Name: Rose

Gender: Female, straight

Age/DOB: 24/2256

Origin: Vault Earth / Commonwealth - Boston

Family: Unknown, likely Gunners

Other: Given her arrival with that armor she had on, there are likely Gunners... gunning for her. She does make eyes at Dan quite frequently.

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 145, muscular and healthy, hip-heavy

Hair: Dark brown, short but styled nicely with shaved sides and a flop-over

Eyes: shiny brown, small, intelligent, round

Appearance: creamy skin with surprisingly few scars and marks, kept up very nicely; attractive with a low nose and full pert lips, and though she has ditched the Gunner armor she still carries herself with a bit of swagger thanks to it; has a strong voice, but she keeps herself quiet most of the time

Genetic Abilities: none known, though she is sturdy and smart, features which Melissa states are important for any colony to thrive

Icarus Processing: none

Image Credits: Bethesda

Skills or Profession: once a Gunner, always a Gunner, at least that's how they claim it. However, Rose has determined herself to become a farmer and 'nothing more'. She can heft a pistol and prefers plasma weapons, but also uses a knife, and can adeptly repair her own equipment. She is exceptionally good with navigation around the Commonwealth, and found her way to Trinity's Vault with ease. At the moment however, she is learning more about how to till the soil, keeping the garden she tends free of weeds and stones, and keeping the bugs off it.
Personality: Currently somewhat defensive and soft spoken but it is with a tremendous amount of baggage, that is obvious to anyone that spends much time around her. She is remaking herself, let her be.

Events or History:

"I'm a farmer," she said. She was the first to have arrived after Trinity turned on the radio beacon a week before. It had taken some time for people to navigate the area, as well as to distinguish this place from the nearby Galleria.

Trinity looked at the woman sitting on the rock under this nasty gnarled tree, sunlight bright around them but both women cast into dappled darkness, and nodded slowly. "Uh huh," she said, carefully. "That armor says you are way more than a farmer, Rose."

The brown-eyed woman did not miss a beat. "I found it, on my way here. I followed your beacon. Looking for a place to put down roots and make a garden again."

So that would be how this went? Well, Trinity knew better than to disagree with the intention anyway. "We have a ways to go before a garden will flourish, but..." Trinity leaned back a bit, remembered the tree and its sap, and stopped before actually pressing herself into it for support. "Welcome to the settlement, Rose."

Over the next few days, Rose went about assessing the area, and she did so, Trinity noticed, with an eye for the horizon. This 'vault' was built on a hilltop - easily defended, but also easily seen. Trinity had made certain to put out enough traps, turrets, and even a couple cameras with spotlights attached, to make sure that any unwelcome guests were taken care of long before they reached the walls of the establishment itself. And Rose... had gotten through those. That said volumes: it mainly said she either knew her defensive tactics, or she was absolutely not brandishing any weapons. Even though she did carry them, Rose never once went for the plasma gun at her hip, and when Trinity offered her a change of clothing, Rose eagerly took her up on it.

"I realize your ... past might catch up to you, even here," Trinity said, while the other woman swapped out her camo-painted heavy metal chest plate and leg pieces with the wrap-and-belt outfit offered. "But at least with a new look, you won't attract their attention on a glance.

"What are you going to do with the armor, when I'm done with it? It didn't do the last guy who wore it much, given I took it off him..." She still went for the 'it wasn't mine' angle, maybe some day she'd even believe it.

"Sell it, more than likely; it will fetch a decent price somewhere. Far from here, so you won't need to worry about it being recognized or put into the wrong hands."

She saw the slight nod when Rose heard that. "That suits me fine. Where... did you get these things?" She indicated the oddly strappy and layered skirts, half-armored and half-belted.

"Oh, over in Nuka World. Buch of people disagreed with my handling of their gangs. I liberated what I could."

