Name: Tapper F169
Gender: Female, intact
Breed: Wild
Coat: Brown Barred Tiger Grizzle
Eyes: Yellow
Genetic Code:
bS/- (Hemizygous Smooth Brown)
C+//C+ (Homozygous Barred)
TG//+ (Heterozygous Tiger Grizzle)
Go//+ (Carries Golden)
+//ir (Carries Iridescent)
+//+ (Yellow Iris)

Size: 25
Domestication: 90
Friendliness: 68
Noisiness: 64

Parents: (progenitor)
Siblings if known:

Mate: StargM011 Rustbucket
Offspring: M184 Mudslide, F190 PaAle; M182, M183, F188, F189, M185, M186

Current Location: Barney's Barn
Art By/Born-Adopted From: Dray/Nidus Corona

"You like that fresh running water, huh?" Barney muttered, while the brown and white winged cat pushed her head under the faucet. She had no fear of water, at least while the drain was open. Put an inch of dishwater in there and that sink was off limits.

Not off limits, however, were the beer taps and various spray pumps for all the drinks in the Barn Bar. This cat had almost instantly earned herself a spot next to the the barrels but also continually got herself sticky by standing too close to any given tap. She never seemed to suffer any ill effects from cleaning herself, though, not even acting 'drunk' in that cat way (though she did enjoy the after-hours sprinkle of catnip!). Tapper 'helped' add a little unexpected pizzaz to drinks by walking over and batting at a flavor or garnish, and Barney's customers more often than not would request that she 'mix their drinks' and select ingredients.

Tapper discovered a 'friend' in one of the wilder or at least more spastic males in the colony, and soon she grew quite round with Rustbucket's offspring. Barney couldn't keep all of them, but two in particular seemed to fit the bill. Named Mudslide and Pale Ale, they learned to fly and hunt and bother patrons in equal measure.

Traditional Disclaimer and Copyright Statement: content by Lethe. The artwork on the main pages is mine. Any other art or world is credited where used. None of it is for use beyond this site and cannot be distributed by anyone but me, and that does include No Fucking Thanks and any collections online. If you didn't see it on my site it is stolen.
Barney's Barn Bar Barn Cats ... Barney is from Half Life / Valve; Map used for bar via Gmod, apparently is from the Life is Strange game? Xen from Crowbar Collective's Black Mesa.
Individual cats will be from various artists, credited on pages.
Fonts used: Airstream, Scribble, AnimalTracks