Name: Colt "FORTY FIVE" Knotts

Gender: Male, Straight

Age/DOB: 40 on Arrival

Origin: Aperturth, local to Texas/New Mexico area

Family: None alive

Other: No one knows whether that coloration will also inherit to any offspring this guy has, but if they do it'll be super obvious who daddy is...

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 175, muscular but not bulky, strong, since Resonance Cascade his frame has gotten lighter and stronger very similar to how Icarus would have affected it

Hair: Formerly blond, now pale shiny blue with sky-blue streaks, this is not dyed, it's obviously part of his mutation; fine and silky, but there's lots of it, he keeps it stylish and badass, though when there's no wind to keep it out of his face it definitely flops into his eyes... has icy white brows and faintly sky blue facial and body hair

Eyes: icy white-blue, like super icy, the color blue as seen through a block of a glacier, not just ice cubes... angry looking, high, almond shaped, his eyelashes are dark blue now

Appearance: he used to be a basic blond-haired blue-eyed white dude; everything's flipped around, now, he's blue and aqua everywhere, he kinda likes it but he also kinda liked it when people looked him over anyway. He's quite handsome even if he's the wrong color for a human, now if only he'd stop frowning. He looks considerably younger than he is, which might indicate a strong health component to his mutations. He prefers the camo and casual-army look, never ties his boots, and yes he absolutely jingles with not only belt buckles and gear, but the plentiful ammunition always on his person. His voice is exactly as gritty and grumbly as you'd expect from a guy trying to pull off the Dirty Harry look

Icarus Processing: None, but the Resonance Cascade strongly emulated it with his changes. Over the last three years since the RC, he has noted a strong increase in his durability and speed, being able to reload and aim handguns remarkably fast, and juggle different weapons with ease. Also his appearance, while unusual, is markedly younger than he looked before the RC, though he isn't 'getting younger', he is not showing any signs of being 'middle aged' in any way. Oh, of note: the tinnitus that he'd had from years of shoot-outs and firing range work is gone. He doesn't suffer any hearing loss even briefly, from loud noises.

Image Credits: Rinmaru Post Apoc

Genetic Abilities: Offensive power: Strong Electric attacks ---5x normal power level; as a marksman it's always good to be able to rely on your aim and stability. Being able to literally point his finger at an object up to 250 meters distant and completely destroy it with electricity is awesome. He can obliterate a living thing at close range, even up to the size of a Deathclaw, but he also can fine tune this jolt to allow him to manipulate smaller areas of power, including charging up hand-held batteries without blowing them up. His ability to do this is remarkably casual, and when he sees others with similar powers not be able to control it he is a little confused and a lot annoyed. Just do it. The distance and force of his electrical discharge directly affects the amount of endurance it requires, so he does prefer to make sure that there aren't ambushes ready for him, when he lets off a massive sniper blast at a distant target, as he'd need to recharge afterwards. The Vorts don't mind him so much as they do others with his type of power - at least the electrical parts.
Defensive Power: Strong Future Sense defenses---2x normal power level; it always seemed like he was in the right place at the right time, managing to duck under a door or be walking around the other side of a vehicle when bullets start flying. He doesn't really control this ability so much as obey it. Plus, it's combined with... Defensive Power: Average Time defenses---1x normal power level---This power is out of control, or barely under control; which allows him to see in slow-motion just before any real danger occurs. Notably this is something that a number of Pantheon soldier-trained types utilize, as their senses see in full detail any given location, person, or event that's playing out nearby to give them a brief combat advantage. Again this seems to have been something that he was already good at, before the RC. It only affects him, and in the moment when he is sensing like this, he seems to be a bit blurry around the edges.
Transport Power: Average Electricity Riding (power lines)---1x normal power level---This power is barely under control; at times, he does lose control over the electrical ability inside him, if he's come out of a fierce firefight, or been exhausted in a battle, if he is near active power lines, he sometimes just... winds up near them. They can carry him around 500 meters at a time, provided a solid line is available. Generally this isn't triggered near house- or appliance-level electric lines, more the outdoors and industrial strength versions. It doesn't suck any power out of him to do this, but it's not something he really likes doing, as he says it makes his teeth itch.
Weakness: Weirdly Mutated Body (color), obviously this blue tint is a bit weird, but at least it's not that weird color between caucasian and sky that he was for about a month. It does make him extremely visible, but he's not going to cover up. Fuck it. When the blue guy shows up, people need to be on edge.
Skills or Profession: His rap sheet consisted of Seller of ammunition / Criminal sale of a firearm in the third degree / Unlawful possession of a large capacity ammunition feeding (obviously gun runner). As a professional arms dealer, he had a good amount of experience with military process, as well as local gangs and drug cartel needs. If it shoots, he knows how to use it. From little bitty Derringers, to tanks and anti-aircraft weapons, he can appraise, take apart and put back together, clean, upgrade, and shoot it. He has an incredibly good sense of direction and judges distance like a pro. Along with his physical improvements, his aim and stability using virtually any kind of personal weaponry is highly tuned. Socially he can recognize who the guy you want to talk to is in a group, gang, or gathering. His experience in the military, however brief, has allowed him to bark commands and give orders reasonably well. Additionally his barter and appraisal of goods is very well used. He's having to get used to this whole dumbass 'bottlecap' bullshit, though.
Personality: abrupt, curt, to the point, and no-nonsense. Gritty, bold, but not stupid. He was a sniper, not a ground grunt, and as such he knows that there's a right way and a dead way to do things. If you're on his side, he will defend you until you get home safe, but if you fuck up it's your brains he'll be putting into the dirt. While he does have a casual side, it's incredibly difficult to be in a situation where it comes out. He likes having a reliable partner, and that partner is Arsenic, do not forget it.

