Name: Horizon

Gender: male, marginally fertile, would possibly like a family

Age/DOB: around 50, ~2236?

Origin: Vault Earth, Texas

Family: Unknown, all dead by now

Other: the supermutants here seem quite... nice? That's a relief. Currently residing in the Black Mountain / Utobitha complex, assisting Travis Luna to an extent, but mainly keeping himself busy by repairing items, scavenging goods, and occasionally telling stories over the radio - better ones than the insane Tabitha used to, anyway...

Height: 7'2"

Weight: large, extremely muscular, disproportionate strength in right arm due to supporting with crutch/cane/staff (not shown)

Hair: short, stiff, but with some care and upkeep would grow out longer and slightly wavy; dusty brown

Eyes: icy blue, slightly mismatched, with very heavy hairless brow ridges

Appearance: lighter yellowish green tinted skin, with many scars (also not shown) from hundreds of scrapes, fights, and survival. Wears what he can find and alter, including a heavy leather kilt and a 'tunic' which was likely a full sized woman's dress at one point; notably his lower left leg and foot are missing, he has put effort into making a replacement for a bit of balance but with his size it's difficult to find the right parts; he does wear a sandal often made of found materials, such as tires and animal hide, but equally often without; voice is deep and slightly softer than you might expect, he has lips and speaks without slurring, but rarely speaks anyway

Genetic Abilities: as a second (or possibly third) generation Supermutant, Horizon is quite a bit like his ancestors - huge, burly, and effectively immortal should he maintain his health. Unlike some types of Supermutants across the wasteland, he has maintained his intelligence as well as a tremendous amount of manual dexterity, allowing him to manipulate small items, weapons, toys, and tools

FEV processing: his family for at least one generation, with experimental changes, though he himself was born after their experiments were finished and had been chased out of the facility; however if he ever does sire children the alterations would definitely inherit or combine with other effects from the other parent

Image Credits: HeroMachine 3 (flashpoint used)

Skills or Profession: Survival, gadgeteering, hunting, and scavenging are his main skill sets. However, as Horizon reaches any particular settlement or ruin, he is well aware that he must communicate first, and try to leave fighting for a last resort. He offers trades, things he has either found or built, for a shelter and food. He reads voraciously, enjoying the comic book remnants and fantasy stories the most, but also has delved deeply into the history of the ruined world around him. While he can negotiate or debate, he prefers just talking or comparing notes with similarly 'nerdy' types, and enjoys telling stories, even just reading to someone who cannot read. He has learned quite a bit about how to manage his injuries, and could certainly pose as a field medic to others that need aid, though whether they'll accept said aid from a supermutant is questionable. His skill with creating items is quite strong, and he will almost always leave a little toy or gadget for any children in a settlement if they've allowed him to remain for any length of time. Horizon also has good mapping skills though he's rarely been in the same place twice, he is apt to find good shelters even if he's in the middle of nowhere and can locate water and small prey easily.
Personality: Sturdy and steadfast, though a bit withdrawn from being alone most of his life, Horizon is in a word 'chill'. Easygoing and quite kind, he knows that many in this world would shoot him on sight, but still maintains an air of comfort and acceptance, which leads to him having quite a few allies if not friends scattered across the south-west. He will talk to himself while alone, and with a device placed on his chest he can even read to himself out loud as he wanders

Events or History: His family was used as experiments by the supermutant Attis, successfully having reversed the sterilization process incurred by becoming supermutants. However, this was in the rubble of the Secret Vault, and they had always needed to be on the lookout for Brotherhood hunters or their own kind; he does not know whether he has any extended relatives. In one such escape from a Brotherhood patrol, Horizon, originally named Matty but long forgotten since having been on his own already for several years, lost his lower leg to an energy weapon burst. Thankfully cauterized at the time, he still managed to crawl to a secure spot, and waited for the dust to settle before continuing on. He continued to 'look to the horizon', and with the setting sun as his guide, along with numerous stretches of broken highways, made his way west and north toward the coast. That was more than 20 years ago.

Though constantly moving, because of his injury he knows better than to think that he could just run away. Thus he's learned a lot about listening to an area before entering it, waiting for any noise or movement, and proceding once clear. With a crutch to support him needing to be replaced on a regular basis, he often scrounges ruins for pieces of rebar or even steel beams, which he's been able to train with for years now. Should he need to, he can use this crutch as a weapon, fending off anything from molerats to deathclaws, but uses it specifically as a crutch when visible to any humans or ghouls. He's only found a couple stray supermutants, none who recognized him, none who came with him on his travels due to his injury - which they believed would slow them down too much. They did give him food and supplies in trade, at least, but he would still have preferred to have the company.

One thing that Horizon does seem to understand is that some 'animals' are at least as smart as a dull-witted person, and won't kill dogs, wolves, cats, or creatures that display a sense of caution rather than aggression - even if that means it's a deathclaw. Where most folk would sooner trap and eat a wild dog, he will throw scraps and let them follow or leave at their leisure, though he does prefer ones that aren't starved by other people and set loose.

