Name: Rhianna / B2-57

Gender: Female, straight

Age/DOB: Appears 20s, actual age around 10

Origin: Vault Earth, Institute Synth

Family: no permanent partners, but since her most recent 'update' in looks and her new job, she's finding a lot of people are quite interested in her!

Other: As a Synth she is technically related to all other Synths, they're all family to her

Height: 5'7"

Weight: around 135, curvy and while not particularly muscular she isn't flabby or out of shape at all; carries herself straighter now than she did without a proper name

Hair: dark brown with red tint, this is slightly redder than her created-look was with a dull brown being 'too boring' for a singer; a bit stiff and brittle, kept short, but she is planning on letting it grow out now that it's 'the right color'

Eyes: brightly green, also having been improved over her former hazel color when she went into the surgery. Her eyebrows always look a little concerned

Appearance: yellowish light tan, she does still have a few small scars over her arms and particularly on her back, which indicate she'd been 'reclaimed' at least once before escaping permanently; she has long hands, and a fine strut now. She has an exceptional singing voice and really enjoys her 'job' in the lounge at Wakefield's vault...

Genetic Abilities: Synths are generally speaking slightly stronger, more durable, and on the 'higher end' of human performance, she's no exception. But she doesn't intend to be put out working in the field or as a guard, so her other abilities, her keen mind and charm, are allowed to show through. Highly organized, her ability to recount things and perform a task with precision after only being instructed once (or even just being told to do something) is quite impressive

Icarus Processing: not technically but she's genetically engineered and as above has a little boost to all of her physical properties

Image Credits: Bethesda / Singing Settler mod

Skills or Profession: as a Synth she's easily given new skill sets, though she does remember what she used to do in the Institute (involving heavy machine operations down in the expansion areas). She'd always be humming along with the music played on the 'proper' people's radios (Synths didn't get a radio, they barely got a bed) so when she did manage to make it out to the surface, the first thing she wanted to do was sing - and she never stopped! She writes her own songs, though others provide the musical background
Personality: Though not 'bitter' about her prior life at the Institute, Rhianna prefers to avoid talking about it in favor of all the new things that the Commonwealth has these days. Inventive, very creative, and an enjoyable centerpiece to the Wakefield Vault's nightclub. She knows what she wants, she's specific and tries to be as informed as possible before diving into something (like her complete restructure process that changed her appearance), but once she's in, she's all in, and will stop at nothing to get what she feels is best.

Events or History: Toiled away in the Institute's lowest chambers, digging in the dirt, risking cave-ins and collapses. Then, realized there were natural caverns directly next to the ones they resided in... and scooched herself through a narrow and hidden crack, wandered in the darkness for a time, and followed the trail of molerat noises up to the surface. Luckily she'd emerged at a ruined house, where she donned whatever clothing she could find, hiding her origin.

She'd listened to the radios - and sometimes she overheard the local DJ talk about current events, she knew better than to think that wandering the surface as a Synth was 'safe'. Eventually, the Wakefield Vault was recruiting, and she realized this was an opportunity like no other. She'd escaped the Institute just barely before Levi took it over, and when she heard his voice on the radio talking about his takeover of it, she even wrote a song. She renamed herself, no one ever knew what her 'designation' letter-number combination was, and no one here has ever asked.

As the Vault was filling, she provided much needed entertainment and a pleasant personality, and finally decided to ask Trinity if they had surgeries that could 'make her look right'. She'd always wanted to be a redhead, and now she is! Also not recognizable as the Synth she'd been before. Though she still has the inserted control chip that many Synths do, in her brain, she knows that any control codes have been deleted from the Institute's database. Freed of that horror looming over them, she and some of the other Synths have really begun to live.


Name: Onath
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: medium (almost brown pernese) 9' s / 45' l / 66' ws
Colors: Blue, a steel-blue shade evenly across all of his features
Features: old-school Pernese, neck crest, finned tail
Powers: Winged Flight, Onath is talented in the air, and enjoys doing tricks when he's not being ridden. He will certainly challenge any larger dragon for speed and acrobatic agility in the air! His durability is not quite at the brown-to-bronze level, however, so if he's got tricks he should probably conserve his energy for a burst at the end of a flight
Teleportation, though he likes to have a clear idea of where he's going, Onath is able to teleport accurately without missing a wingbeat, up to 10 miles on a line of sight jaunt, and to specific locations wherever he winds up. He does like to have a few moments of rest between each of these ports, but if pressed he would still easily keep up with Threadfall
Telepathy, a clear and snappy mind, Onath listens in to dragons and any other telepaths, and pays careful attention to the mood and wellbeing of each. He enjoys listening to his rider's songs, and if you listen carefully when the dragons are all in their caverns below the Vault, you can hear him emulating her with a warbling croon himself
Telekinetics, has a modest ability to move small items close to himself, which allows him to be ridden without a harness or with emergency rations in a basket that won't fall out
Assisted Firebreath, he is not expected to be a fighting dragon, but if he has access to it and there's a very pressing need he will definitely load up, and flame whatever comes their way. He is not particularly practiced at it, but when he knows where to aim, his flames will hit and char robotic or Brotherhood visors, melt power armor and sentinel bot gaskets, and occasionally set off explosives on raiders belts...
Parentage: unknown, progen
Origin: Ktrenal's Sithean Giveaway
Other Info: This hatchling had a dark, steely blue hide, and he was almost as large as a brown. He trotted across the sands, his wings flared unnecessarily wide, yet when a smaller green sibling stumbled, he paused to help her up, before continuing on his way. Marching right up to Rhianna, he rose onto his hind legs, doing his very best to look her right in the eye. Hmmm . . . yeah, let's do this. The others are nice and all, but I want someone with a little spark in them.
Personality: Moral, balanced, extravagant; he will definitely pause to listen to dragons and people, if he notices tempers starting to rise. He can be relied upon to offer sound advice to said angry parties, though he will not interfere unless innocent bystanders might get in the way of any tussle.