Name: Skylar "SPICY" Spice

Gender: Female, straight, sure why not

Age/DOB: 17@ Arrival

Origin: Aperturth, San Diego California

Family: Unknown, probably fine, they wouldn't recognize her anyway; Skylar cannot really have children at all any more, unless maybe there's a hot spider dude out there for her, not that she'd be really interested in that kinda thing (if the Zekiran contingent ever gets around here, though, they have some amazing spider butted bois!)

Other: Yes, she would eat them. Which? Yes. All of them.

Height: Currently around 4', reduced from having human legs, would be 5'2" at most

Weight: ~60? It's kind of hard to get her on a scale, since she's a bit broader and doesn't have the same distribution as a human, she's actually about the same dimension as an Antlion. Not like anyone gets them on a scale either.

Hair: brightly blond, silky and straight, kept short; that pale colored fur around her neck is actually hers too, not a fringe she bought...

Eyes: medium brown, big and pretty and oh my god there are more eyes

Appearance: fair skinned, with a very typical skinny look (she is actually a little gaunter than in the image) of a tweaker, at least from the waist up. And ... then she's a spider. Her coloration matches, and her markings are spreading, it's possible that at some point she'll look much more inhuman all over, but for now she's still kinda cute if you ignore the extra ... everything

Image Credits: Sheepy-Drackzahn / Doll Divine

Genetic Abilities: Spider. She's a spider. With all the benefits and banes thereof. She is almost entirely incapable of sitting still, and because her little bitty pinpoint feets can effectively grip any surface they encounter thanks to tiny hairs and hooks, she is often found upside down, hanging from light posts, under chandeliers, or walking across single power lines like it's nothing. The below lists 'telekinesis' however it's not particularly a Vortal power, instead it's because she basically continually exudes very fine silk threads - she doesn't just make them from her abdomen spinerettes, in fact they come out from glands in her hands, behind her ears, and at areas around her limbs in addition. These ultra fine threads also help her keep balance, but will trap anything that touches them, from gnats to bullets, without breaking until she wants them to break. People have unloaded high-caliber machine gun fire on her and not even scratched her, with a cloud of bullets resting in the now-foggy looking area around her. The strands will spew defensively, so she almost coccoons herself in it if she's going into a heated battle. With her light weight, strong limbs, and silk, Skylar is able to bunch up and leap through very long gaps between buildings or roadways, and if she starts to fall her silk strands will allow her to drift a bit more. The down side of this is that first off she's a goddamn spider, but more that her fingers are usually pretty sticky. She can concentrate on not being sticky just long enough to load a chem up, but mostly she tries to manipulate things with her legs instead now, leaving her hands free for rude gestures. Skylar has no other Vortal abilities.

Offensive power: Very strong Balance/Agility attacks ---7x normal power level---This power is out of control Defensive Power: Average Telekinesis defenses---3x normal power level---This power is out of control, or barely under control Transport Power: High Jumping (leap!)---3x normal power level Weakness: Afraid of Something (very common) - will absolutely climb walls and ceilings, can't really handle any normal physical stuff due to hands being all sticky

Icarus Processing: no, the Resonance Cascade, her experimentation in drugs, as well as those performed on her as a junior prisoner in an Aperture lab did more than enough... Obviously the physical changes were much more dramatic in her than most, though there are a few on her bus that went super weird too. Her body is armored, but thinly so; if any of those bullets hit her she'd shatter pretty badly, but even then she does heal surprisingly fast (around 3x normal). She does have two 'hearts', and while her upper body does still have blood as a human, the rest has the odd hydraulic fluid and ichor that most spiders have. The two systems don't mix, though if she'd allow anyone to examine her internals they'd discover that her human parts are very slowly being subsumed by spider ones. She eats whatever is organic and stuck in the webbing around her, so a lot of little bugs, not that she particularly is hungry at all, she's a tweaker anyway so ... she seems to live on stimpacks and coffee.
Skills or Profession: Her rap sheet at age 15, Unlawful manufacture of methamphetamine in the first degree / Unlawful disposal of methamphetamine laboratory material - obviously, she is good at chemistry and sciences! She's a chem dealer, so she also knows how to barter. It's kind of a shame that she mutated so wildly, because she'd probably become the most successful chems dealer and creator in the Mojave... just that people are freaking terrified of her so she has to deal carefully out of a shop with a big curtain separating her hind end from view. She puts sunglasses on her upper eyes, sometimes, as a bandana just makes her wince. Equally good with math and navigation, oddly enough she's the go-to girl for figuring out how to get into a location. Even if she can scamper up around a ceiling, she knows other people can't, and spots good locations to loot with ease.
Personality: a tweaker, but a good bit of fun too. She will focus on getting her next fix over sleep, but if she is called upon for any kind of work she can concentrate long enough to do whatever's necessary. For rewards, of course. Highly mercenary in her pursuit of caps and chems, but not the type to go bad on a deal: she'd rather have repeat customers, thanks.

