Name: Zoe Hassan

Gender: Female, Straight

Age/DOB: 18~ aged, 2022

Origin: Repurposed Earth, AAEC

Family: unknown, she shares some amount of physical traits with a few, but her powers are remarkably unique

Other: Part of the Reborn group

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 95ish* Icarus lightens overall and strengthens joints, her weight is about 50% armor as shown

Hair: Dark brown, thick, straight, kept short and styled

Eyes: Gold, a strong metallic shade that is somewhat transparent and highly reflective, almond shaped, strong epicanthal fold

Appearance: Atypical 'Asian' with yellow-tan skin that turns brilliant gold with power use, thick lips and a blunt down-turned nose, very curvy, but petite overall; chooses to wear Aperture-styled armor most of the time

Icarus Processing: Yes, at age 3, Zoe benefits from this in numerous ways. Her body became quite light weight and flexible, not much stronger than normal, but she's about 2x faster and more nimble than a regular person; she is very durable, however this is reliant on her powers rather than a physical trait; processing also improved her Vortal abilities significantly

Image Credits: Garry's Mod / Ascendant 1

Genetic Abilities: With a modest amount of Empathy, Telepathy, and Vortal sight, usable at close range for most normal people, and around 100 meters with accuracy to spot Vortal powered individuals, for the most part her senses and abilities are focused on physical matter. She can sense and manipulate almost all forms of solid matter, rearranging molecules and even atoms. Mainly she can use this to transform one raw element into another, with a burst of energy or the siphoning of that energy from her own Vortessence. She can more easily reduce the atomic number of an element, but increase it to create elements higher on the chart, this requires quite a bit of energy. She can store this energy from prior sessions, but often it will just drain away over time, so she has been outfitted with a special suit that serves as a battery as well as protection. Though it mainly protects her from damage by any accidental explosion or energy, it also helps keep her from damaging other people while she's working. It focuses her power into her hands, allowing them to be the only thing converting any given matter. Zoe can literally turn lead into gold. It requires concentration, and she can only do this to small amounts of matter at a time; once it is transformed, or if she's dealing with any solid matter that other people have also Vortally touched, she can then manipulate it into different shapes, thicknesses down to one-molecule wide, and move it around as though it's part of her own Vortal presence. She can sense up to 100 meters away with this power, and has been trained to filter out things she can't use such as liquids or gasses. Manipulation is hands-on only, and she can alter downwards around a softball sized item in around half an hour with exhastion, and upwards the same amount of mass would require a full day on and off to work with. The stored energy helps her greatly, utilizing it to do those upward transitions reduces the time by three-quarters. While she is doing any of this, her eyes glow a strong golden shade, and her skin becomes physically impermeable to physical - but not any other - damage. (So she can be shot at with arrows, bullets, or bowling balls and not get a scratch, but a wave of radiation or fire would most certainly harm her.)
Skills or Profession: Has a lot of downloaded skills regarding physics, chemistry both organic and inorganic, civil engineering, and the like. Mainly she has to be able to recognize what she's sensing, in order to work with it. She can filter out alloys and mixtures, carefully using her power to tease out individual molecules. Since her work will involve transforming a lot of material, she knows that she's got a long term gig here at Aperture, and that suits her just fine. While she does respond to calls to help clean up safe houses and occasionally make gorgeous pieces of armor for the others needing it (all it takes is a tiny amount to cover a bland suit of Combine armor in titanium), she prefers to work alone or with another shaper. Since her work is made a little easier if someone else has Vortally manipulated a piece of it, often enough one of the matter-shapers will come through and just touch things. However she taps into that ability, it helps her separate and refine amalgamated bits, and work more quickly with existing pure elements.
Personality: Intense and quite the handful, Zoe understands that her power is pretty mad strong, and is proud of her abilities. She isn't above gloating about it, but then again she's also the type to perfect her work by putting in a lot of hours to master it. If this were another Earth, she'd be considered a "tiger mom". Extremely demanding of herself, more than anyone else, but she does often hold others to ridiculously high standards, until asked not to.
Events or History: Resides currently in the North Aperture facility, getting parts of it ready for further habitation by both Humans and Dragons alike. She's mainly interested in breaking down all that asbestos that was sitting around...


Name: Ice Drop
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-Small, 8'6" s / 40' l / 94' ws
Colors: Mainly white icy face, neck, body, limbs and tail; armor pale khaki tan with black accents, grey-blue with black accents, and graded graphite blue to pale grey-blue, also mixes between tan and blue; wingsails and tail fin graphite blue to medium grey-blue; horns, spikes, claws grey, graphite or white; tongue black, eyes icy blue
Features: Sand Icewing hybrid, Sand strongly dominant
Powers: Winged Flight, fiercely powerful in the air, Ice Drop prefers to remain above the action, and rain down a sheet of spiked ice, while other dragons are distracting a group of Combine she can do plenty of damage as she cruises above. She hovers remarkably well, even though she has heavy wing beats they hardly disturb the air in a way that would give her position away, and is quiet on the wing.
Communication, mostly using English and Draconic, with a bit of Vort thrown in just to prove she can speak it; She has a strong and intimate mental connection to Zoe.
Ice and Aridity, a creature of extremes, Ice Drop is very much a Sandwing that has chosen the 'desert' of chill winds and frozen glaciers instead of the heat and baking temperatures of the dunes. A master of producing spiked piercing icicles with her breath weapon, she can also suck any form of humidity from an area and cause it to dry out, while forming these shards of ice. They aren't even cold icicles, they're just ultra-condensed water, but they are still sharp as hell and will pierce even thick armor, though not walls or very solid matter. She can go without drinking for days on end, simply absorbing the moisture from the air, though if she does find herself in the desert (like, say, the Rookery) she tends to get thirsty more than if she's in the arctic. She can also tear through ice or thin walls, metal, wood or otherwise, though she isn't as good at it as her Icewing brothers and sisters.
Stabby Bits, in addition to that nasty stinger on her tail which can inflict a deadly blow even without piercing something, her neck spines can be shaken off and regrown though not quickly. They do remain intact, snapping off at their base, and this leads to some interesting uses for them as spiked poles or grim reminders with a Combine corpse on them set up as warning.
Parentage: Unknown Sandwing mother and Sand-Icewing father, the main bits of Icewing in her are coloration and those spikes, as well as her powers over it.
Origin: Adopted from Moonshimmer981 on Deviantart, Wings of Fire by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Ice Drop likes how she mostly matches her little Human friend, though she does wish that Zoe could properly ride her without getting injured. Since she has spikes all over her neck and head, that has proven impossible normally, but they are making a harness so Zoe can sit on her chest in front, rather than on her back.