"I see, and... they won't be coming back for their outfits any time soon, will they?" It was not a question, and Trinity didn't feel the need to answer it. "These will be way more comfortable than that armor for kneeling in the dirt, anyway," she said, with a sudden and genuine smile. "So I'm going to get back to it, if you don't mind?"

Trinity was glad that the woman knew how to use gardening tools. Those had been in short supply, she had to ask one of those Lane men to gather some up, which he did with the same degree of 'what is this' as Rose had when she looked over her new clothing. Trinity watched as Rose put down a small hand shovel, dropping seeds into a hole, watered it, covered it back up. Given that the seeds were... enhanced, let's say, it might come as a bit of a surprise how quickly there would be a functional garden. Not too fast, not overnight... But by the time there were others to help, there were seedlings showing Tato leaves. Rose took over the duties delegating which newcomers might work best on the farming in the settlement, she gave orders carefully and with a sense of ease - again betraying her origins in the Gunners, but with that twist that she really did understand both people and the land better than any hired mercenary might. Maybe her youth was spent on a farm before she was... Well, that wasn't for Trinity to know - or even ask about.

She was a farmer now.

(( story will eventually be here))


Name: Akane Terrena
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: small 8' s / 45' l / 60' ws | humanoid 5'7" at head
Colors: body dark red-brown shiny; gem blobs and tail rose pink; wingsails dark shiny jasper-crimson; ear fluff peachy; horns and claws dark; eyes yellow; gem inset and floated citrine
Features: Scaled sleek with some fluffy bits; four legs with short sharp claws on paws; two wings with 3 (4?) clawed fingers which are likely to shed and molt; head is boxy and antelope like, with large external fluffy ears, two spiraled back-pointing horns, and armor over forehead featuring an inset gem used for magic; slitted eyes; tail ends in gem tone
Powers: Winged and Wingless Flight; due to their lineage this dragon is capable of using her wings to soar or fly on short journeys, she's not that strong of a flier because her wings seem to be more like her sire's and tend to molt frequently; but she can simply levitate, using extremely powerful telekinetics to keep herself and a great amount of weight aloft almost indefinitely
Communication - Verbal Speech, Telepathy; her voice is slightly 'gritty', almost like a smoker's, but she does have a reasonable vocabulary primarily concerned with dirt, rocks, plant life, and farming; her telepathic speech can reach up to 20 miles to those she has strong connections with, and 2 miles with minds of humans/oids or dragons otherwise
Sense Weather; perhaps due to her Gem dragon parent and the powers of a mixed-breed Asandus, Akane can sense weather patterns forming overhead for around 20 miles, which allows her to predict when to plant, when to scoot underground, and how much radiation will be in that rain when it does fall. She cannot manipulate it in any way, merely sense the changes in pressure and electrical energies of the clouds
Functional Magic; concentrating on dirt and plant matter, Akane is an ideal farming companion, though she lacks much expertise in anything other than this use; can clean items using a sort of prestidigitation spell, allowing Rose and anyone else to wander into the Vault without dragging in the day's mud and grime, and to loosen dirt in order for better planting; notably this set of magic does work quite well here, for whatever reason, unlike on numerous other 'Earth-variations' such as the Rookery
Shapeshifting - to humanoid only, as shown, Akane will often remain in human shape during parties or gatherings. She's not a big dragon, but she does want to fit in a little more with the people here in Wakefield
Seedling Reproduction; though this will not happen frequently (considerably less often than a pure breed) if in the presence of another dragon who can spore or use this process her 'gems' become flower-like and can allow for external reproduction; she does wonder whether the pure Gem dragons here can do this...
Parentage: Iolite Corine + Quaestuo
Origin: Yakima's breeding square April 2022, hatched at the Last Oddyssey; dollmaker from Meiker Aidan Fairy maker
Other Info: Everyone knows that Akane is not 'human' but then they also have their selection of Supermutants, Lurks, and other such folk among the riders in the Vault, so ... hey, who's to judge? Besides, she's kinda cute and her levitation and practical magic help the locale out quite a bit!