Name: Willow

Gender: Female, Straight

Age/DOB: around 22, unknown DOB

Origin: Vault Earth, Commonwealth, Diamond City?

Family: boyfriend Howard, family back in Diamond City

Other: Yes, she knows Howard is a Synth. And?

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 90 pounds soaking wet, Willow is very ... willowy in her build. Upright and slender, somewhat flat-chested, but hey you aren't the one supposed to be looking at that are you

Hair: brightly blond, straight and brittle, kept short in a rough neck-length cut; given that she's the local barber does this bode well?

Eyes: though you can't see it clearly from here, her eyes are brilliantly emerald green, though habitually a little blood shot; over high cheekbones and with even, somewhat concerned looking brows

Appearance: yellowish-bronze skin, fairly light, with pretty full lips and a high narrow nose, she carries herself with ease, and has deft hands; really likes the clean suit and tie look and is glad that the settlement has a proper tailor; has a strong Bostonian accent, curses like a sailor, whatever that means

Genetic Abilities: none overtly, however on testing, Melissa claims that she has a strong undercurrent of both empathy and close-range telekinesis. Come to think of it she's never had to really brush dust off herself or even hair clippings off of the settlers...

Icarus Processing: none, but Melissa would like her to consider doing it before she's too old for it to be viable; she's not too sure she wants this process but maybe, some day... maybe if Howard thinks it'd be good? He'd know that stuff, right?

Image Credits: Bethesda

Skills or Profession: Willow is the local settlement's barber and stylist, and is actually remarkably good at it, even with her own tossed and tussled hair style. She can handle virtually any kind of hair, and is an avid reader of the leftover style magazines and whatever other media she can get her hands on, she loves reading and enjoys comics. She's not above experimenting a little with people's locks, if they let her. But also she's got a great listening ear, and is very careful to allow people to ramble - she likes stories of all types, after all, and the best way to get those is to listen to the gossip and tales that people bring to her little kiosk in the settlement. She is very much a 'people person' and usually has a grip on the local social heirarchy. She's good with making routines and schedules. Also she can shank you with a hair scissors, or snipe you with a pipe rifle, either or.
Personality: She's not intense, and definitely not wishy-washy. She's a listener and not really a go-getter, but she'd hardly let an argument grind her down, and knows all the best curses thanks to years growing up in the heart of the Commonwealth's biggest settlement. (Melissa shares a number of her favorite Vortigese taunts and curses, and so those are starting to get used, not that anyone else recognizes them!) A believer in work time and play time being fairly separate, Willow enjoys filling that down time with reading comics and throwing darts, though with the safety of the settlement she has much more down time than she did at the bustling Diamond City market. However, she is a little on the physically fragile side, and knows it, enough that she will make a checklist for others to look out for in the ruins - she's not hardy enough to make many trips into the dangerous Raider-filled city.

Events or History: Brought up in the common area of Diamond City, to a local woman who settled there after leaving Quincy. She spent years as a street kid there, running the bases with the other brats, eating noodles, and sneaking in to the Dugout Inn to listen to all the wild stories the drunks there would tell. It was there that she was given her first comic book, a Mechanist story that she ate up and read until the crumbled pages absolutely distintigrated. She has never given up on looking for these books, they add so much to everyone's lives. Color and fancy, imagination and wonder - those are things that aren't limited to kids.

Her mother would say otherwise. Chiding her repeatedly about 'that kids stuff', until finally Willow moved out of her mother's rusty little hovel under the stands, to a group location closer to the farm and water source for Diamond City. She still regularly spoke to her mother, but... it was hard to enjoy many of those visits. Constantly she'd be asking about when was she going to try to get to the Upper Stands, when was she going to marry some guy with lots of caps. It was always about caps to her mother. It was hardly ever about them for Willow.

So that one day when a group of four nervous looking and weary travelers showed up looking for bunks to rest on and work to put their hands to... Willow and Howard met. Maybe her empathy had kicked in. Maybe they just all looked so tired and frazzled, that she knew they needed little creature comforts. Like comic books, like a cheerful face to wake up next to. Willow proved herself to be anything other than simple minded like some in Diamond City, when Howard mentioned something about the weird devices in these comics. They were fanciful, sure, she responded. But they were possible, more possible now after the world had 'ended', than they had been when they were written two hundred years before.

