Name: X3-80

Gender: Male, he/they, aro/ace

Age/DOB: created around 4 years ago, appears mid-20s

Origin: Vault Earth, Institute, Commonwealth

Family: Technically from the same genetic cloth as all other Synths but is a specially created offshoot; does not have a 'family'

Other: does not want a family, can't create one

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 280, all muscle, easily supports the very heavy armored outfit

Hair: dark tan verging on orange, with darker brown tips; the only reason it's even this long is that he's been in the field long enough for it to grow out

Eyes: red-brown, intense; he lost his mirrorshades and he's not happy about it

Appearance: imposing, gruff, with dark brown skin and a stern expression. Always wears the Institute provided gear but is having difficulty keeping it in perfect condition since it's specially designed armor

Icarus Processing: technically none but the creation of Synths is itself quite a genetic engineering feat and as such his physical presence and skills are enough to show for it


Strength: 8 | Perception: 7 | Endurance: 8 | Charisma: 1 | Intelligence: 7 | Agility: 7 | Luck: 3

Image Credits: Bethesda, Doll Divine/David Kawena

Genetic Abilities: as a Synth he is typically engineered to be 'better than' human, he's faster and stronger by far than a normal person, and can take a serious beating before he starts really feeling damaged. He is able to move about 3x quicker for an outright run than normal people, and his aim is impeccable. Can see and hear just a little more keenly than normal, able to pinpoint footsteps or heavy breathing, and spot things that are out of place. As a Courser however he excells in survival and can endure extreme heat, cold, lack of sleep and food, doesn't really need much water to survive, and can easily survive in high radiation

Skills or Profession: a courser designed originally to go to the surface of the Commonwealth and hunt down escaped synths. However after Levi is done fixing things up, and Aretha and her cloned sisters patrol the area, he has found himself basically out of a job. He's able to easily get what he wants in terms of trade and gear, but what he actually wants is harder to define. He's got weapons and knows how to use them, but now realizes that he doesn't always need to shoot first and speak later. With the arrival of the Rookery in the Commonwealth, he's been asked to maintain a perimeter guard around the south-eastern borders of the area - down in the marshes, around the Norwood Depot, Murkwood, and west toward the coast and Weymouth Fore settlements. He uses stealth, both the stealth-boy technology and sensible visual camouflage, and knows how to use the environment to his advantage. That's not saying he likes it all mucky and wet, but he does enjoy the work of protecting rather than hunting - there are gigantic monsters in the fog down here, and the occasional Brotherhood group wandering up from the deeper south. He does not hesitate to shoot on sight, and down here if something's wandering around in power armor it's a 100% guarantee that it's a Brotherhood scouting party needing to be removed.

Personality: though typically Synths are designed to be genial enough, any Courser is created with only one thing in mind and that is intense scrutiny. He is very intimidating at first and second glances. He is actively trying to become more sociable, but it's uphill work

Events or History: He has a home in the Wakefield Vault, or at least 'a dorm', and if a dragon finds him to be 'the right one', he will likely enjoy patrolling from the air - fighting the Vertibirds right up there where they absolutely do not expect to be struck...

Turns out it wasn't that hard to get that dragon back here to the Commonwealth, since it was... a Supermutant's dragon's offspring? He hadn't even realized that the big green-skinned humanoids could ... well, there she was, anyway so obviously that wasn't a mystery any longer. X3-80 was brought to a place known as a 'Nidus', and these dragons were gorgeous! Of course he didn't say this out loud but he really can appreciate the properties of semi-reflective and easily camouflaged hide on them.

Now if he could just get this blue-and-rust dragon to stop dragging him to parties...


Name: Kiorimith
Gender: Male, sirer
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium small (blue ranked pernese) 8'4" s / 42' l / 84' ws
Colors: Blue-Rust, body mottled denim to faded blue with flecks of brown, copper, greygreen and darker blue, and on wingsail backs; under wings are darkly rust-brown with coppery highlights; claws ichor green, faceted eyes change and are usually blue-greens
Features: standard stocky Pernese, split tail, large head knobs, fleshy dorsal ridge, 4-fingered wings with large webbed wing thumb, all clawed
Powers: Winged Flight, sleek and easy in the air, he loves cruising low and slow over the moss-ridden landscape around Murkwater, and between the tall twisted trees and ruins at the coast. He is light on his wings, doesn't require much space to take off or land, and barely disturbs the razorgrain with wind when he does either. Capable of lifting a full sized Sentrybot, and... y'know, sometimes required to do so as they appear to slip out from the hidden bunkers all around this area...
Teleport, though not always completely sure of where he needs to be, he trusts his rider and that careful memory of his, and they have been known to dot across the entire Commonwealth from settlement to settlement, just making sure there's nothing amiss before returning to the Vault's caverns. He doesn't become winded at doing this, even though there are dozens of locales to be visited, though he does like to stay at them for a fair few minutes before leaving
Telepathy, as rock-solid as he looks, his mind is calm and curious, and he's always listening to the dragons, people, whers, and whatever else is around that has a conscious mind. He lacks the ability to connect with non-biological minds, however, so when there are the rare cases of Assaultron riders or whatever, he is quite confounded by this
Telekinesis, though a rare ability for some breeds, and often not as strong in males, he does have the ability to boost his durability in the air, and when needed can help him with that heavy lifting by keeping things within his grasp; he can add a lot of power to a group effort
Assisted Firebreath, here in the Commonwealth they do have to import coal and other such materials for the 'assisted' part, but his rider supplies him when they actually need to fight. His breath is good for medium distances, up to around 100 meters at most, but beyond that becomes somewhat inaccurate. He will typically begin back-winging and hovering in place to get just the right angle, and this is actually something to behold, since he can do this so casually!
Parentage: Akiriath and Rialoth
Origin: Nidus Descendi, Rainbow Glitz, by Dray
Other Info: with a deep love of his bond, and a strong protective streak, Kiorimith is as loyal as they come, and quite the social leader. He might be a blue in size and rank but he's definitely bringing his bond into more contact with people, and surprising him with how easy it is to make friends!