Name: Shane Welk

Gender: Male, Straight

Age/DOB: ~32, 2000?

Origin: Repurposed Earth, Texas

Family: unknown, probably deceased

Other: He was a teen when he came to Black Mesa via a pack of Vorts discovering him in a burnt out building; at least one of those Vorts resides at the Ranch now, keeping an eye on him still

Height: 5'6" (a bit small, but that's likely due to his early life and lack of nutrition)

Weight: 135, wiry, strong legs, good hands

Hair: medium brown, silky and flyaway, kept short to neck and often in his eyes, but also tends to be quite attractive when the sun catches it

Eyes: light blue-green, under very expressive eyebrows

Appearance: Creamy skin with a handsome jaw and earnest expression, very nice speaking and singing voice with a bit of a southern twang left over from his youth; tends to have layers on because his arms, shoulders, and back are covered in criss-crossed scars from likely crawling under barbed wire or hot metal chickenwire fencing

Genetic Abilities: none known

Icarus Processing: no, would not benefit and cannot have it done due to genetic tags that contraindicate use

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Skills or Profession: A ranch hand that makes sure everyone is settled, before starting off the fireworks. He is the one responsible for driving goods between Black Mesa and the Ranch, be they freshly slaughtered Antlion parts, goo-filled eggs from the Nectarium, or people coming to visit. He's expert at defensive driving, repair and maintenance of vehicles of all sorts including farm equipment, and also power tools or other such smaller goods. He has it in his head to rebuild a mill or quarry, but that will have to wait. Otherwise he's also got very good people skills, and is considered the 'contact point' between Black Mesa and the Ranch.
Personality: Polite and sensible, calm, and genial. He is the type to defuse arguments, with a firm but gentle voice or comment. He wants what's best for everyone, will take time to figure out what that outcome should be.
Events or History: A semi-local to the area, his family ran a farm in Texas until the Synchronicity, and though they kept trying to work it eventually the headcrabs and other more dangerous imported wildlife meant they had to relocate to one of the Cities. City 77 would be his home for another three or four years, but the life of a rancher was not suited to a City of any sort, and he ducked out shortly before the Combine arrived when he was around 15 years old. He spent several years scooting between ruins on bikes, refurbishing vehicles as it suited his needs, and escaping patrols. Eventually he wound up in trouble that he couldn't get out of without help - and that help came in the form of some wandering Vorts. He was near enough Black Mesa that they immediately headed there, but when he learned there was in fact a 'ranch' nearby, he jumped at the chance to revive his proper lifestyle. He takes pride in this, most people associate him with that ranch because he will go on and on about it if he has to remain in the Mesa any length of time.
Now that dragons are involved, and the chance once more to actually fight for what's right on another... slightly less nice Earth... that's good enough for him.


Name: Umith
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Small Bipedal-ish 6'2" at hip / 19' l / 44' ws
Colors: Ocean-Teal, entire body, wingsails are seafoam green through a teal blue-green, with a stronger blue by the tail tip; claws are greenish grey, eyes change and though she's often mistaken for being angry, those red eyes are her being 'protective', not 'angry'
Features: Old-world hybrid, four legs with a bipedal stance that can be quad when she wants to; 5 and 4 digits, clawed paws; two leathery wings with three visible fingers, wrist claw hooks, short claws on fingers; skin is hide needing care, oils and dust baths; head is chunky with forehead ridge, very large faceted eyes, and short headknobs (they're not horns nor ears), internal ears; body is even from neck to tail, tail is unadorned; As an Old-World dragoness, her -TH ending name will be echoed in offspring with appropriately chosen partners.
Powers: Winged Flight, Umith got a late start flying (having to be pushed off a ledge in order to start even thinking about flying) but she's pretty decent in the air, even with one rider or some gear on a harness. She does not like harnesses, by the way, and much prefers her rider to just hold on snugly - she could hold his ankles anyway, while her wings do the flapping. She's apt to glide for quite some miles before needing to rest, and with her coloration she often takes wing at dawn and dusk to best exploit it.
Teleportation, though not terrific at this, she can blink between spaces and move instantly. Generally she only moves around 100 meters at a time, emergency use such as in combat, and she does this almost entirely unconsciously - she cannot travel between worlds without assistance, and cannot do any of those fancy tricks that other Pernese or Nexus dragons do - but that's fine because she likes it right here.
Telepathic Speech, Umith is able to speak with her rider, dragons of all kinds, Vorts, other humans or humanoids, and even some number of animals with her mind. Her mental voice is bright and cheery though with that kind of vapid cheerleader style that almost makes people think she's a bit of a ditz. ... She is kind of a ditz.
Unassisted Firebreath, though she doesn't use it often, she is capable of breathing a hot gout of flame around 25 meters long, igniting easily burned items and causing a lot of heat damage to anything else.
Parentage: Unknown Old-World centric but clearly either modified or hybridized
Origin: Enzan Shi Deragonry (closed) gift to Shard, raised in the Healing Den (hatched there) by Diurnath and Nocturneth who now are up in the Borealis.
Other Info: This ocean-teal female was a gift from the new leaders of EnzanShi, and was tended as their own offspring by Nocturneth and Diurnath. She loves them as parents - and unlike many dragons, she will always feel that parental attachment. She is a strong-willed girl, but not ... really... too bright. She would like to find a nice male, but has no intention of settling down with one, like her 'parents' have.