Name: Daisy Hayes

Gender: Female, Straight

Age/DOB: ~26, 1934, put in stasis by one or another Keenans, removed to aid the fight, moved to the Rookery by some general consensus of kallah-vahhs

Origin: Dimension.... maybe nearby, not this one. Not that other one either, 'dimension V', sure, close enough

Family: Disowned by them when she 'ran away' - actually she left the family homestead because her father refused to 'allow' her to work on a degree in science and mathematics, and her mother kept trying to marry her off; she understands that a lot of people don't have even that much these days, but she doesn't miss her own and realizes they've been dead for quite a while even on her home Earth

Other: She's actually quite taken by scientists and Lane alike, will she ever want a family? Eh, not so much but she won't stop Melissa or whoever else from taking those weird samples of theirs

Height: 5'0"

Weight: like, 90? 100? she's 'diminuative' at best, 'tiny' at worst

Hair: Dark, brick-red, heavy, but not wiry; kept short and stylish, she likes sitting around with Caroline, Rhea, and even Thomas to 'get her hair done' - in styles that only they really appreciate...

Eyes: Medium brown, a solid shade with hardly any variation, though they are often squinted in thought or analysis

Appearance: peaches and cream with a strong blush and freckles, burn-and-peel in the sun; she really is very small, even for an adult that grew up in the depression-era of her Earth. That said, she's still nicely feminine and quite pretty according to a very wide variety of men around her. She definitely and clearly likes styles of dress that faded out of fashion decades before the current era - but thankfully there's that amazing city below the ocean that has bunches of it still sitting around!

Genetic Abilities: None overtly, but Daisy is remarkably intelligent and quick witted, catches on very fast to new things, and adapts her own perception according to needs. She has a stunning inherent understanding of numbers, math, geometry, code, basically anything that can be broken down into some form of numbers.

Icarus Processing: None, but Melissa has encouraged her to start taking the Pythagoras treatments to 'fully enable' her abilities that already exist with math and numbers

Image Credits: Azalea's Dolls 40s Fashion

Skills or Profession: Most of her prior experience was in the form of stamping papers and changing time charts, but her heart was always in the numbers. There are only a couple of the Pantheon who are as good at math-in-your-head as she is, even without that Pythagoras stuff she's been stirring into coffee lately. She learns so fast that it's hard to even estimate how much of the Lambda lab programs she could outright recreate right now, but she's been of incredible use putting touches on code, triple-checking data and math. If she'd been, as 'her' Lane regrets not having done, put into Black Mesa when he first met her, she would have been the Administrator within a decade, but would still always have preferred to be working on the science. Adaptable, flexible, and able to take seemingly random data and putting it together in new ways, she's got her eye on helping fix up the Rookery, then Aperture, and perhaps even the Borealis. She figures the Rapture facility has more than enough going on before she'll get to that place - the other facilities are in less ruin and more accessable anyway.
Personality: Kind, smart, honest, and blunt at times rather a lot like Melissa, but without the blistering force that the blonde achieves. Her tiny size tends to make people underestimate her, but then anyone that knows the Pantheon has stopped doing that just in case whoever they're around is 'the actual expert' on things. She is 'the actual expert' on code, math issues, rocket science - she notes how stuffy Magnusson gets, with Yet Another Woman Here in his domain, but she just gently slides by him and fixes any rare mistake before he can utter a blustery word. She's gentle, polite, a feature of not only her upbringing but her old profession behind a counter. Quite good at watching people and their behaviors, to make sure that they get what they need, or to call security if there's danger. She's a bit weirded out that there are as many other women in Lane's life - after all he never brought any of them through her station...

Events or History: With a very standard 'education in the 30s', Daisy was really, really bored most of the time, and would stop by the library on the way home every day after school, pore over ever-increasingly difficult books on mathematics, sciences, and the like. Unfortunately her family didn't 'approve' of such things, and she would have been relegated to a life of misery, so... off she went, but shortly realized that applications to most of the universities she could find that even took women at all, 'required' a husband's, father's, or other such approval to even begin filing paperwork. Disgusted, angry, and alone, she started working wherever she could - almost getting involved with banking but she very quickly realized it would also be relegating her to 'typing and smiling'. At least with a job on the railway, she was able to continue reading and amassing more information - and was very good at her job, helping estimate down time, distances to travel, and the like.
Working at one booth in particular she noted that a tall, slender and somewhat gaunt youngish... or middleageish... or... something, business man with a briefcase and military style hair would come through - always to Chicago, three day return, two days off now and then. It wasn't until 1957 that anything seemed amiss, and his demeanor on an unusually late departure queue spurred her to ask. Where was he off to - with actual luggage? Well, while he didn't say exactly (he was heading into Rapture for half a year) it was clear that he wasn't going to be a 'station regular' any longer. There was obviously a lot on his mind, and though she 'was no bartender' she did offer a sympathetic ear and extended her wishes for good luck on his journey - though something else was bugging him and it didn't come out until considerably later - for him.
For her, it came out really rather weirdly and quickly, in a location that she didn't recognize, and couldn't fathom for a few hours. Because that Lane had tucked her away before the end of her shift and before he entered that somewhat doomed relationship under the ocean (in his world). And awakened her ... nearly 60 years later, in a ruined hotel that she might have recognized as one in Chicago ... had she ever been there herself. With his problematic 'employers' as well as coworkers that would certainly come after him for betraying their work, he knew he also had little time to really explain or do much more than tell her there were other such people that he'd gently removed from the world, putting them on ice as it were, and now was putting them into the world once more. We don't know what happened in that world - because he sent her here, when things got... heated. In fact there may be a couple others still scattered, but here where there are dragons, science, and the need for every good mind able to work with both of those, she's got a lot ahead of her and intends to enjoy every moment. One clear fact is that she knows that neither Local Lane nor Repurposed Lane are 'hers' - she recognizes that there are multiple dimensions, her math all points to that being true. She does like one of them more than the other, but they both seem equally impressed with her, and she wonders... what happened to hers?

