Name: Vic "Nuka Victory"

Gender: Male, possibly fertile

Age/DOB: unknown, young / young adult

Origin: Vault Earth, Commonwealth, Nuka World fringes

Family: various Nuka and Mirelurks, and likely to mate to Quantum

Other: many of his clutch mates are similarly brightly marked, though with variations such as white and blue, red and white, etc

Height: 4'6" while on all fours, around 8'6" standing fully upright, prefers to scramble around as shown

Weight: around 200 lbs, seems dense and muscular, is also very flexible

Hair: brilliant bubbly orange-gold fins

Eyes: seem to shift, highly reflective white, so what looks red in the image is actually a reflection of his own marking

Appearance: as shown, brightly marked with bold blue and orange-red on body and limbs; he has very long sharp claws and isn't afraid to use them; he has a very deep voice that can shake delicate items at the right frequency; he smells sweet and delicious

Icarus Processing: no, but lives in Nuka World's sludgy output from the bottling factory and as such his body and coloration, as well as mind, have changed from normal Mirelurk types; he is very likely to pass this advancement along to offspring

Image Credits: Bethesda

Genetic Abilities: as a Mirelurk King, or Nukalurk as they are typically called there in the park, he is on the 'weak' side - he's smaller than a typical Mirelurk King, for instance. But he is extremely quick on his clawed, webbed feet, and can seemingly move himself through sludge, dirt, thick liquids, or rubble strewn walls, with ease. He communicates using his sonic ability, which normally creates a shockwave, but he can croon in an incredibly pleasing manner... until your heart turns literally into jelly because of the vibration. He is careful not to aim his more deadly sounds at people or things that are 'important', for this reason. He can 'soften up' ground by shouting at it, collapsing molerat tunnels or causing a boulder to break down into smaller rocks, which he then can turn to pebbles with his claws. Vic can 'sound out' an area, using a softer call, sonar to sense whether there is living matter or if it's all just broken brickwork and metal in a tunnel. Even though he might be quite small, he is anything but physically weak, particularly compared to humans. He would lose a fight with Quantum, however, if they chose to squabble.
Skills or Profession: As a Nukalurk he's much smarter than normal, though he isn't as intelligent as Quantum he's no slouch, and is learning from local Wakefield school primers along side the human kids ... well, not at the same time, or the same desks. He's too large to fit in them. Because he's very fast, and able to move through terrain like nobody's business, he's been given the task of clearing out underground passages, collapsing molerat tunnels, and making sure that there is a clear path through man-made areas. The well built concrete and steel tunnels resist his voice, but if they're already broken they will easily turn to dust. He's learning how to be much more precise with that ability, so instead of a 5-foot-wide swath of damage, he can narrow his voice down to around 1 foot in a cone. He would love to be able to snipe with this ability, so it's not uncommon to hear him practicing by aiming at birds.
Personality: though not particularly the sharpest tool in the shed, he's far from dull. He is dedicated and diligent, listens to instructions (in English) and follows them to the best of his ability. He doesn't like making mistakes, this likely goes back to his young days when one of his loud shouts led to a whole nest of an unrelated Lurk's eggs being crushed. That has apparently plagued his memory for years, so he's quite protective of the young, even young humans. If there's even a slight doubt in his mind about the area he's meant to be clearing, he will call carefully and establish for himself whether it's clear. He easily knows 'right from wrong', though he's had to be told which creatures are 'food' and what are 'enemies' among the settlers, their cattle and pets, and even the local population since there are 'good' SuperMutants and 'bad' humans. "When in doubt, he does not shout."

Events or History: as above, he was hatched in the shadow of the Nuka Cola factory in Nuka World, just a few years ago. He and Quantum hit it off because she brought him stuff to look at, and encouraged him to leave his nest and explore with her. While he's not particularly 'needy', he definitely prefers her company to being alone, but also likes watching from above. It was from above that he spotted the monorail moving into the park, but it took some time before Trinity cleared the place out, and he hid for the most part, during the fighting between her and the local gangs. When they left, it was with a couple of those gang members, a lot of packs with clothing and goods, and Quantum - heading to the Commonwealth.

He is wide-eyed at all of this. Though he is certainly an 'adult' in terms of Nukalurk King build, he's still developing in personality and mental capacity. He's learned to read some signs, and enjoys listening to the kids have their lessons in the Vault. What he really likes are stories told around camp fires, listening to the radio music (anything but that Nuka ditty, not that he hates it but he's heard it all so many times!) from Diamond City or the local singer in the Settlement, and being told he's been of use.

Trinity got word that there was an unusual event being held off-world, which seemed to be more suited to him than virtually any other inhabitant of the Wakefield Vault. And being the keen diplomat that she was, Trinity summoned Vic to the lower areas of the dragon cavern. "This will take you directly to a new place," she paused to make sure that he realized what was going on. When he gave a rumbling noise that she correctly interpreted as 'got it', she pressed the button that opened the portal, causing Vic to stare all but with stars in his strange eyes. "We'll make sure to keep up, you'll come home when you're ready," she assured him, and he summoned his courage and walked into the watery-looking circle.

***(From Mermay Hatching at Refugium)

Following shortly after her sister, a less eye-blindingly bright wheke-ika hybrid crawled more cautiously from her shell, peeping her head out in all directions before clambering free from its safety. The ocean was an awfully dangerous place, after all, even if this one was artificial. She might get trampled if she wasn't careful.

:: Help! :: she squeaked, sending rivulets of telepathic worry through the water. :: I'm a little scared... ::

A great webbed claw sifted into the shallow nest, moving gently between the eggs. The little blue-purple hatchling leapt for her chance and crawled over the meaty red palm, twisting her tail firmly around its wrist. She was brought out of the water by Vic , who cradled her in his arms.

:: Thank-you so much :: she chirped. :: I'm Vyudhall and I'd like to stick with you. ::

Vic was both stunned and overwhelmingly happy. He would be summoned back to the Vault with this squirmy bundle in his finned arms proudly displayed. She would hide behind his broad shoulders momentarily, but came out when she was shown their new home. Pretty, was her comment, and she slipped into the blue-shining water - the Xenian water, not the Quantum...


Name: Vyudhall-Anyaythlis'Refugium, known as "Winding Fathom"
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: 72' (adult)
Colors: Blue-Purple
Features: 1/2 Wheke-Ika, 1/2 Miirusian Octodragon
Powers: telepathy, underwater breathing, water magic, teleportation, echolocation, gravity manipulation, ice magic
Parentage: Anyat + Chaythlis
Origin: Planet Zar Mermay 2022
Other Info: Vyudhall takes safety very seriously. She's cautious and careful in everything she does, never going anywhere without backup in case of potential disaster. Despite this, she's naturally curious and longs for the chance to explore. She is soft-spoken and shy, even with Vic, and has a hard time voicing her desires. She doesn't want to go against the grain or make life difficult for anyone! Vyudhall is willing to pull her own weight for the opportunity to adventure.