Name: Robert Gerald "Roger" Borland

Gender: Male, straight

Age/DOB: 19 @ Resonance Cascade, 28 currently (RY 6)

Origin: Rookery Earth, Orlando Florida

Family: unknown, highly likely deceased

Other: He had a 'sweetheart' from high school somewhere, would like to try and find her, but it's very unlikely she survived

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 180, muscular and toned from both military training and survival

Hair: pale brown, usually thick and curly but he has kept it cut quite short ever since the invasion in order to do his job better

Eyes: light brown, smallish, and needs corrective glasses for distance work only

Appearance: light skin with numerous small scars and a tattoo of his high school mascot (a marlon with a lightning bolt behind it) on his left shoulder blade; he cleans up decently well but he hardly has anything other than military outfits and armor, including helmets and specific medic gear; his voice is not high but definitely not very deep, however he can become loud enough to be heard over battle

Genetic Abilities: none known, though he is sturdy and smart, quick on his feet, and has excellent hand-eye coordination, and doesn't have any negative markers preventing the Icarus or other processing

Icarus Processing: he has a very keen mind and has expressed interest in getting the Pythagoras treatments, to enhance his already strong mental acuity

Image Credits: Gearbox / Valve

Skills or Profession: fresh out of high school he entered the military and since his family had a reasonable amount of money they nudged him toward medical training. He keeps up with the other grunts very well, but also has a truly strong desire to help injured and sick soldiers. He spent the bulk of the last decade honing these skills, picking up medical knowledge as much as he could wherever they went, even among the ruins and as the Combine chased after his dwindling crew. Now that there are dragons on the scene as well as 'skill downloads' he threw himself at this processing to best help in the field. While he can definitely throw grenades accurately and prefers a longer range weapon like a rifle, he is still capable of using virtually any weapon provided to him, and rides Chimera the way a battle-hardened medic should - into anything, with his eye on rescuing those in need in a busy and dangerous situation. He is well known on the field as an intense triage specialist - he can and does order even Paxton's Replicas to do what needs to be done, and they obey without question.
Personality: focused, helpful, and sure of himself, he doesn't often know what to do with down time - it's been a decade since he's had that option, and his nerves are a bit frayed when he finds Chimera. But together with the dragon he's been able to loosen up and learn again how to enjoy his life. As a medic he is superb, and he's slowly getting himself used to the idea that they can win this war and make a real life again.

Events or History: it wasn't even a question that this central Floridian kid was a patriot in the making, but he was always too smart to just ignore how good he was at whatever he set his sights on. He played football as well as his father's preferred tennis, adequate at both but neither of them holding his attention enough for a scholarship. When he announced he was going into the military his family was a touched on the shocked side - he didn't need to join, they had plenty of money to throw at his education. However something about the world struck him and he knew that he would be best off being proactive about it. He wasn't wrong - only a year and a half after he graduated high school the world basically came to a crashing halt and the Combine's invasion sent it into ruin. He had been among a small group of HECU troops that survived being sent to Black Mesa, among the same team that their world's Adrian Shephard was in, but he knows that the one among the riders in the Rookery is not 'from here'. Whatever happened to their Shep? No one but that spooky guy with the suit and tie knows. Either way, a man with the training and skill he has with medicine and emergency services was in high demand for many years, and it can be said that Roger enjoys the benefits of being respected. He deserves the praise and obedience, honestly, he's no fool - he wouldn't be alive and neither would half the local population if not for his quick hands.

Currently (RY6 onward) placed at Rookery and the local environment, often deployed with investigation teams and rescue ops into the Cities nearby


Name: Chimera
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: medium 12' s / 55' l / 90' ws
Colors: camouflage grey, white, steel and graphite body, with white only on belly armor; wingsails underneath graphite-black with sprinkled stars mainly on the arm side, dorsal markings echo camouflage but with a black base instead of grey; claws black, horns black and graphite, eyes yellow
Features: nonstandard Nightwing, with a heavily hooked beak mouth, external ears, hooked horns, and spade tail, also has clusters of standing ridges on spine, hips, and tail; wings have 3 internal fingers and a large wrist thumb with only the thumb having a claw; this dragon has the 'teardrop' style marking that indicates their Vortal power is strong
Powers: Winged Flight, strong and fast in the air as well as on or near the ground, Chimera is at least as agile as any Hivewing and twice the bulk. He is able to fly slow and steady, or fast and aggressive, but always keeps in mind whether he's got passengers beyond his rider. Only Roger is able to withstand the rigorous flight that the dragon is capable of, but with a wounded person or family on his back, Chimera is careful and stable
Verbal and Telepathic Speech, unlike many of the dragons from his world, Chimera is openly telepathic and can communicate with his mind at distances up to 20 miles, easily picked up by Vortigaunts or the Pantheon and dragons alike. He has a good vocabulary and is adept with both Draconic and English, and since he is being exposed to Vortigese with context brought from his telepathy, he is picking up that language easily
Command and Conquer, he has a network-oriented mind, and is very well organized telepathically, able to bring together the nearby dragons of any breed capable of Vortal thought. On the battlefield this is crucial since the riders will be in need and no one wants to accidentally smush a rider in the fray! He is not leadership material, neither is his rider, but no one - absolutely no one - ignores the field medics. He's gone through some amount of training with the other more experienced battlefield dragons, in order to flesh out the commands and tactics he might use to get his rider to the injured and get out without a scratch. If needed, however, he can simply issue almost unavoidable commands to all dragons in a 500-meter sphere - get out of the way, come to this spot, focus fire there, form a defensive line - and they will do it without question. Usually this comes in the form of 'where is the injured, move out the way, go back to what you were doing'
Firebreath, though he can certainly breathe fire, Chimera is not apt to use it except in dire circumstances, such as his rider requiring some time to stabilize a patient on the field instead of immediately bringing them out. He tends to leave a fan trail of high-heat blistering the area, and this can ignite any flammable items including ordinance or gasses, liquid fuels, and the like, so he is careful to spot barrels or hidden caches before doing so
Parentage: unknown, unrelated to any on the Rookery
Origin: adopted from and art by LordMaddie on Deviantart; WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: As intense as his rider, Chimera does spend a lot of time looking for things to occupy his time when they are not needed in the field, and he is probably going to start some kind of dragon-sport league. Now if only he could figure out what games to play that won't attract too much attention from the Combine!