Name: Weak Arm

Gender: Male, Supermutant straight...ish?

Age/DOB: 16/2264

Origin: Vault Earth, Sierra Nevada Supermutant compound called Jacobstown

Family: Unknown Supermutants, likely both deceased

Other: Weak Arm is quite the anomaly and has headed south into the desert to join up with those Humans, under the Quarry into Vault 26, in order to get an education

Height: 7'1"

Weight: 'only' about 300, and though compared to most humans he is remarkably well muscled, compared to virtually any Supermutant he is an absolute and utter wimp; he has long legs and arms and a broad chest

Hair: none, though he does have eyebrows of a sort, and they are darkly greenish-brown; he keeps his head covered with a desert-camo army helmet

Eyes: mismatched reddish-brown, low set, and clearer than most

Appearance: with typically green-tinted Supermutant skin, he also has small markings on his head, neck and back, arms, and torso, with some on his legs, and it's likely these serve as 'freckles' in a dark green; he has large clawed toes and heavy claw-like fingernails, and his face has the standard 'pulled back lips' that most Supermutants display, with large yellowed teeth; he wears whatever he can find that fits, usually a mishmash of furs and leathers, cast off big-and-tall men's wear, and the occasional football padding; he wears no shoes; his voice is grating and deep, and though he is considerably smarter and has a decent enough vocabulary for comprehension and reading, he cannot speak very well and tends to grunt or growl unless it's absolutely necessary to try and speak words; notably he also is cleaner and more upright than most Supermutants, carrying himself ... well, like a nerd rather than a massive overmuscled mutant jock

Genetic Abilities: as a Supermutant, he is very large, strong, and durable to a ridiculous degree. He just isn't as strong, durable, or large as his peers. He is probably as strong as 3 normal humans, but has never had to rein in his movements, he just doesn't do harm by waving his arms. He can walk or jog for hours on end, though he does much better in the warmer climate of New Vegas, than he did up in Jacobstown where it was quite cold - he has no body fat on him. He's not a lot faster than a typical person, but his long legs make up for any slow stride. Supermutants also have a very strong resistance to radiation poisoning, and thus he is clearly able to wade through very dangerous locations with some amount of ease, if not comfort. He is somewhat easy to distract or confuse, but generally speaking his mind is much more focused on on-target than virtually any other Supermutant you'd find in the wild. So technically his intelligence is a strong mutation.

Image Credits: HeroMachine 3

Icarus Processing: the FEV was able to allow his parents to breed, that's about as close to any kind of chemical treatment he can get
Skills or Profession: expected to hunt, stalk, and prowl around and be generally aggressive even by his 'civilized' peers standards, Weakarm is absolutely not any of those things. Though he can certainly hunt for himself, usually deer or wild pigs, his physical skills aren't nearly as well developed as his mental ones, and he has exhausted the possibility of any further education among other Supermutants. Heading into the human areas, he's made it known that he is not harmful, but will definitely help take up arms against even his own kind if needed. Right now, as a youth, he has less of a 'profession' and more some vague goals. He's smart enough to figure out how to get help on the tough books, but he does hope to some day hold conversations with much more intellectuals than himself. He can read and even write if given proper tools, at a strong level of proficiency even better than most humans around, and that's because he's had to rely on writing letters all the time, to communicate since his own voice tends to betray him.
Personality: eager and helpful, and resoundingly positive, but he does have a serious side, as he knows the reality of his world is pretty grim. He won't barge into a place without announcing himself, because people tend to shoot first and not care what they've hit. He is definitely a bookworm, and loves being surrounded by the university's bookshelves in the Vault.

Events or History: Born into a small clan of 'civilized' Supermutants, those who followed their peace-encouraging leader into the mountains north of New Vegas and settled into an old resort, renaming it Jacobstown. He is not the youngest of those born there, but he is among the few who left on peaceful terms, rather than some who wanted to go back to their more violent and human-hating ways. Weakarm was only given this name when he was 12, in the attempt to goad him into being stronger, but it backfired. He doesn't care about physical strength at least not to compare himself with other Supermutants. In most ways, he's... a gangly nerdy teenager. In others, however, he's still a remarkably strong and durable demi-human that is hunted by virtually every other kind of humanoid in the area, and has had to fight his way out of scraps with Deathclaws and human raiders alike. And with NCR troops, and with Legion troops. And... Well he got sick of that, and heard tell somehow of this group of dragons and their companions down in New Vegas's area. Getting there wouldn't be hard, but getting there alive... another story. But because he was smart enough to put words on a sign saying 'I am Weakarm I come in peace Not talk good' people have generally been predisposed to be more curious than angry at his presence.

Once he is settled in, after helping put together larger furniture for people of his size (and... those people include a... hybrid Deathclaw?!) he is now able to sit and study, read to his heart's content, and even listen on on tactical discussions and not get lost. But what he's discovered too, is that some dragons in their area have unusual abilities. None so strange as those who come from even farther away, places he's never heard of and can't have - because they don't exist on his Earth. Without fear, Weakarm stared into the faceted eyes of a small black dragon - the dragon even had to stretch to be that tall! But what amazed the Supermutant was that they then moved... coldly, weirdly, into another world yet again. He was introduced to some people (who may or may not have shat themselves, but he wasn't paying attention) at Sgiath Wolfkeep. He didn't even know what planet this was, but the stars didn't look right when night fell, and all the smells and sounds of wildlife were completely outside his admittedly limited experience. Weakarm did not realize that wolves on Earth didn't typically have wings on them - he'd seen plenty of mutant hounds but they weren't nearly as endearing as the group of pups here.

A Winged Wolf? Of course! She was unsure at first just what to think about Weakarm, as he was quite big and smelled very different from anything she'd ever sniffed. But it turned out he was just what she was looking for. He quietly grumbled out "desert, books, protect", and she knew that wherever they were going was safe as long as he was there.

Name: Thorli Kethlar
Gender: Female
Breed: Reririan/Alskyrian Pernese
Litter: 6
Parents: Dark Brown Dyami Sirhaan & Red Athore Kethlar
Personality: introverted, hasty, down-to-earth

She is among the few of her litter to remain in approximately the same color scheme as her juvenile shades. Though it might be difficult to slink around in broad daylight in the New Vegas area, she keeps to the dark, and hunts Geckos while they're sleeping at night.


As a pup Thorli spent a lot of time sleeping in the warm shade just outside the Quarry's entrance to the Vault. A lot of other people wondered whether she was a dog, or... what?

Definitely 'or what'.


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