Name: Claudio Fernandez

Gender: Male, bisexual

Age/DOB: 28 in RY2

Origin: Rookery Earth, local to New Mexico

Family: Deceased during Resonance Cascade, had been dating a guy who lived near Black Mesa, but their survival is unlikely

Other: has been looking around for any kind of interaction, and is certainly interested in settling down at some point, but that will rely on the entire Rookery situation

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 150, quite muscular without being musclebound, and athletic to a very high degree

Hair: medium coppery brown, looks darker under artificial light, but is shiny in sunlight or Xenian lighting; slightly wavy, kept short while working, but even though his helmet conceals it, he's let it grow out a bit and is not around neck length

Eyes: reddish brown, narrow, under strongly arched brows, over high cheekbones

Appearance: tan skinned with some amount of scars from training and life in Black Mesa after the Events; has a bristly beard patch, and only light body hair; tends to keep wearing the security gear he was given on employment, but also has workout sweats and even a nice formal looking outfit that he hasn't worn in years; speaks with a very slight accent due to his Mexican heritage and family background

Genetic Abilities: Displays some amount of precognition, which is likely why he survived the events on this world. Melissa has asked that he participate in gene collection, but he is on the fence about it. She suspects he has a bit of telepathic or empathic latency, which might also extend to animal life

Icarus Processing: none, though Melissa is pressuring him for it, particularly since he has befriended a dragon, and his duties in Xen may benefit

Image Credits: Valve/Gearbox

Skills or Profession: mainly trained on the job, he's adept with handling weaponry, securing areas, working with computers and some amount of mechanical repair work; because he's been entrusted with keeping a group safe even before the Resonance Cascade and subsequent invasions, he has become very good with sharp shooting, setting up perimeter defenses, and herding cats. While he can adequately use a computer for communications and gaming, he's better with security systems to the point of being the go-to guy for it in the labs and Xen exploration team.
Personality: Seemingly stoic and a bit uptight, once his shift is over, or dangers have been resolved, Claudio is genial and genuinely enjoys group activities and games. Some folks believe he will be a great dad, he's good with organizing events. But he does give orders and expects them to be obeyed, thankfully he is clear and concise with those orders.
Events or History: born in New Mexico to immigrant parents, part of a large family that spread pretty quickly. His older brother and sister both were in college as he went into high school, and several younger siblings among local schools as well. With a small amount of college behind him, Claudio headed to work at Black Mesa at 19 just to break the pattern - not because he's not smart enough to get into a specific field, but because he was rather bored with it and wanted a more practical career. He proved to be a quick study and quite good with the tools of the security trade, and rapidly gained rank among the security forces. When the Resonance Cascade occurred he was assigned to the lab working with Stig. Though the older man was still just as gruff as ever, they have a very strong friendship and work as a team flawlessly. The group's survival in their hands, he lived up to the task. As the Rookery emerged and his large dragon friend teamed up, he has risen once more to the task of protecting the scientists and explorers in their Xenian environment.


Name: Melonborer
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-large (bulky) 11' s / 46' l / 30' and 60' ws
Colors: belly from neck to mid tail dark red with insets on face and neck; neck, sides, tail vibrant metallic pink with bright lime green dots; head and neck armor, limb and tail armor dusty olive green; face insets and limbs, wing arms vibrant lime with fuschia dots; wingsails grade black to intense pink; nose horn and antenae pink, horns, spikes, claws all very dark red-violet, yellow eyes
Features: Beetlewing
Powers: Winged Flight, Melon is tough to beat in a pulling or lifting flight contest. He has incredibly strong limbs and can grasp heavy items easily as long as they won't crumple or break, and can carry them for miles without issue, though he does prefer low-altitude to higher flying. He does admit that the dizzying spaces between Xenian islands intimidates him, but since he can fly he's not all that terrified. He can steady others and help carry very large items between them, and always knows the best pace to fly so he doesn't either fall behind or leap too far ahead.
Dirt and Plant Boring, with claws and horns at the ready, Melon is adept at finding the best path through difficult terrain. While he cannot bore into stone, he can tunnel quickly through loose dirt, sand, and other substances if they don't have large hard bits in the way. He'd be able to isolate large rocks or boulders, to loosen the surroundings in order for others to lift them away, or just pick them up himself if needed. In jungle or forest settings he is remarkably quick through the foliage, and can pass without making a trail, or blaze one for others to follow. Yes, at his size, he can simply uproot things and does so when needed, but he does like leaving a forest as it is. He's not sure what to make of the living dirt or ... whatever it is on Xenian islands, but he figures if the plant fights back he won't hesitate - he's big enough to tackle the stabby ones, but he knows that smaller creatures and humanoids will get hurt from them.
Communication, though he is not able to telepathically communicate, Melon is actually quite smart and well versed in both ancient and modern Draconic, as well as having picked up English easily. He figures that's about as good as he needs to be, though he has learned a few phrases in Vortigaunt in order make sure that their exploration is done right and doesn't destroy anything they're working on. Also, see below: he hears and talks to whales, boids, and the like.
Sounding, he's able to use a form of sonar that can reflect through soft materials or air, liquids, or other things, to gauge distances, approximate sizes of items underground, and shapes of an area before entering it. His voice can be super-low, but very loud, and while it might damage some things at close range he can communicate with large animals that have low-frequency sounds as their main vocalization. The large flying creatures of Xen, the Void whales, and even conventional sea-born whales on Earth, can hear and sometimes talk back to him.
Parentage: Unknown pure Beetlewings
Origin: Adopted from LunarSolstice981 with lines by PeregrineCella on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: among the most colorful of his peers, it's highly likely that he will want to find a nice female and make gorgeous babies. He also wishes this for his human friend, why are you looking at me like that?