Diplomatically he's able to behave in a way that shows people from a distance that he means no harm. Though one eye tends to wander a little, he has good vision for distances and can spot a camp or ruin from quite a distance. Usually, a distance that may take him more than a day to reach, that would take a fully abled supermutant an hour or so. He can 'run' sort-of, but it takes a lot out of him to do so, and can only manage a short distance before either falling or being too exhausted to continue. Thus standing his ground, he will let people come to him if needed, and if he knows they're on their way, he will actively be creating or working on a non-weapon device when they look. Why look like you're sharpening a knife or loading a weapon, when you can show your skill with a wind-up toy or model? He's made a good deal of caps as well as a fair few friends by offering those small tokens before even asking for a place to rest.

More recently however he's come across humans that simply can't be ignored or even diplomatically dealt with: the Legion. Avoiding them has proven harder than he expected, but he made it to the south-east of the Mojave Conglomerate as they were being routed or sent packing by Aretha and her forces. At several stops approaching the New Vegas area, he'd heard a particular radio signal from a supermutant who called herself Tabitha - leery of her words and abusive tone, but still curious, he has wound up roosting where she'd been recently ... removed. The Black Mountain Fort, which he remembered faintly from his youth from stories told by the elders! In a way it was a homecoming for him, but in others quite different.

Mainly, due to the dragons. He was welcomed by the locals and even afforded what they could give in terms of new clothing, gear, and a look at that injury. The local population could only marvel at how well he'd adjusted to having only one foot, but still they could offer little more than that. Custom prosthetics for a person his size? Well, possible - so he's still looking at replacing the end of his stump guard with whatever might come his way.


"Did you know there were these guys, um," Aretha seemed to be struggling to find a word, which was odd for her. "Well their parentage seems to be on the smaller side, take a look."

What she didn't struggle with, was sitting with a supermutant and handing off glossy print-outs from a strange device nearby, like it was nothing. Neither that the device printed images that had been taken on another world in another dimension, or their green-skinned recipient; nothing seemed to perturb her. While Horizon was looking at the images and trying to figure out just exactly what this horned, sleek looking creature was, Aretha was appraising the assortment of knicknacks and doodads scattered around his work room. While Luna was up in the comms room nearby, monitoring for any untoward radio signals, others at the Black Mountain Fort facility - once called Utobitha - had their own duties. Up near the large double doors were weapon racks and a shelf with carefully placed armor pieces, all of which had been fine-tuned and repaired by Horizon. But the rest of the room had shelf upon shelf, table against table, simply covered with items in various states of creation. Parts on one table, tools somewhat strewn wherever they would be in use most, half-finished miniature models here, fully painted and polished display items there.

"This is quite the collection," Aretha said. She did note that his 'work' work, the weapons and armor and other such gear, were placed where other people would not miss them, right at the doors. Anything else, that was his domain and his to give out. But he didn't seem to mind if someone came looking, in fact he seemed to enjoy telling tall tales, making up stories about this toy or that model. There was a small crate filled and ready to be transported back to the nearby Vault for the kids to play with.

Horizon grunted, still looking at the creatures on this page, and finally said, "how... will we get there?"

Aretha grinned and let him wonder for a bit, before they would gear up and have a teleporting dragon move him off to Dawn Watch Weyr - and presumably back, since they didn't know whether these 'Whericorns' would be able to teleport themselves. She'd figured that 'maybe big enough to ride, maybe not too big to fall from' would be best for this one-legged supermutant. Plus, she was curious as to the properties and features these unusual smaller sized creatures would have. There was more than enough space for new dragon species, out here in the Mojave, and if they had any particular needs themselves, she was positive they could accommodate them.

Dragon - info for both Whericorns:
Features: Wher-Unicorn hybrid, small in size but sturdy in build; Four legs with short clawed paws, two leather wings with 4 internal fingers; head is broad with a snub muzzle, long flat headknobs, upright external ears, faceted eyes, a single straight unicorn-style horn, and long rainbow mane on forehead to neck/shoulders; body is broad and low, tail is held straight and high, has triangular ridges on tail only, and a large plume of rainbow hair on tip; omnivorous; egg layers
Powers common to all may be stronger and weaker in individuals; can only glide with their short and stubby wings
Parentage: Silver Pearl Seysk (wher), sire Zorion (unicorn)
Origin: Dawn Watch Weyr, hatched 3.26.24

Name: Rizosk (rye zawsk)
Gender: Male, he/him, siring
Size/Shoulder/Length: small 5'6" s / 16' l
Colors: #86674E | #B69F8E | #604E40
Powers: Gliding
Heat and Radiation Sensing
Healing and Purification
Other Info: Gentle | Accepting | Inquisitive | Dependable | Unimaginative


Name: Hosk
Gender: Female, she/her, clutching
Size/Shoulder/Length: smol 5' s / 15' l
Colors: #588C7E | #BCC595
Powers: Gliding
Heat and Radiation Sensing
Healing and Purification
Other Info: Outgoing | Contemplative | Compassionate | Intense