So sure of this was Willow, that she challenged him to think of something in a comic that couldn't exist here and now. There were robots that flew, medical technology that changed faces and voices, computers that thought for themselves. He had to admit defeat for the time being, they even had Stealth Boy technology to render people invisible, and flying ships... Willow showed him (well, and the others) around the city, introducing them to a few in the Dugout and over in the market. For some reason, nagging in the back of her mind told her not to introduce them to Myrna, the junk dealer. 'Don't call it junk' she'd always say, and then she would add 'I won't sell to Synths'. Why did Willow think it was a bad idea?

Oh. Oh. They'd been in the city for a couple days, when Willow and Howard were carefully walking along the cobbled path that framed the water hole, and she finally straight up asked him. Yes, he was a Synth. He seemed... prepared for the worst. He seemed so guarded, so hesitant in that moment, but when she kissed him that all melted away. Why would she care?

After all, she asserted, if he was a Synth that meant that care had been taken to make him - and she thought that was amazing. They were virtually inseperable from that point on. While she was busy helping clean up at the barber shop, he went across the way to the surgery. Apparently some nasty stuff went down in their basement recently, so Howard helped clean that up without a word. And though the doctor on hand was pretty busy, he made a point to have Howard run errands past the barber shop, probably because he saw Willow making eyes at him...

Soon enough though, word started to spread of a settlement that was open to the north. It wasn't near, it would be a trek to reach it. Others had already taken off for the place, Wakefield Settlement. But only when Willow's mother looked to be ready to scream at her when she found out that these were Synths she was hanging out with, did they take leave of Diamond City for good. The advertisements on their short-band radio indicated they had farmers and workers, but needed technicians, scrappers, medical field and social folk to help keep those workers healthy and sane.

They picked up and left, wary of the trip's dangers. Willow packed the things she knew she'd never live without - her mother had already gotten rid of some of those childhood comics, and that left a sore spot in her heart. No one faulted her for carrying them now, she would read them and they would sometimes even act out their contents on bright moonlit nights. They reached the northern settlement with only a few scrapes and bruises, nothing Howard couldn't handle with his soft, warm hands and smartly applied herbs. They were put to work pretty quickly, and Willow was delighted when she found an entire hairdresser's kiosk available for use! Antibacterial gels, combs and brushes, all manner of clippers and scissors, oh and mirrors and -- she was so very, very happy. (Of course, she still wishes that Howard would grow his hair out a little so she can do something more than just 'shave it down'...)

The interviews that everyone had with Trinity on arrival were... strange? But pleasant, she seemed like she really enjoyed talking about those comics, after all wasn't it something out of a comic book that she wore? The Silver Shroud's outfit, and her 'sister' Deja had a fully functional suit of Mechanist armor? That was amazing!

Howard and the others got settled in, and after a while, nearly a year, a really weird meeting was called. All the kids had been put to bed, everyone else, even the Supermutants and the pair of scary Mirelurk Kings (well one of them was a female) were on hand when they announced something truly spectacular. That they were going to be part of a really wild experiment, one that the occasionally-visiting Melissa was already part of. That experiment was dragons. Dragons were to be brought from other worlds, to their community.

While there were certainly some in the group that thought this was absolute nonsense, all Willow had to do was point at the Mirelurks, and waggle her fingers at them, to shut them up. They would have to go through screening processes for specific locations, apparently there were plenty of different places that had a variety of breeds? And their original screening with Trinity (or with Deja from those who'd traveled farther afield to get here), those were helpful to set up the right folks for this duty. It was all part of a plan. It was all so much like a plot in one of the comics!

They had to go through booklets to see what caught their eye, which requirements might exclude them from standing for eggs or hatchlings, and in the end Howard and Willow agreed that this one place would suit them.

Eventually Howard nudged her, when they were nestled in their dorm hardly able to sleep, the next day they'd be going to Dawn Watch. "Figured out something that didn't exist here and now," he grinned. "Dragons. But we're going to change that, aren't we?"

