstags into the north-west. Dangerous territory, was their whole family fit for this? Trinity guessed so. But for now, she helped Quinn out with getting some clothes fit for the weather and the more formal portions of the Flurry. She didn't look comfortable in either thick cold-weather gear, or in a dress, but both of those things would be packed up and waiting should she need them.

(( from Flurry))

Whatever the bronze wher was waiting for must have happened, as he began to move sedately across the sands and moved silently between one unsuitable candidate and the next. He stopped beside a woman who was a little odd. Her eyes were a little buggy and she wasn't exactly at home with the other novos. Maybe it was the radiation. The bronze didn't mind. He bumped his head into her leg.

“Hey.” Quinn said, looking at it.

‘Mine.' The wher said. ‘Name Quinnsk'

The woman started toward the food like her quest objective had changed, and the wher trotted along beside her.



Origin: Ryslen Flurry 202(1)2
Other Info: Hvarsk & Zirask
Breed: Guard Wher
- shading by Naeodin, colors by Naeodin and Phe

* Bond: Optional

* see for abilities. These are Flurry-born Dawn Watch Whers

Pinto Bronze Quinnsk
6.0 feet at the shoulder
Bonded to Quinn (Zekiran)