Name: Sennydem (SEH neh dem)
Gender: Male
Colors: body black, belly acid green, socks deeper acid green; eyes (all of them) red; crown gold, with inset gems dictating abilities and personality traits
Features: Shadow Hydra (1/2 Tris'Hathydra, 1/2 Shadowling of Destruction) as shown; 3 heads tangibly, mane produces up to 15 others; Bonding is technically possible, but they're likely to be uninterested in anything not on par with their own incredible power.
Powers: Communication - Verbal Speech, strong voices with a calm and extremely intellectual bent, can use the big words with confidence but chooses to appraise their discussion partner first and adjusts his vocabulary accordingly; Telepathy, you don't want this dragon's mind in yours. It will stay there and be very, very painful.
Teleportation, able to move between spaces like a shadow across the wall, there'd best be a good enough place for him to rematerialize otherwise it'll just be a crater when he gets there
Breath Weapons (Acid, Fire) The ability to breathe either a gout of fire or a spray of acid; though why? When feeding is far easier? Possibly to prove a point or accent a discussion... spitting acid is what he defaults to, and that acid absolutely demolishes organic things very painfully, at up to 100 meters or a fan spray around 20 meters across in a closer arc. His fire breath is short (less than 30 meters) but can melt metals and cause flammables to explode or turn to ash, however it's a quick fire so more sturdy things may last through it with mere blisters
Destruction-Feeding , Rather than simply consuming meat, these hydras can destroy to feed. The most delicious and sustaining meals are the energies released when living things die, which they can absorb simply by being present. They can also consume any energies released when they enact their destructive powers.
Destruction Powers, These hydras are an incarnation of chaos and destruction. Destroying anything around them comes with natural ease, not from brute strength but from force of will. This for Sennydem is kind of a toggle - you have to really get him riled up to just outright blow shit up, but he can and will select a Combine troop transport or even a small building, and it will fall apart into component pieces, blow up into a cloud of hot vapor, or crumble to greasy sand in moments
Insubstantial Form, Although they appear solid, these hydras can will themselves into an insubstantial shape. Like a thick cloud of smoke or fog, they can barely be touched. He does, however, like to be touched, if for no other reason than to feel whatever it was recoil in terror and then crumbling to dust
Shapeshifting, an unlimited number of shapes and descriptions apply, but he prefers his current over any other purely because it appears to inspire terror in his enemies (and a lot of 'friends'...)
Natural Spellcaster, After reaching their first decade in age, the hydra begins to develop magical ability. The older they get, the more powerful they can become. Notably this is not going to work real well on the Rookery, but with some amount of practice can emulate the 'Vortal powers' that his sponsor and some others from the Pantheon use.
Origin: Phe's April 2022 Shipping Square
Other Info: Is sponsored by Paxton, and not 'controlled' or 'bonded'. Like the other Shadowling of Destruction on this world, Malotsz (not coincidentally his cousin), Sennydem knows that there is food aplenty and will hesitate only long enough for the 'good guys' to get out of the way before laying waste to a Combine prison or ship yard. He can be counted upon to wait for Paxton's order to attack, and actually enjoys some 'down time' when there aren't actual conflicts going on.