Name: LT Travis Luna

Gender: Male, straight

Age/DOB: 37, July 20 19XX

Origin: Aperturth, Iowa State SWAT

Family: unknown, was single and looking when their Resonance Cascade happened

Other: Outgoing and self-centered, he's got lots of good qualities but is also a touch difficult to like

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 180, all muscle and sinew strong looking with or without armor

Hair: light brown, kept quite short and under his beret, but if it grows longer it gets quite curly

Eyes: light brown, behind yellow tinted sniper's glare sunglasses at basically all times, though he does not need glasses for reading or other activities

Appearance: creamy skin with light colored body hair, tans very well, has a few scars from gunfire, knife fights, and a burn from a grenade mishap; he's tall and imposing, and really likes Aperture-built armor as he knows it's been tested against plenty of weird enemies; prefers to look sharp at all times, his only accessories are the beret and glasses

Genetic Abilities: None known, but because he's from Aperturth that may not mean there's nothing going on in his genes

Physical/Health: Is allergic to peanuts Fitness level: 54% - Stable

Icarus Processing: none, though if there was any reason for him to do it, he probably would

Image Credits: Paragon

Skills or Profession: Education: Has expert knowledge in cartography, mapping, reading and decoding gang tags and symbols, and that kind of thing. Can rattle off hobo symbols as easily as which tattoo meant what gang in a lineup. Skilled at lock picking. Skilled at bare-knuckle boxing. Has a lot of experience with pistols and rifles, but also can use remote detonation, and has easily adapted to using Combine or Aperture technology - and now Robco, General Electronics, and other such MoCon technology, to his advantage. Good with radio chatter, being clear and concise when giving orders, and organization.
Personality: Reassuring, outgoing, foolish, self-centered.
Religious view: Atheist
World view: Realist
Racial views: "A person's race doesn't sway my trust in them" - this also extends to the newer folks around him, Ghouls, SuperMutants, whoever - if they're a good guy, they're a good guy. If they betray that trust, they're an enemy and more likely to be an enemy to more than just himself.
Gender bias: "Men are violent and un-empathetic" - he's seen way too many men get away with murdering their 'loved' ones. This plays into his motivation as well.
Age preference: "Respect for all ages"
Nationalism: "I'm ashamed to live in this country" - he was quite annoyed at how things always went sideways, Aperturth was ... well, good for his skill sets, not so good for society.
Conflict: "Some people only understand force" - if there was a way he could figure out who would need that force before applying it, he'll use it. In the Mojave, it's not as difficult as it was back on Aperturth. And over in the Rookery of course, it's painfully obvious.
Traits Quirks: Often uses filler words like "umm" and "like", Always wakes late
Likes: Going for long drives - or now, flights! woohoo!
Dislikes: People with body odor, People who laugh loudly in public, People who chew with their mouths open
Afraid of: Number 13
Self-satisfaction: 87% - Stable
Motivator: Mental illness - or rather, keeping people safe even with that around them; he has seen a lot of people strung out on drugs or affected by PTSD, and knows a 'regular crazy' from someone who has been purposefully turned to a violent or dangerous act.
Favourites Colours: Likes deep purple, hates pink Music: Likes Folk Foods: Likes lots of meat Book Genre: Magical Realism (say, isn't that what we have here?)

Events or History: Social Class: Lower middle class, he got into a decent school based on his test scores, and spent a few summers (even while training and working SWAT) doing finances and realtor selling.

Currently with the Mojave Conglomerate group, because wow those people need help. Plus, that's a lot of real estate... Maybe he can help people invest, if not using bottlecaps, then with their strength and wits, and resettle the place! Resides and works out of Utobitha's radio tower, surrounded by some stray SuperMutants, and though they kinda weird him out, they're friendly enough.


Name: Stalni Cuvar, "steady guardian"
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: medium 9' s / 38' l / 60' ws
Colors: belly from chin to mid-tail a mottled turquoise and light blue; overall body, limbs, wing arms, tail slate green-grey which fades to a lighter whitish tone at tail tip and feet; wingsails grade from violet-red to purple-blue under, and are more greyish purple dorsal side; claws pale aqua, eyes bright blue
Features: Standard Western Dragon, four legs with three prominent claws each; two leathery wings with three visible fingers, no claws; hide is velvety scales, not reptilian but more keratin-like; head is angular with a beak-like nose and strong points over top of neck; no spare spines or frills anywhere; he is of an egg-laying species, so any breed he might participate in will benefit from also being egg-bearing; he is somewhat 'old world' in that he does seem to require direction if not a bond
Powers: Winged Flight, Stalni is quite speedy in the air, takes off with ease, and can hover very well, which helps Travis in his map making efforts. With his long legs, he also is able to manipulate or walk around tall objects, and has been known to swat at things in mid-air with his tail. He can easily carry three human-sized objects, and has a harness which they can use to secure onto his neck for supplies or injured people.
Communication, though he's able to understand basic English, and a little bit of Draconic depending on the species, he mainly speaks in a trumpet-and-bellow sort of manner, less talking and more raw communication. His intelligence is equitable to a 'smart Blue' Pernese dragon. He has a very tight Vortal bond with Travis, but also can briefly convey his mood or queries to other dragons nearby.
Sharpshooting Plasma, he is nominally a 'fire breathing' dragon, but his particular form of fire is a remarkably hot, but short duration flame that is in a narrow beam, not more than 2 feet across at its widest; hottest around 25 meters from him, it can still burn things at 70 meters, and ignite flammable gasses at that range. Because it's a pinpoint almost laser in its focus, Travis can point him at a specific enemy in a group, or a hostage situation, and have him crisp fry or blow a hole into just one of them. He does like doing that while on his neck, too, where he can pair it with an expertly shot sniper round. Since Stalni is able to hover with such stability, this is a valid tactic he will use quite often.
Parentage: Unknown, likely from a world with both humans and dragons, cooperating
Origin: Adopted from SentraTheTeaNoodle on Deviantart (added second wing)
Other Info: Though not the brightest dragon on the Rookery, Stalni is extremely stable and calm, and can always be relied upon to take orders, if not from Travis then from Paxton or another of the leaders of the Rookery. He isn't 'needy', but he will always defer to the authority they have.