Name: Tippy (the Green Tipped Lurk)

Gender: Male, fertile

Age/DOB: reasonably old, though no one knows just exactly HOW old, as he isn't really the 'counts the seasons' type

Origin: Vault Earth local to the New Vegas area, is a mirelurk king

Family: Since he's a matured and fertile male, he certainly has eggs and young, descendants over the area

Other: though scary looking, he's actually quite laid back, almost sad, but also a bit bored with things as they were

Height: 6'2" at head, a bit taller if he stands up straight but he's usually as shown

Weight: around 300lbs, maybe more? Quite sturdy and muscular, also has plenty of fins and a long tail with more of them

Hair: None, the fins he sports might serve, and they're a yellowish green with pale teal-aqua tips

Eyes: glowing white

Appearance: as shown, this is a Mirelurk King variant, bipedal and with thumbs in addition to fish-like fins and scaled armored skin. He has a much more yellowish appearance than many, but is otherwise about the same as any given Lurk King; he has a bold voice that he uses to emulate a number of animals, as well as Human speech; he does... smell like brine

Image Credits: Bethesda

Genetic Abilities: As with all Mirelurks, he's amphibious and tends to remain in and near water if possible. He has a decent amount of experience with communication, and this is clearly enabled because of a strong intelligence. Normally 'intelligence' is barely a thing for these beasts, but he's a lot smarter than most Humans. He has a weak ability to camouflage under water or partially submerged in it, and can see with ease in any underwater area. He also uses a sonar-like burst to aid his senses, as well as focusing that as an attack.

Strength: 8 | Perception: 4 | Endurance: 6 | Charisma: 3 | Intelligence: 9 | Agility: 2 | Luck: 2

Icarus Processing: None, he's already mutated from... well, whatever it was that Mirelurk Kings are made of. Though given his high intelligence, it's possible that his offspring should be given it? Notably, he bears much more resemblance to the eastern seaboard version of the Kings, rather than the Lakelurks that are found in the Mojave normally.
Skills or Profession: Because he's been around for quite some time, hatched perhaps even at the very start of the War, he's had a lot of experience using Human-made items such as heavy weapons, though he really dislikes them because they don't suit his needs. However, he mainly relies on coaxing local animal life into nets, 'fishing', and controlling the lower-ranking Mirelurks in the area. He has a strong ability with animal husbandry, he can easily recognize local wildlife, and thinks that the addition of dragons is quite fun. He is able to discern different dragon breeds, as well as easily recognize individuals when they look similar, applying to normal animals as well. He can also use his claws, tail, and teeth to hunt or subdue prey, able to somehow prevent himself from outright killing things that don't 'deserve' it.
Personality: For quite a while, he was almost tired of living. But like a lot of water-based animals, if he's given enough to live on and a place to survive, he just... kept right on doing so. He's observant and quiet, careful among Humans, and makes sure of his company before showing himself to a group. He's had enough run-ins with raiders and regular folks to know better than to just walk up to them and start talking.* He isn't exactly 'kindly', more like the cranky old man living down the block in the run-down house, but when you get to know him, he's actually got a lot of stories to tell, and he does like caring for the animals in his area.

Events or History: Tippy is old. Very old, in fact, and it's highly likely that any Lurks that bear his color scheme - or his intelligence - are descendants of his. He's lived in the Vegas area and has seen some shit. *He had been captured and used in a local circus act for a while, 'the talking Lurk', and though that was where he learned most of his language skills at the time, he deeply resents being caged.

When this human female, Aretha, came along, and things started changing for the New Vegas area, he perked up. The Legion would have exterminated his family, but she was actually willing to sit down and talk with him, rather than scream and run. She is known as a diplomat, after all, and he values his place in the Mojave Conglomerate.

He currently resides where he's always lived: in the Blue Paradise Vacation site, south of Cottonwood Cove, keeping his pets and food safe in the existing travel homes. He deeply resented the Legion for having taken over parts of this place - it's his after all, he's been here much, much longer than any Human since the war.


Name: Greysilt
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium 10' s / 60' l / 100' ws
Colors: face, sides of neck, sides, limbs and tail dorsal area all light grey-green; belly from chin to tail tip and behind limbs, some limb armor on wings, pale aqua-white; dorsal armor and line, limb insets, face armor dark peacock-blue; insets on all parts usually vibrant glowing aqua; wingsails and all webbing deep blue-green mottled with bubble markings in a lighter tone; horns, claws, lips, spikes black; eyes cyan
Features: Pure Seawing
Powers: Winged Flight, Aquatic Movement, as with all winged dragons, he's able to fly decently well in the air for short distances, pulling nets at a slow speed and hovering with ease. Though heavy, he's quite stable in the air, and likes to dive from heights as long as he knows the underwater path is clear. Under the surface, he's still kind of slow, but you do not want to try getting in his way, because he will wrap circles around you, he seems to have learned that trick from some Mudwings. He does like the more shallow inland lakes and seas, than open ocean, as he's able to blend in with the runoff, silty lake bottoms, more easily than out in darker waters. He can certainly swim in nearly any conditions, including deep ocean, but likes it shallow.
Communication, like almost all Seawings, he's able to both speak and sign with his wings and coloration. He can easily speak to any dragon from his homeworld in Draconic, sign to all undersea ones in Aquatic, but also uses a version of his signing to communicate with ease to Tippy and other Lurks. He can understand English to a degree, but prefers non human languages.
Underwater Adaptations, as all Seas are able to, those big plated scales on his neck are gill covers, and he can breathe above or below water equally well. He can see in near darkness, 'near' because he's always casting some form of light from his scales. Though those scales are usually aqua or sky blue, robins-egg green, or pale cyan, he can darken them or change their shade to a greenish grey, or a denim blue. He does not have a breath 'weapon' so much as an ability to move himself, his wings, tail, and limbs, in ways that create nearby eddies and whirlpools, and if you're above the water seeing such a thing, don't enter it, you will not exit.
Parentage: Unknown pure Seawings, unrelated to any on the Rookery
Origin: Adopted from LunarSolstice981 with lines by PeregrineCella on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: As protective of the area as his lurk friend, Greysilt enjoys having the responsibility to bring food and items to the community above. Though he doesn't really like hanging out with too many others, he enjoys other dragons presence now and again for visits, and gossips a bit.