Name: Max Dunready

Gender: Male, Bisexual

Age/DOB: 18 / 2015

Origin: Repurposed Earth, New Mexico

Family: Among the first of the children actually born in the Black Mesa Refugee City, his parents having met on their way from some now-destroyed Cities. They still live there, with his little sister and brother, who show absolutely no inclination to come live 'in the dirt and antlion-infested hills' like him.

Other: It's possible that while he came out to the ranch to be contrary to his folks - he is still a teenager after all - he does truly enjoy this life, and wants to find a girlfriend... or maybe a boyfriend... who will enjoy it with him.

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 145, muscular, still growing but he'll flesh out strongly rather than get any taller

Hair: Dusty dark brown, shaggy and heavy, kept in a pony tail to his mid-back

Eyes: deep brown, almost black, narrow, under eyebrows that some claim should be on a mad scientist

Appearance: Tan-skinned with hardly any scars or injuries, somehow he grew up without a scratch; found a pair of cowboy boots and never lets them out of his sight, he does actually sleep in them. (Wait til he gets a look at Wilson's snakeskin boots...)

Genetic Abilities: None apparent

Icarus Processing: No, though he doesn't display any negative genetic tags he wouldn't benefit himself

Image Credits: Azalea's Dolls 'Elf Boy' maker

Skills or Profession: Unlike some refugees around the world (and certainly any on the Rookery Earth) Max has had a pretty decent education, and is much brainier than he seems being out on the ranch and all. His philosophical bent usually ranges into logic debates and ethics, he did grow up understanding that the world ended and that guy over there with the creepy eyes and weird habits was responsible for it. Aside from that though, he is a quick study, can read manuals like nobody's business - he's the kind of kid who at age 6 could program a VCR and went on to code computers. He doesn't need to do that, but some day he'll probably get washing machines and hand mixers fixed up for that little restaurant he wants to open... He keeps his hands and body busy with patrols and scaring up spare meat in the form of headcrabs, lizards, goats, or whatever else isn't an Antlion in the Ranch's general vicinity. When the Vorts bring along the next batch of Ants, he's right there in the thick of it, making sure that the netting they've got is properly hooked in, and won't allow them to escape above, and if they do, they have Firefly to chase!
Personality: Though he's still young he is rather snarky, and claims he learned it from the best - that is to say Magnusson and other scientists along with many of the adult refugees around the Mesa. That said, his vitriol is usually reserved for people who don't do their job, or who simply can't take the truth for an answer. When he's not remarking on how stuffy some folks can be, or how the lights should be turned off when they're not in use around here, he's a diligent worker - he takes the time to examine things before setting out to do something, and gets it done without a hitch. He is a good 'measure twice cut once' type, and is well respected among many of the more sensible sorts in the Mesa for it.
Events or History: For all that respect, his parents don't seem to 'get it'. He doesn't want to sit around waiting for life to move on, he wants to move it. And with the energy he has, the quick mind and the sound body, when the Rookery was announced, he jumped at it. He would have gone to the Ranch anyway, he'd visited it a couple times before the dragons arrived, but now he's sure this is the right place for him. He can hone his skills making traps or snares, as well as keep an eye out for stray Combine and take those out too, he has a collection of Combine pieces-parts from soldiers and Synths alike in his room.


Name: Firefly
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Small 6' s / 25' l / 35' and 32' ws
Colors: A pale almost glowing yellow-green on sides, neck, and tail; framed by black scales and accents; belly is a more creamy tan, basic scales on limbs and wings are a greyish khaki with greener armor; face has brighter gren accents around mouth; wingsails are gradient between brighter yellow-green, greeny olive, and orange-yellow, all quite transparent; spikes are green, horns and face armor are grey, and claws are not-quite-white; teeth are venom-slick green, eyes are the same biting shade of lime-green
Features: Pure Hivewing, four long and strong legs with 5 and 4 sharp curved claws; four insect-like wings with 4 visible fingers, stiff wrist thumb, and elbow strut, all with short curved claws; body is heavily armored with overlapping scales along entire body, armor over fronts of wings, head is boxy and angular with sharp beak and nose horn, two larger curved horns, external ears; entire dorsal area has long single spikes from neck to tail tip; tail has barbed spine on the end
Powers: Winged Flight, Firefly is a very fast flier, making a buzzing sound similar to a very large bee when he moves; he requires no space whatsoever to take off or land, and is remarkably maneuverable in the air. This does come at the cost of being unable to really lift anything other than his rider or hold on to gear about 200lbs worth, or else he becomes imbalanced and can't go more than a few hundred meters at a time. His speed is unmatched, he can fly unladen at over 100 miles an hour, though he wouldn't make it 50 of that at that speed.
Verbal Speech, he makes a great many sounds, some a bit like talking. Well, he mutters to himself constantly in Draconic, and while he does understand English he doesn't prefer to speak it aside from talking to Max. He takes grumpy to an art form.
Venom Attacks, both his teeth and tail are equipped with dangerous venoms - two different ones actually. His tail usually stings prey less than the size of a cow (ideally an antlion sized creature) and becomes disoriented, it causes pain and clouds vision easily; then his bite... just let him eat because whatever he's hit isn't gonna last long and he does not share. He does have to be careful not to bite or get his teeth on anything valuable or living, because ... ew. The wounds it creates are highly painful and acid-laced, and he does contribute some of this venom to the scientists at Black Mesa because apparently Humans like that sort of thing.
Glowing, Hivewings often have some 'special' ability that others don't necessarily share, and his is the power to glow a bit. All of his scales (well, not the black ones) seem to give off a kind of dusty glimmer, slightly brighter overall than a Spitter Antlion's body, but in a darker shade of greenish yellow than their brilliant off-white. He cannot turn this off, so he does have to make sure that the coast is clear before he and Max go flying in the evening or night sky. He doesn't want to lead any enemies to their home, after all. That said though, he does use this to his advantage, when he knows he's being pursued - he will sit and wait, attract the enemy, and then several other much darker dragons and humans can attack. He doesn't mind being used as bait because he knows he can fend off darn near any attacker.
Parentage: Pure Hivewing, unknown parents, may be Sunrise's mate and thus the sire of Bugbait, his wing coloration seems quite compatible with this idea.
Origin: adopted from PhantomMangleAttack on Deviantart, Wings of Fire by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: How Sunrise and he got together at all is a mystery but hey. Maybe she liked his glow.