She giggled madly, and wondered what tomorrow would bring on a whole different Earth.


*some from hatching*

Willow and Howard and Tartan had made their way around the Weyr, learning the ways of this odd place. It wasn't so odd: people needed aid, skills could be learned, enhanced, traded. Some of the candidates were a little friendlier than others, but all of them had to learn how to get along in a strange setting like this. Willow had busied herself not just with providing a few haircuts but learning as much as she could about this 'not their' world - she knew of no ships that had gone from Earth, it wasn't 'theirs'. Such stories she could tell when they were home. She had studied well, though was never going to be a 'fighter' type, neither of them were. Since they were all going to be heading back to their homeworld provided they impressed here, it was likely that only the big green supermutant Tartan would require much in the way of flight and fight training. She took notes the whole time, and fit in pretty well. They did finally get called to the hatching, a thrill going through her when that dragon on the sands sent her thought over the entire place.

Willow and Howard spotted each other as they were brought onto the sands, and since they generally had to be at least marginally 'not emotional', at least not in the romantic way, they both simply reached for the other's hand, and clutched it tightly. Several dragons hatched, their bonds expressing joy and sometimes bewilderment at it all. Willow wondered... which would be for her? There was a gnawing, familiar sensation growing in her mind, or her stomach, maybe that was just hunger though...

A big brown trundled around, when most of the eggs had already broken, and released a darkly mottled silver. They in turn went to another large egg to help break twin dragonets free from it, and ... then... the pair of them turned toward Howard and Willow!

The unmatched pair seemed to be in communication as they walked, steadily side by side. There seemed an odd connection there. Not like that of the twins, but present nonetheless.

There they are! The Silver called, surging ahead of her brown companion as she spotted the one she was looking for.

Yes, I see them. the Brown was unhurried, keeping to the steady pace which had so far preventing him from tripping over his too big paws.

I'm sorry we took so long to come and find you The silver spoke to both Willow and Howard. But the twins really needed our help and I didn't think you would mind

Hello Howard The brown came to a halt before the two and looked up into the man's eyes. I am Skorath. We have much work to do

I'm Chainuth The Silver announced to Willow in a cheerful tone I have some great ideas I think you can help me with

Willow cried, openly, but so happily. "I will! I'll help you with anything you want!"

The dragon was warm, in her arms, and lighter than expected when she picked the stormy silver up. Howard was grinning so broadly, with that amazingly marked brown dragon holding his big broad paws over his shoulders, that was going to be a large dragon!

They both knew: the work was going to be much harder now. They had responsibilities beyond just hair cutting and making sure the infirmary was stocked...

We will do well together, the dragonet reminded Willow. There was so much confidence in her, Willow was filled with it as well. She also was filled with curiosity, this dragon wanted to know everything about everything. After breakfast, of course!


They certainly did do well - from the very start and every minute. Though 'clumsy', Chainuth began to carry herself with grace befitting her station. She was strong and sleek, and smart to boot! Willow shared her memories of life in the Commonwealth with her, and responded to every question that the dragonet had as carefully as she could. Were there other dragons there? There were pictures in books that the dragonet picked out from Willow's memories. And in training to direct thoughts, Willow made sure that Chainuth understood when it was appropriate to dig around, and when it was time to listen up. While she was certainly good at looking through Willow's memories, the weyrlingmaster was a touch concerned that they would become confusing to such a young dragon.

Willow would then pull out some of her comics that she'd snuck with her for this trip. "See how they're not just like the real world?" She told Chainuth, "they're pictures of made-up adventures. They sometimes show what's real, but only so you know how to tell who the good guy is and who the bad guy is."

But some of those bad guys are dragons! Chainuth pouted, over one such comic. Dragons are not bad! We protect humans and our world!

"Well, on my home world we didn't have dragons to do those things," Willow admitted, "so maybe now it'll be time to make some new stories. With you and Skorath and Rialoth as the good guys!"

