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Name: Axyl Gender: Female, lesbian, robot fetishist Age/DOB: 20, 2260? Origin: Vault Earth, New Vegas area Family: unknown, likely a trader and gang member; considers the robots she assembles her 'family' Other: yes, like that. Height: 5'1" (she's so teeny) Weight: pfff. if she's 90 lbs it's a good day, she does have some generous curves to her, but that's all muscle; she's lanky looking and looks taller than she is, people are always confounded when they get up close Hair: pale hay blond, shaved and with dreds as shown, very stiff and dry, she doesn't give a rat's ass what other people want to do with it Eyes: medium brown, large, almond shaped with strong epicanthal fold Appearance: creamy skin with lots of freckles and plenty of scars from life in the Mojave; loves purples and reds, and has a collection of boots to die for, literally if you touch them she'll kill you. See also her jacket and button collection. Has a deeper voice than you'd expect someone her size to have, but she definitely squeeks when she's happy Genetic Abilities: it's clear that she has an affinity for machines and particularly semi-intelligent robotics and programs. They love her, she loves them back. Though her abilities are not 'active', they are always on and passively allow her to take note of any turrets, observation systems, security, or robotics in an area, in addition to having a remarkably good skill with programming and code; also she is really durable, and yes that's a known factor with her fetish... Icarus Processing: none, but after examination Melissa thinks it would be fantastic to see what might come of it, she wouldn't even need the Plasmid mix |
Image Credits: Doll Divine Dinomaker |
Skills or Profession: fending for herself at a very young age, Axyl found her way around the Mojave with the aid of her wits and then an eyebot she reactivated. By the time she was 10 she had a collection of robotic assistants and 'friends', and almost all robots will respond to her in a positive manner. She can communicate with them using an even tone, compassionate speech (100% speech!) or the occasional electronic nudge. She is the go-to for reprogramming hostile systems, rebooting old machinery, and making sure that the nearby area is clear of any robotic threats. She's great with short range and improvised weaponry, including that slingshot shown. More a fan of distraction than outright destruction, she prefers to disable anything (turrets, animals, people, bots) with as little effort or damage as possible, mainly to keep rescue and repurposing easier (and trading pelts or scavenging items and clothes in good condition). | |
Personality: though she is absolutely in love with her robots, she's practical enough that if they must be put down, she will destroy them without hesitation. She knows her limits, and doesn't pretend to have the perfectly golden touch with everything. That said, she is a freak for them, sexually and intellectually, so if you want to be her friend, be prepared to see some weird shit happen if she gets flirty. She is very much a pioneer of AI rights, and has vaguely heard of this 'Gla-dos' thing where the dragons are from. Whether they'd get along remains to be seen, no one in their right mind would want her going over to Aperture. | |
Events or History: born on the road, and orphaned more than abandoned, she was passed around from gang to gang for a while as a kid, learning all manner of survival and offensive tactics, but eventually finding that Eyebot, which she named OLEYE (ollie to anyone listening). She was offered the chance to enter New Vegas as a teenager, but quickly realized that it would be 'because she's young and kinda pretty'. She spent a summer working with the Atomic Wrangler in refining their security systems as well as maintaining Fisto... and working in trade for that one. You should see the floor show! Wait, no, no you should absolutely not. That kind of thing would attract way more attention than she wants. Keep it private. Loudly. With the advent of the Mojave Conglomerate, and the arrival of dragons, her life has changed for the better, as she's relied upon for maintenance in a lot of other spots around the Strip, without fear of being used as a hooker by any of the casinos. She does not live in the Wrangler but spends quite a lot of time there, really. Normally she is found in the H&H factory, with her new dragon friend and all of her existing bots and tools. |
Dragon Name: Coopimabith (coo PIM ah bith), Coop |
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