Name: Trinity "The Mantis Queen" Ray

Gender: Female, aggressively so

Age/DOB: 30@Arrival

Origin: Aperturth, New Orleans, LA

Family: Deceased, in fact she likely murdered them; no, you do not want her having babies here.

Other: She will try for babies. But frankly the selection of attractive mantis men is ... slim. very slim.

Height: 5'8" at actual top of head (where eyes are now), unchanged from original height

Weight: unknown, though considerably lighter than she looks or should be possible given that she's got added limbs; she does have an internal skeleton, though it's stronger and very very slender

Hair: none, used to be strawberry blond somewhat more yellowish than the pink on her tail

Eyes: green, though they used to be a little more hazel colored and not faceted nor poking so far off her head... now, the green portions are where her focus is, but she can still see a gigantic portion better than any human alive... maybe Paxton but he cheats using different bodies

Appearance: she used to be a peaches-and-cream skinned caucasian girl with a mop of thick fluffy strawberry hair and bright grassy eyes. And now, she's an orchid mantis, with four legs and arms with two fingers and a massive claw... and that huge tail for 'camouflage'. Her skin is slightly glassy, very shiny looking, she's actually still remarkably beautiful - like she was when she still looked human; do not watch her eating. Yes, she has several weird mouth-parts, and no it's not healthy to stare.

Icarus Processing: None, the experimentation that was done on her in the Austin facility was going to be continued farther west, but then the Resonance Cascade activated all the genes and weirdness. It's possible that her weight has not actually changed since she was human - and it just got rearranged.

Image Credits: Samalamb-bases

Genetic Abilities: With the changes found in her biology, Trinity has truly become the Mantis Queen that she'd been acting like for years. Her speed and dexterity are nearly 6 times normal for very short powerful attacks, otherwise she is quite slow but graceful while moving. Try to stay out of her arms reach. Her body does have an armored exterior, though it's shiny and somewhat cushioned, she's not stiff nor is it a hard carapace, more like... well, like well padded latex. Some people fully believe that she's just a lady in a snug shiny latex costume. While she does have a strong ability to camouflage herself among plant life, she must do so where there... actually is plant life. That leaves a lot of New Vegas out. She can remain still for hours on end, waiting and watching. She can Vortally sense insects nearby, within about 200 meters, and command them directly when they're closer than 20 meters. These come in the form of anything that can be considered insectoid, so the mutant mantids and cazadors of New Vegas, or the antlions and other invasive insects from other planets, or even just plain old cockroaches. She can control about 200 pounds worth of them - which means positively billions of gnats, dozens of radroaches, or a group of antlions. She does exert strong control over her pair of dragon friends, too though, so be warned, they look out for their Queen. She has no further Vortal abilities.

Offensive power: Strong Animal Control (insects) attacks---3x normal power level < here's the mantis? Defensive Power: Very strong Animal Control (pack - ground) defenses---5x normal power level Transport Power: High Animal Summoning (up to 2 mounts to ride or aid)---3x normal power level Offensive power: Very strong Animal Form (permanent, average) attacks---6x normal power level Weakness: Weirdly Mutated Body (extra large eyes/features)

Skills or Profession: Trinity had gone to college and was trying to get a degree in horticulture studies, potentially for a job with the farm industry or biological sciences. But something just... went wrong, and she started killing off people that she didn't like. So she has both a very sound understanding of plants and their insect companions (be they pollenators or pests), and how to dispose of bodies. She does utilize computers and books, can still see and interact with most things in that manner, and is still clearly intelligent and with a grasp on botany and science. At this point, since she's unable to speak English and has to rely on typing or some other form of communication, she has ceased worrying about it at all, and instead allows some few telepaths to pick and poke around her brain for what's going on.

Personality: Patient, but you don't know when to expect her to kill you. She's an absolute homicidal sociopath, though she picks victims with her own unique methods that no one has been able to glean. At the very least, people will shove potential victims into the Vault and they know that if she doesn't get them, her pets will. Whatever happened to Trinity at some point during her early 20s, it was serious, and turned her from a bright-eyed student into a mass murderer.

Aggravated murder / Criminal obstruction of breathing or blood circulation / Assault in the first degree - her rap sheet abridged. This went on for at least 3 years before she was even slightly on the radar of investigators.

