Name: Daniel

Gender: Male, Straight

Age/DOB: around 20 at invasion, appears in 30s

Origin: Rookery Earth, Shorepoint rescue

Family: None known, likely all deceased, seems to be a bit leery of starting a relationship, he's probably lost a good number of friends and lovers over the years

Other: Currently resides at Lane Mansion

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 170, very muscular and toned

Hair: greying black, kept cut short or military styled; usually has heavy stubble or short beard

Eyes: hazel brown, 'concerned' looking

Appearance: ruddy light skinned, with a medium amount of visible body and limb hair, assorted scars from combat and life in the Cities, holds himself with a military ease and posture; has a deep but quiet voice, can become quite commanding

Genetic Abilities: Unknown, likely his training is aided by an innate flexibility and strength

Icarus Processing: none, is not a candidate due to genetic markers which contraindicate use.

Image Credits: Ubisoft/Garry'sMod modder

Skills or Profession: With most who had any military experience, his served him well through the entire post-Invasion world. He can use most hand weapons including melee and pistols, rifles, automatic weaponry, and has an interest in explosives but little chance to really get to use them, wants to learn from Holiday. He also has a very good athleticism, with climbing, crawling, dodging, and stealth all used daily for years. He enjoys communication and might have gone into forensics, he's dug up old television show recordings and watches them religiously - enjoying the 'crime drama' genre as well as older detective and courtroom shows. He has actually been able to put some of those fanciful techniques he's learned, into practice, at least in terms of learning layouts or assigning tasks based on functional skill levels. He considers himself to be a kinder-gentler Gibbs.
Personality: He is a kindler, gentler Gibbs. He can be no-nonsense, but is rarely curt or angry seeming. He'd rather get the best out of people by encouraging them, rather than berating them.

Events or History: Daniel's stint in the military was quite short, as he was fresh out of high school and barely past boot camp when the Resonance Cascade hit, and shortly after that the Combine's arrival interrupted the tour he was doing in Europe. He remained in European Cities, the military having collapsed. He had not participated in the 7 hour war, his unit had broken up shortly before then, and he had been busy aiding refugees at the time. Daniel has basically never stopped doing that for a living, and feels it's quite rewarding. So when the Rookery recruited him and several others from their now-ruined Shorepoint base, he eagerly took it up again. He coordinates the defense of Lane Mansion and the assignments of any skilled refugees that arrive from other locations, though he would rather be in the field he knows his expertise is suitable to this work.

He and Latte seem to enjoy one another's company, and if they are put into the field for rescue work, he knows he can trust her to do it well. After the arrival of the Hippies in RY+8 works out of Dragon Tower 13 though always moves around, and has his dorm still in the Mansion.


Name: Latte
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium (chunky) 11' shoulder / 40' l / 88' ws
Colors: Belly from face to tail tip and back of limbs creamy tan, scales on neck and mid limbs, down tail brown, along dorsal area and framing hind limb darker dusty brown, forelegs and wing arms black with brown armor, face has brown, khaki armor, dorsal fin is khaki; wingsails are dusted with cinnamon colored orange 'stars'; horns, claws, tongue all black, eyes bright green
Features: Night-Sandwing Hybrid, four limbs, fore more Nightwing with wide talons, hind having more Sandwing armor, 5 and 4 claws with heel claw hind; two leathery wings with 4 visible fingers, elbow strut, and prominent wrist thumb all having strong curved claws; body is strong and fore-heavy, tapering to tail which has stinger barb on end; head is boxy with sharp beak and prominent eye armor, external ears, forked tongue, and conical back pointing horns; entire body from head to mid-tail has flexible fin ridge for heat mitigation
Powers: Winged Flight, Latte enjoys evening and night flying due to her parentage, and is a strong lifter. She can soar over very warm updrafts, but not for a very long period; though she's able to gain speed it's usually for short bursts. She can carry nearly any weight, either on her back or in her arms, without tiring, though she will tend to remain near the ground just in case it starts to fall or is in any way delicate. While burly, she knows her own strength, and makes sure that she has proper gear - she does have a chest-bound harness that allows others to affix larger pieces to it, for air lifting.
Verbal and Vortal Communication, her Nightwing mother was quite adept at empathic sensing, and Latte is no different. She can detect her little human friend at any distance, and communicate commands or information quickly to Vortally-enabled people with ease. She has a large vocabulary of English and Draconic words, and is learning Vortigese from Noah and his lovely dragon friend. She has a soft, deep voice, but can punctuate her words with bellowing when needed.
Vortal Calming and Empathy, she can sense and to a small extent manipulate the emotions of humans and dragons around her. She doesn't even have to really concentrate on doing this, she just is 'pleasant' to be around to an extent that she can calm a panicky group of refugees just by showing up. It doesn't hurt that she does smell like a warm cup of coffee. She can concentrate on this ability and turn Combine or aggressive dragons away in fear or awe, but the effects are short lived, so she will combine those with her fancy flame show.
Flame Production and Heat Tolerance, Latte's fire is hot and can burn paper, wood, or ignite gasses with ease, but she uses it in a more broad manner to keep aloft or warm a spot up when it's chilly. She is warmer than many to the touch, though far from a firescales dragon. She can produce an actual flame, that is a billowing gout brighter than many, but it is inaccurate after around 20 meters, and is more for show and flash, or last-ditch defense, than anything offensive. Latte breathes that flame at any Combine enemies when they're in the middle of a rescue, mostly to delay or distract them, while the refugees are being herded into her carrying harness.
Parentage: Unknown, possibly related to some of the other 'coffee' dragons in the area, though not too likely
Origin: Adopted from HufflepuffHannah at Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Among the group of 'coffee' dragons that reside at the Lane Mansion location, it's unclear whether she had a different name before now, as she was already able to fly and produce fire when she came to the Rookery.