Events or History: The meth capitol of California, her home sweet home, was affected by the Resonance Cascade in weirder ways than other parts of the world. It wasn't really in ruins, it was just more of what it had been. So parts of the town seemed to attract 'actors' - lots of little locations downtown were in use as filming spots. Navy and Marines bases got ... more tough and gay. And the suburbs, more apt to build and deal and explode with drug labs than ever. Her chem of choice was meth of course, and by the time she was 15 she'd been arrested twice for dealing and participating in brewing the illegal substances. She'd never shied away from needles, so when Aperture's scientist-guards offered her a batch of 'whatever is in this' she gleefully shot it up. She said it was tingly, made her light headed, and gave her double vision. That would be because she grew those extra eyes right on the spot. When the Resonance Cascade happened, she was several states away, and finally caught on that bus with the other inmates heading back west. Only after that one dude was knocked unconscious did her body really start changing - like the others. She thought about running away, into the woods, but she was actually stuck in place, her body was growing bigger but wedged between two rows of seats... So it's not like she had a choice. They got shunted into the other woods, the place smelling a bit different and having equally fucking weird shit going on in it. Including dragons, so that was very cool. She does feel it was a bit of a shame that her body mutated so weirdly so fast, because there's a couple other tweakers in that Coffee Grounds colony that were pretty hot! In the long run, she was moved with the others to the Mojave, where she's pretty at ease. This is after all very close to spots she met up with contacts and held raves!

The Khans that remained after Aretha kicked out most of the other authorities have accepted her, though she was also asked at one point to join the Followers of the Apocalypse - which is weird, because they know she's a tweaker. She thinks they wanted her to make Addictol, which is fine, she uses it too, but she'd much rather be high and helping others get high, than putting a damper on their fun. She has set up in Boulder City, what's left of it anyway, repurposing the Big Horn Saloon to her own needs and supplying numerous factions - mainly the Khans, but occasionally Fiends and even just plain old settlers - with chems of all kinds. She does make her own Addictol. Most of the buildings in the little town are still in ruins, but she's been working with her dragon to reassemble them into safer areas to produce the chems, as well as offer shelter to visitors. If the Vorts can stomach Skylar (well, she does rather remind them of an Antlion, and they herd and farm them...) this may very well become a Vortigaunt haven in addition to everything else (see below).


Name: Apache Wasp
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium 10' s / 50' l / 60' and 50' ws
Colors: belly from chin to tail and behind legs strong carnation pink; face and small side armor from neck to tail light butter yellow; main armor on neck, body, tail peach tan quite matching her rider's skin, set with black markings and red insets near spikes and on back and rump; wing armor, limbs start vibrant yellow, grade to blood red at feet; wingsails also vibrant yellow and red; all claws, horns, spikes white; eyes turquoise
Features: Pure Hivewing
Powers: Winged Flight, as good as Skylar is on surfaces, Apache is good in the air. She flies almost constantly, but when she needs to be grounded she can actually fold her wings down sufficiently to scoot around ruins with ease. She can take off and land vertically without issue, and is quite fast for short bursts. She can lift a pickup truck or small container crate easily, but prefers squirming Deathclaws or Hunters because then she can eat them.
Communication, Apache doesn't speak conventionally, preferring to buzz and hum with her wings, legs, and tail making cicada like sounds. She can speak Draconic and English, and clearly understands them, but simply doesn't have all that much to say. She and Skylar do have a tight Vortal bond, somehow, which is notable to anyone with aura sight.
Bright For A Reason, Apache is brightly colored and sports a nasty barb at the end of her tail, which is usually dripping with venom. Whether that venom is because she produces it naturally or her rider assembles it and lets her 'drink' it, no one knows, but she uses it with expert skill from above, hovering and latching onto prey with all four legs before delivering an incredibly painful death blow with it. If a creature is big enough to withstand the actual puncture wound, the venom in it will create burning pain and a sensory overload very similar to a methamphetamine overdose. Respiratory arrest usually follows, and the screaming finally ends.
Builds Nests, like her namesake, Apache Wasp is able to use rubble and dust, particles of all kinds, combined with water, silk from Skylar or a Silkwing, and whatever else is sitting around, into a very strong adobe-like concrete. Paper Wasps typically use wood and celulose, she uses existing materials like a pro. With her rider to guide where things need to be set up, the entire township of Boulder City will look more like a hive - maybe even a Vortigaunt hive - than anything else pretty soon. The structures she can build are very sturdy, and because it hardly rains they haven't been really tested for water tightness. Others have offered to make sure that the exterior is sound, for that reason.
Parentage: Unknown pure Hivewings
Origin: Adopted from TropiCat212, base by LunarSolstice981 on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: She likes sharing her meals with her rider, and maybe even with others. Want a chunk? No? More for her.