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Name: Barry "UNDERTAKER" Graves

Gender: Male, necrophile

Age/DOB: 50 at arrival in RY10, unknown DOB

Origin: Aperturth, Chicago IL

Family: unknown, ran the 'family' funeral parlor until his... um, appetites were discovered

Other: yeah, no. just no.

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 200, not skinny as shown but much of it is muscle, given that he does little other than physical labor, he is built like a mole, cylindrical...

Hair: greying black, shaggy, uncut, usually has more bone and blood in it

Eyes: tiny, pale blue, they may have started larger and brighter but as his mutations worked him over they shrank and will likely continue to do so until they're almost gone, under bushy brows

Appearance: had been a bit leathery already, but his skin has developed a short dirt-gold colored fur covering, and his face is still changing; will have a little beady nose and his teeth have started being replaced with sharper versions, which isn't good for anyone. He still wears the Aperture shirt and vest, as he had been work-crew designated, but has adopted other footwear and gloves, also usually more covered in blood and grime than shown; does have a short tail, his ears are nearly gone; he hardly speaks any more, but manages a scratchy yell now and again

Icarus Processing: no, but the Resonance Cascade in Aperturth absolutely impacted his already-experimented-upon genes very strongly. He already had a predisposition toward dirt and death, this caused further abilities in addition to the physical mutations present.

Image Credits: geN8Hedgehog

Genetic Abilities: Offensive power: Average Shapeshifting (organic) attacks---1x normal power level > his 'claws' are normally not visible, but both his hands and feet are oversized and when he is tunneling or attacking anything, they develop massive slightly curved ends similar to a mole's paws
Offensive power: Strong Animal Form (permanent, small) attacks---3x normal power level---This power is barely under control > mole genes introduced during experimentation
Defensive Power: Average Resistance (against Earth) defenses--2x normal power level---This power is out of control > suffers absolutely no harm nor problems due to burying, while he can't 'breathe' dirt, he doesn't seem to have difficulty being fully packed underground
Transport Power: High Burrowing (dirt only)---4x normal power level > he uses this all the time, and the dry, packed, sandy dirt of the Mojave is just perfect for his activities
Weakness: Sensitive to Sunlight mole man lol.
Skills or Profession: His rap sheet includes Aggravated cemetery desecration in the first degree
Aggravated interference with health care services in the second degree (lol necrophile)
So yeah, he's a funeral director with an eye and a taste for the dead. No one on the bus wanted to sit near him. He has expertise with chemicals and organic chemistry, as well as surgical tools, though at this point he hardly bothers with tools - his hands do the job just fine. Something about his experimentation phase also included the discovery of structural tunneling skills, he seems innately able to move through the ground without damaging his own property, and without bumping into things. If he wants to dig around you such that you'll step in any direction and fall into a pit, he can easily do that.
Personality: What kind of person becomes a cannibal? One that also fucks the dead bodies brought to him for proper burial or cremation.

Events or History: Perhaps he might have been shunned even if he hadn't been so weird. With a fixation on the dead, Barry never even considered trying to have a family or even close friends. Even people in the funerary industry didn't want to deal with him, though none of them outed him - it was purely by accident that his indescretions with bodies came to light. With the transition to the Rookery world, his mutations are growing even stronger, and soon he won't even look human - though not as bizarre as the mole-rats of the area, they often come to his side when he's feasting, and he doesn't stop them.

Currently resides in, and I kid you not, Cannibal Johnson's Cave, near Vault 34 in the Mojave.


Name: Headstone
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium (broad) 12'6" s / 55' l / 102' ws
Colors: neck, belly, under tail pale ghostly white; face, limbs, neck and body armor, tail to tip mottled white and pale grey speckled marble; face, neck, back and tail dorsal armor medium grey; wingsails grade from light grey to darker grey mottled more cloudy than body; horns, neck and back spikes, tail spikes, claws all soot dark mottled grey; eyes teal
Features: Pure Icewing
Powers: Winged Flight, Headstone flies with purpose and power, rarely during the day, and can soar quite high into the atmosphere without issue. She tends to remain near the ground however, as her favorite thing to do is find a proper highway overpass or broken building to perch on and just sit there like a massive gargoyle. She can carry a full bus, and one trick she likes doing is filling said bus with animal and human parts, to drop as a 'delivery' to her little friend.
Communication, somehow, Headstone and Barry can communicate, but how they do it is a mystery. As most humans won't deal with him, most dragons won't deal with her either, though it's clear she understands English as well as Draconic.
Ice and Cold Command, the chill of the dead is hers to command, and Headstone often breathes a fine mist that at first seems pleasant, but very quickly the air simply freezes to a point where nothing moves. Inhaling this icy mist will instantly freeze lung tissue and causes a quick but very painful death in anything smaller than a human. Insidious, this mist is nearly invisible, though at night it can be seen as a kind of fog. She can quick-freeze larger creatures with a single well-aimed blast of air, but only at less than 25 meters. Obviously if there is a place that she'd like to live, it'd be 'other than the hot surface', but the nights in the Mojave are quite chilly and she does like that.
Massive Spikes and Claws, like all Icewings she's suited to life in the glaciers, and has the spikey bits to prove it. Her claws can rip through flesh like it's tissue paper, and even strong metal or thick concrete falls with a couple swipes. Those wing claws can puncture a foot of solid steel, which she sometimes does with an eye on who's hiding inside that bunker or Vault room...
Parentage: Unknown pure Icewings, unrelated to any in the Rookery and highly unlikely to ever be related to any
Origin: Adopted from MooncrestNecrozma on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: What kind of dragon befriends a guy that fucks the dead and eats his own species flesh? The kind that would very likely do the same to her own. She does like moving prey a little more than scavenging, but both are just fine.