Events or History: He grew up in a small border town in Texas, which was fraught with gang and drug activity from both sides of that border. But he was always quick on his feet, and smart enough to recognize where to head - if there were bullets flying or opportunity arising, he played whatever role necessary to survive. His first stint in jail was as a young teenager, from then he went into the Army at 17 rather than graduating high school. Though he wasn't well-liked, he was definitely good at the jobs he was assigned in his squad, and got sniper training. Aperturth's government military was folded into corporate structure while he was still waiting for orders, and he didn't reenlist afterwards, preferring to head back to the border and do things his way. After all, he'd managed to steal a hefty amount of government property while in the Army... it wasn't doing him any good sitting around. But in the hands of 'whoever paid the most and didn't piss him off' it looked mighty fine. He had several run-ins with local and federal police, the last of which landed him in Aperture's experimentation facility. Oddly enough he hadn't even undergone any of their other treatments before being put on that bus - they just wanted him out of their hair, he had a way of shorting out important machinery before it could be used on him...

Obviously he opted to move back to the Mojave, rather than sit around on his ass anywhere else. This 'Combine' thing seems fun to fight, but he'd rather not deal with the other... forceful personalities in the Pantheon. He and Paxton don't get along - but it's Geoff that he really dislikes. Neither of them really knows why, either, just... no. So Arsenic and he don't mind being left out of the action in the Rookery itself. It isn't that he won't relay or take orders from the pair, but he is not comfortable in their presence. He resides in a renovated Camp Guardian, on Guardian Peak. Knowing that the Legion does still exist and has sent raiding parties into Aretha's territory, he keeps watch. Though he has on occasion been accused of trading with the Legion, that's as far from the truth as can be: he absolutely loathes the Legion, and will go to great lengths to keep them good and dead. His prior dealings and contacts ranged from so many different backgrounds and appearances, that he cannot stand the thought of anyone being enslaved or snubbed just beacuse of those things. He'd rather decide what happens to people based on their behaviors, not their looks. He is dead set against the slave trade, overall, as well. It's possible that his family lost someone to that dirty business, and he's never forgotten it.


Name: Arsenic and Old Lace, "Arsenic"
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium 12' s / 52' l / 60' and 30' ws
Colors: face, neck, belly, under tail, wing arms and fingers pale bone grey; behind limbs fade from grey to pale grey-blue; face accent, neck and body, tail main color grades from teal to pale sky-white blue with black everywhere else; wingsails transparent faint blue with white tips on lower wings; horns, claws, and spikes medium grey; eyes cyan
Features: pure Hivewing
Powers: Winged Flight, Arsenic is strongest in wind and conditions that would make weaker dragons flee. Without doubt she's among the sturdiest Hivewings around, and commands the air with ease. She's been known to pluck missiles out of the air and redirect them, she's that good. She can and does carry quite heavy weights, using a specialized neck harness, and keeps all the supplies and guns safe from harm. She is fearless even in a heated battle with explosions, laser fire, and guns going off. She hardly rests, and has never shown weakness when others are around. She does value her down time, however, and likes having a nice spot she can perch, it has to be strong enough to lift off from with speed, however.
Communication, Arsenic has a strong Vortal component to her understanding of language, and is quick to listen in on any conversations she overhears - whether they're Draconic, English, Vortigese, or Combine static, she knows the meaning and contents without fail. She and Colt have a very strong mental bond. She herself speaks English with a hissing hush, and Draconic equally spooky.
Barb Tail, in addition to her horns, spikes, and claws, Arsenic does have a tail barb that she seeks out stuff to put on it - stabbing things is great, but watching them suffer after they've got a hole in them is even better. Yes, it's usually arsenic.
Chemical Weaponry, Though not potent enough in one dose (aside from being rubbed in open wounds in great amounts), Arsenic is able to produce a sort of 'dust' from her horns and spines that acts as a slow poison to anything that it's encountered. She must scrape it herself, only her own claws will cause the dust to fall, and only she can manipulate it with her paws. One touch won't do much. But it lingers, and unless it's completely washed away with a good scouring, any subsequent exposure will begin causing rashes, blistering, and overall pain. Ingesting it - which is easily possible if you're a Legion soldier stealing those 'hidden' caches of supplies they leave around the area - is a slightly quicker method, but still only deadly after a number of exposures. With the way that food supplies are in scarce number in this area, any food is good; meaning even if it makes you a little sick, who cares? It's probably just old. ...Right? Within three exposures of either internal or surface poisoning, however, long term damage will begin setting in. All of the symptoms mirror arsenic poisoning, which is because that's exactly what it is. Plus added bonus fact: the Mojave contains high amounts of naturally-occurring groundwater arsenic. Drinking the plain unfiltered water of the nearby lake along with this direct exposure will kill a human. Humans that they kill in this manner are often picked up and swept away, they won't leave a trail leading to their camp, after all. So they can do this constantly, and no one in the Legion is the wiser.
Parentage: Unknown pure Hivewings. She may be related if distantly to some of the blue-tinted Hive hybrids in the Rookery, but not closer than cousin.
Origin: Adopted from LunarSolstice981 with base by PeregrineCella on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Arsenic is actually quite personable when you get past her rider. However, they have a very strong partnership, and she is fiercely protective of him. After all he has the same color scheme she does! And, he's able to roll around in her 'dust' without getting sick at all.