Name: Jennifer Lange

Gender: Female, bisexual

Age/DOB: ~16, 2022

Origin: Repurposed Earth, AAEC, Auburn Alabama

Family: Spliced up from prior samples, Gene Lange brother sharing most of her donor parents; Mother of Nakila and Joel with Nohaa Walsh

Other: With a number of other 'second generation' children, is a 'recreation' of one of the children that perished during the Events

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 130* Icarus lightened overall but she looks generously curvy anyway

Hair: Rich black, straight and full, kept to mid-back, usually in pony tail or barrettes, likes having updo and fancy accessories for it in relaxed times

Eyes: started light clear brown, however with Icarus treatment and normal aging, they've turned a violet-brown color, and may get darker with time

Appearance: medium tan skin that has a golden tone, with freckles on face and shoulders in sunlight; looks clever, cute, and mischievous and she absolutely is all of those; prefers snug Icarus suits with equipment to help her use her pyrotechnics a little better

Genetic Abilities: Extremely strong telepathy and invasive 'peeking' - can listen in on even strong Vortal minds, but particularly good at those who share any of her genetic donors (like her brother Gene, who she absolutely loves messing with), also has a good ability to work with dreaming people, sharing and to an extent controlling what they see; mind linking similar to that which Tina uses, with a very slim chance she might learn how to possess or control multiple bodies, but she is much better with linking and being a Vortal conduit; all of those mental abilities can be done at decent distances, up to 5 miles for peeking in and dreaming, and more than 50 for telepathic communication that isn't overly invasive; has a minor ability with pyrotechnics, this isn't true fire production, more like little sparklers and fireworks, which actually do snap and crackle, as they're tiny little explosions. With practice she's been able to focus their blast radius and quantity of 'streamers', but the mechanical devices that others have built her help to do this job so she can aim, produce them at greater distances (up to 25 meters with accuracy), otherwise they're very close up and fairly weak. At full power however, they can cause brief blindness and deafness with their noise and shine, and often leave afterimages for up to an hour, anything that can see including electronic sources, can be blinded this way.

Image Credits: Garry's Mod / Ascendant 1

Icarus Processing: Yes at age 3 along with a good number of others. She was not however given extra aging, it was thought that she'd benefit more from experience and practice, than merely downloaded skills. Also, to keep her from pestering her brother so much - fat lot of good that's done though... This process lightened her body and increased her muscularity considerably, around 2.5 times as strong as a normal person, but not much for durability or speed. She uses those claws on her fingered gear to actually climb walls and cling to ceilings...
Skills or Profession: She's taken pestering her brother to a fine art, does that count? She has a strong amount of science and math, and enjoys playing with physics - and flustering the old scientists with the fact that she absolutely breaks physics by simply existing. Mostly what she can apply her powers and effort to is keeping the smaller invasive wildlife at bay, under control, and at times be sent out to damage larger Combine forces. She does like a good fight, though she's not considered a 'warrior' she's much more of a shiny distraction taking out their visuals and sensor arrays before the big fighters come up to finish the job. Jennifer has a good sense of direction, and excellent 3-d spacial awareness, just like her dragon, so she can guide Forest Fire into the thick of things, and somehow come out completely unscathed - even through Scanners, Hoppers, Hunters, and Striders... One of their 'fun' jobs is to run into a facility and just spark the entire way - leaving the halls blind and confused.
Personality: If she didn't have a foil like her brother to play off of, she might be a pest to other people instead, so... She loves her brother dearly and does stop when he's had enough. Though she grumbles and grumps about having to take orders, she does do what she's asked, and usually enjoys it. In another world, she might be a conniving liar or a dangerously arrogant woman, but in this one she's got more than enough to distract her away from causing damage to her peers and friends.

Events or History: Created with her brother and others, Jennifer is slightly less 'mature' than some because she needed time to grow into her powers and make them work better. But that just means that she's got more time to dedicate to everything fun! She was not allowed to go pick off stray Combine after they fell, since she was still quite young, but oh how she wanted to. Now that the Rookery is around, and she's got a perfect and beautiful dragon to help her, she's making up for lost time.


Name: Forest Fire
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-small 9' s / 44' l / 90' ws
Colors: body, limbs, head and neck, tail, and wing arms mostly a burnt reddish rusty brown, mottled with large swaths of yellowish orange more prominently on belly and feet; wingsails and all webbing and tail spade mostly brighter yellowish-orange with large mottling and flecks of red, red-orange; claws black, eyes burning yellow
Features: pure blooded Leafwing; four slender legs with 5 and 4 short curved claws; two leathery leaf-veined wings with 4 visible fingers, elbow strut and wrist thumb all with slender curved claws; body is scaled with even belly armor, 'cell' like larger scales on body and fronts of limbs, and dorsal armor slightly heavier than belly; head is dished with nose beak and prominent eye ridges, external ears, and two elegant back swept upturned horns; from head to tail long back spines with webbing, tail has leaf-shaped tip
Powers: Winged Flight, very strong in the air, quickly redirecting her motion at breakneck speeds, it's a good thing that Jennifer is able to withstand all her antics. Far from being a 'leaf on the wind' and crumbling under any little hit, Forest Fire has been known to smash full speed into a wall and just - cling there like nothing happened. She can however flip out of range of enemy gunfire as well as avoid power lines or other such obstacles. She's quite speedy and at her size can generally escape being caught simply by virtue of 'you're too slow ha hah'. She can carry perhaps two more human-sized amounts of weight before her aerial prowess suffers, and she doesn't tend to be asked to lift or move things unless it's an emergency.
Communication, Forest Fire talks in whatever language she's hearing around her most: Draconic, Vort, English, Houndeye... She seems to have a knack for understanding meaning if not being able to actually communicate properly. She'll freely mix languages, so following a conversation with her is... difficult at best. With her rider, however, she has a complete rapport and can know just where she wants to go. Since Jennifer usually behind her horns, she can feel nudges and weight shifts, and responds accordingly, but also transmits her own intentions and Jennifer seems to understand 'duck now' or 'lean hard left' just by the twitch of the muscles in her neck.
Sunlight Powered, Though she cannot breathe fire (much though she wants to) she is able to 'charge up' under the New Mexico sun, and all but leaves a burning trail of scales behind her as she flies at full speed. She does literally glow, and some Old World dragons have mistaken this for her wanting to mate. Not that that's a bad thing: she does, just... not while they're fighting off Combine, okay? CATCH ME LATER WE'LL GRAB A BULLSQUID! <- actual pickup line.
Parentage: Unknown full Leafwing parents, however there are two hybrids (a Hive and a Rain) that share this amazing coloration, they may turn out to be relatives
Origin: Adopted from Mooonshimmer981 on Deviantart, Wings of Fire by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Not to be outdone by her big brother's Faster!, Forest Fire is one hundred percent on board with everything Jennifer likes to do, including pester her brother... and that massive-ass dragon of his. To be fair, they look remarkably good doing everything - from patrolling the autumn skies, to having bonfire cookouts on the top of the Mesa, and Forest Fire believes that this is most important. With such distinct coloration and being a pure-blooded Leafwing, she holds herself in very high regard indeed.