Though she does move between locations quite often, she has a place within Lane Mansion, as well as portal-based connections to Aperture, the Rookery, and will want to have others too. She's considered moving permanently to that train station near the Mansion grounds, honestly - and there's one in the Ranch too! How perfect! She really does want to see everything connected and unified.


Name: Flightpath
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium 9' s / 40' l / 65' and 35' ws
Colors: Striking black with white body, black from chin to belly without markings; back, neck, sides, limbs and wings, tail, all black with varigated white spatters; white face accents, neck and front of limb armor, and lighter white stripes on back scales, antennae white; neck, tail, and limbs have small orange markings along some scales; horns, back spikes, and claws graphite; wingsails vibrant orange with white markings and black demarkations; eyes strong red
Features: Pure Silkwing, four long and muscular legs with 5 and 4 short curved claws, forelimbs have silk glands; four leathery butterfly-shaped wings with 3 and 1 visible fingers, elbow strut and short, stiff wrist thumb, all with short claws; body is scaled with heavy armor along back and sides, over tail; softer armor on belly; head is dished with strong curved beak, external ears, jaw nubs, two long antennae and two elegant long horns; from head to tail tip single spines along entire dorsal area
Powers: Winged Flight, though butterflies seem to be so fragile, this monarch-marked beauty is quite strong, even in stormy conditions. His own flight seems to be deceptively straight, he is apt to halt, back up, flutter, or do other defensive moves in the presence of any enemies below, and they may very well believe he's actually just a butterfly, until he gets right up close. He does prefer the much more direct flight of point-a to point-b, when there are no dangers near. Strong but not durable, he can lift goods or people with ease, but anything particularly bulky or heavy he likes to wrap in webbing first, and have another dragon pick up a 'handle' to help with the load.
Verbal Speech, with a strangely toned voice, Flightpath can not only listen in on Combine chatter, he can emulate it with his voice and antennae. He prefers to speak quiet English or Draconic, however, and has a good vocabulary in both. He cannot easily speak Vort, but can pick up the vibrations of their lowest voices, even when Humans can't hear it.
Silk Production, a master of webbing and weaving, Flightpath produces heavy, strong silk that can last through days of drizzle or wind before needing to be replaced. With those webs, he decorates them with items - often these just look like random crap stuck in invasive creature's nests. But they usually have hidden Lambda signs, in orange, and carefully placed weapons or food caches, helpful for refugees or scouts. He has a really good eye for detail, as well, so he'll remember where he saw 'just the right color stack of paper somewhere', and go find it, to place on the sticky webs. People like seeing these things, particularly scientists, because they firmly believe that this 'artist' is more creative than most Humans. He doesn't really use this stuff as an attack so much as a preservation device, and relies on claws and bite to hunt anything.
Unerring Sense of Direction, somehow, even on this planet far distant from his birth-world, Flightpath knows where north is, can orient in the worst fog or deepest night, and will easily sense if he's been in a spot before. Whether this is scent based or just 'some magic' no one knows. He may leave a Vortal trail for himself, that only he senses. But either way he can make his way around a location and put down silk markers, plot a good course through an area, and direct others through a place with no trouble at all. It's likely that if he went back to their homeworld, he'd still be able to find places that he visited as a hatchling.
Parentage: Unknown pure Silkwings, and while there are others with orange markings, it's unlikely he's related directly
Origin: Adopted from HufflepuffHannah on Deviantart, Wings of Fire by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: A pair like this doesn't come along often - Daisy worked for years as a ticket booth attendant at a train station, making sure everyone got where they're going on time, and this monarch-colored Silkwing knows exactly how to return to any destination.