Over time Willow worked with the Weyrling master to get lists of who should be learning what, and when. Not that she would become such an important part of the Weyr - or... or would she? If she guessed, they would be among the first to have a dragon return from another world, at Wakefield Vault. She was a hair stylist, but... she really did enjoy trading stories and getting information into the right ear. If the right ear was 'a young dragon rider and their hatchling', maybe this was exactly what she'd need? She would not be able to train anyone to fight, her soft life in Diamond City saw to that. Even with a couple rounds of training with that pipe rifle, her preference was to not have to deal violence. But Tartan was a pro with fighting, she'd know just what to do there.

And it was while she was actually giving that self-same Weyrling master a quick haircut, that she understood just how difficult his role really was. He felt a tremendous amount of responsibility, L'dan quietly admitted his fears that he wasn't going to be able to help all of these weird off-worlders. He immediately apologized for that but Willow laughed it off. "We are pretty weird, sir, with all due respect to my big green friend, she is big and green..." But what he also admitted was that having a partner who was exceptionally wise also helped...

It was probably that help, that allowed Willow and Howard and their dragons to share their dorm space earlier than typical. They had come as a pair, after all, and they would certainly be leaving as such. Of course, when the time came for such instruction, Willow sat with other female students, weyrlings, and riders alike - their dragonesses would rise, they would have to master their emotions, which could be quite difficult if the dragon was headstrong. And Chainuth certainly was that. She was not self-aggrandizing, or arrogant, but she certainly could be a queen in her own right when they got home. So taking care of these needs and desires would be difficult if there were multiple partners waiting...

The only partner that Willow would have would be Howard, of course. But perhaps if there were dragons out there, Chainuth would want to... well, branch out for her own. After all, Howard's big brown Skorath was her brother, and though with these dragons it might not make that much of a difference? It kind of did for the humans involved. At least, the Vault humans - it didn't seem like the locals really made much of a fuss.

I promise I will choose the right mate, if the time comes for that, Chainuth declared, as they left that class room. That time will be a ways off, my one. I would just hope that if Skorath does not fly me, we will both choose exactly the right mate. We will not chose for you though! You already chose!

"We certainly did," Willow smiled, hugging her dragon's neck and watching Howard trying to get that big brown to behave in flight training...


Name: Chainuth (ch'eye-nooth)
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: medium 9' s / 39' l / 55' ws
Colors: high ranked Stormcloud Silver #3D3F4A | #4D4F5B
Features: A slender wraith of a dragon, Chainuth is long but will always look as though she didn't quite finish growing into herself, all big paws and over-large wingspan. She'll be a little clumsy when on land, but once she's in the skies, her over large wings will let her reign supreme. She's a deep stormy silver in colour, with dappled marks of lighter silver throughout.
Powers: Winged Flight, Chainuth is quick and sleek, with durability in the air and agility to match. She will be quite the catch, that is if any dragon can match her antics!
Teleportation / Between, she can rapidly teleport between spaces without tiring, and easily does this when she's flying alone, but if Willow is riding her she always takes care to warn her rider or ask for direction before making any abrupt teleports.
Telepathy, like all Pernese dragons she can speak directly into the mind of her rider, but also other dragons, humans who are impressed or bonded to dragons, and the like. She does have slightly less ability to reach the mind of a normal unbonded and non-rider material human, so she would rather have her bond do that talking. It's no surprise that many of those in the Vault hear her calm and smart mind.
Telekinesis - Chainuth has a particularly strong telekinetic ability, able to lift large objects with the power of her mind. She practices this using the quarries, spare rail cars, vehicles still scattered over the ruined highways and overpasses, whatever comes her way Chainuth is able to lend a hand without dirtying her paws.
Parentage: clutch 1 Out of Gold Wrenth, by Bronze Yunjith
Origin: Dawn Watch Weyr
Other Info: Quick-witted | Determined | Caring | Protective Chainuth is a dragon with a big heart, a selfless, caring individual who will put the needs of those under her care above her own, and she'll consider nearly everyone she meets to be under her care and protection. She's good at swift decision making, quickly weighing the pros and cons of a situation and picking the course which will lead to what she considers the best outcome.

(Hatchling then Adult)