Events or History: She still loves plants and insects. But she's a bit unhinged now. It is clear she does understand what has happened, that the group was heavily mutated and then somehow shunted to another dimension. She is interested in that Xenian flora, but Lane won't put any of it in her Vault. :( She'll get some, somehow. She knows she can't kill him, he just has that ...kind of weird not-quite-here aura. Plus, he's faster than her claws?! (Yes, she's tried...)

Resides full time in Vault 22, keeping the exterior nice and pretty, alluring, and trapping anyone that is foolish enough to come in without knocking. Her dragons, while not as bloodthirsty as she is, are dedicated and loyal to her whim, and they do seem to hear her commands, whatever odd chittering she can do is interpreted swiftly and completely. They do have names, ones which she uses when writing notes, but she's never told anyone else what they are, so no one really knows how to call for them if needed. It's unclear that they would respond to someone other than Trinity anyway. Since they're both smallish, even with their large wings, they are often found slinking around the Vault itself, though they do spend most of their time above in the valley near its entrance.

Both Dragons:

Features: Whiptail Dragons
Parentage: Unknown though probably not just wild, as they both have quite refined features; they are paired up, in addition to being work partners.
Origin: Adopted from and species by DragonsAndVideoGames on Deviantart


Name: Allium
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Small (long) 7'6" s / 60' l / 60' ws
Colors: solid color from nose to tail that grades from bright fuchsia to equally bright red-violet, with a single marking in darker red-violet on rump/tail and hips; however entire body is dappled with tiny pale speckling nearly invisible unless in full lighting; back of neck and body are slightly more dappled in this shade; wingsails are transparent with the hint of violet; horns are striped with crimson and pink; eyes pink
Powers: Winged Flight, Allium is steady and good with hard winds or bad conditions, including the frequent dust storms common to the area. He can maintain a hover in a stiff wind, and carry a large truckload of weight with his paws and a harness in such conditions as well. He doesn't tend to lift or fly for very long periods, however, and can exhaust himself if he's tasked with something and not told to take a break.
Communication and Tricks, Allium isn't the smartest dragon in the Rookery, but he is well trained; perhaps too well trained, as he does need some nudging to do things without being specifically told. He's the draconic equivalent of a Black Angus, needs to be shown the food, otherwise he might starve. But that has just meant he follows instructions eagerly because he does like to have things to do.
Surprisingly Good At Camouflage, with the colorful backdrop of the valley around the exterior of the Vault, he and his partner don't actually have any diffiulty hiding out there. But he's really good at it, even in dim light or dry periods when the flowers aren't even open. Somehow.
Other Info: Allium would probably do okay without a person to tell him what to do, if given enough time to adjust. But it's likely that wherever he was from, he was expected to obey, and so obey he does. But he does like it here, there's plenty of prey and activities.


Name: Lantana
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Small (long) 8'4" s / 75' l / 70' ws
Colors: entire body from nose to tail vibrant yellow-orange with pale large rosettes in a lighter yellow shade, wing fingers rusty orange, single dilute mark over rump and hips in same color; wingsails two-toned pinkish violet and orange highly transparent; horns two toned dappled gold which look quite metallic in light; eyes aqua
Powers: Winged Flight, Lantana's long body and strong wings benefit from wide open spaces, she takes to the air like a coiled spring and can speedily reach any destination. She basically has two speeds, walking and 'already there'. That said, though she's slightly larger than her mate, she doesn't carry much weight with her on these speedy deliveries, a Deathclaw carcass or about 300lbs of packed weight at most. She's also not so great with maneuvering, so if the area isn't clear and open, she wants to gain altitude before heading any given direction.
Communication and Instruction, Lantana is certainly the brains of the pair, and listens keenly to any instruction that Trinity has for them before executing them perfectly. She is also a bit more of a self-starter, able to decide it's time to patrol the valley, or find something to eat, or even slink around indoors to make sure that there are no strays wandering around bothering Trinity. She's more the sheepdog to her partner's bull...
Sunset Attack, she will eagerly defend their territory, and traditionally right around sundown every night she will be outside the Vault waiting. If she's detected any movement she will take to the skies, and in the brilliant rays of that setting sun, blend in perfectly to attack anything that isn't welcome.
Other Info: When even someone invited is wandering into the Vault, she will keep her bright eyes on them at all times. All. Times. She's much more protective of their home than she lets on, and will violently confront anything that she hasn't been informed is 'okay to pass'.