Name: Ivan "Ivan the Space Biker"

Gender: Male, Straight

Age/DOB: ~40? / Unknown

Origin: Rookery Earth, found in that dimension's Xen, originally from the Czech Republic working at Black Mesa

Family: Unknown, deceased

Other: Ivan has befriended a lot of local Xenian wildlife. And by befriended I mean 'been attacked by'.

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 180, varies - in the leaner years he was down to around 145 and not healthy with it, could certainly become quite pudgy; obviously the HEV suit weighs much more than that

Hair: Medium brown, shaggy/wooly and very thick, long and bushy on top and cut close on back, heavy beard (used to be rather... a lot bigger and wilder than this)

Eyes: Bright, clear light blue, usually surprised, probably needs reading glasses

Appearance: Caucasian in the truest sense of being from the part of the world where the name has meaning, medium skin with plenty of scars and a very odd tan from Xenian radiation; somewhat bulbous nose, hoarse from either screaming a lot or not talking for months; he cannot be parted emotionally from his HEV suit, it's yellow and black, and no one will take it from him Ivan, please put the knife down

Genetic Abilities: If 'luck' can be considered a power, then 'bad luck' can also be. Survival in unusual environments is a strong contender, though he doesn't exhibit any outward 'power'. Ivan's durability is clear, as is his intelligence, and both of those things are desirable for future use

Image Credits: Valve originally / ??? Modder

Icarus Processing: no, but Melissa claims that he ought to do it, just to see what happens - and more than likely she wants to have it done so that any offspring of his will doubly inherit the stuff.
Skills or Profession: Though originally he'd hoped to be picking up samples and specimens for examination in the labs back at Black Mesa, half of Ivan's life has been spent on Xen and thus his skill sets reflect 'survival' and 'not quite insane'. In school he excelled at physical sciences - chemistry both organic and inorganic, electronics, physics, engineering. Those skills are dusty but getting renewed daily. He knows how to spot individual animals among a pack... well, Xenian animals, anyway, and has familiarized himself with both Vortigese and fauna communication. The Vorts probably knew he was there, and certainly spoke loudly around him so that he could 'learn', though his Vortal inputs are lacking, he can still give a good try at speaking with them. He does however also have the skill to talk back to houndeyes and many other creatures. Hey, when they're the only thing that talks back to you... He can repair and maintain machinery such as his HEV suit, broadcast beacons, and even the portal technology that should have allowed him to reach Earth, if only there was a power supply and a receiving end. He cooks a mean headcrab stew, and has exceptionally good 3-dimensional mapping skills, knowing where to find the headcrabs as well as escaping from them in the wierd floating islands of Xen.
Personality: in the old days, Ivan was a focused, excited, loves-science-so-much kind of young man. Willing to do whatever it takes to reach a goal, including putting on experimental devices and doing research and development for them. Now, he's a bit bitter about that, but admits it's his own fault for going out there alone all those years ago. Inventive, still curious after all this time, but also practical now, much more so than he had been. A bit of a hoarder if he finds goods or a stash of items he'll cover them up or carry it all with him back to his home base and dole them out carefully. Jumpy, particularly in unfamiliar settings... And now that means Black Mesa. The place is so different, is it really where he wants to be?

Events or History: As above, he was born in Eastern Europe and moved to America, studying and doing science the whole way. And then when working with the exploration team on this amazing world of Xen... the Resonance Cascade occurred and he was left stranded for many years. He certainly was a bit crazy for a while, but it comes and goes. It still does. As isolated and stranded as he was, he was still able to find ways to occupy himself, and those things have come with him back to the Rookery, though he doesn't always like it when people criticize his sculptures or art. They tend to be made of bloody bits and glowing plants.

One of the locations that Repurposed Lane preserved in his renovations of Black Mesa was the Lambda Laboratory, and as soon as it was possible to do so, the scientists around who had any experience with it began fixing it up. Pretty soon after reassembling the Lambda teleporter, Ivan was found. When he was retrieved from Xen, it was after the Rookery was begun, and a dragon did come straight to him. She was a blessing to his sanity as well as security, and has not left his side. They move frequently between the worlds, but honestly at this point he does feel safer and better off on Xen; he does like having visitors though. They have spearheaded efforts to retrieve many of the goods and technology left behind by Black Mesa on the borderworld, those that he himself didn't really need to use or wasn't able to fix will be heading back to Black Mesa or be made functional once more.


Name: Azh-arr Nox, "the safe island in the stars"
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium 9'4" s / 48' l / 90' ws
Colors: Face, under neck, body, behind legs, and under tail to tip creamy goldenrod yellow; dorsal armor mostly tan brown but with some fading to bluish-grey brown on back, and more coppery on tail; other armor is vibrant blue, denim blue, tan, and that not-blue-not-brown haze, with black outlines or insets; tail dots reverse grade those same blues and tans; wingsails and dorsal fin brilliant blue with tiny star specks and he really doesn't know whether they're real or what but they sure look like they could be somewhere...(Actually, the early-evening color of sky does remind him of home). Horns, claws, tail ridges and tongue black; eyes yellow
Features: Sand-Nightwing hybrid, equal dominance
Powers: Winged Flight, Azh-arr soars with the ease of any magical dragon, particularly in the weird gravity of Xen, but also over the warm desert around the Rookery. At home in either setting thanks to her dual genetic lines, she can fly for hours on end gracefully. She's not very maneuverable, and does have very large wings, so she needs a bit of space, but she can gain speed and do tricks - in the earthly gravity, though, she tends to go very wide on Xen. Though she's very strong and can certainly carry large pieces of equipment carefully, she tends to only allow Ivan to ride her.
Teleportation, Genrehopping, her Nightwing abilities are remarkable and well suited to their worlds, Azh-arr can move between spaces, traveling through or to Xen in the process. Just like the Lambda teleportation system, she somehow knows how to 'tune' herself to a specific spot and reach it with a blink between Earth and Xen. This power can exhaust her, however, and she tends to only use it one direction at a time, spending at least a day resting or lounging around before returning. She can carry a tremendous amount of stuff back with her, from Xen, though bringing it to the place is more exhausting. If she knows of a location, she can go to it, in either dimension, distance isn't the reason she becomes tired.
Communication, also as a Nightwing she is very firmly tied to her bond friend, Vortally. She has an innate sense of where Ivan is at any given moment, on or off Earth, and can communicate either simple (at a distance) or complex thoughts (close by) to him or other strong Vortal minds. She can also speak Draconic, Vortigese, English, and a bit of Czech and Russian, in a bit of a drawl.
Temperature Extremes, she can tolerate the frigid nights and blistering days over a desert, and it's clear that she could withstand a very-high atmosphere cold as well as the fires of an unprotected world as well. Overall she prefers 'warm' to 'hot', and 'cool' to 'cold' though, mostly because she wants to make sure Ivan is comfy.
Parentage: unknown Sandwing mother and Nightwing sire, not related clearly to any on the Rookery at this time.
Origin: Adopted from Moonshimmer981 on Deviantart, Wings of Fire by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: While some dragons accidentally wound up on Xen during the times when the Rookery was seeking new inhabitants, Azh-arr Nox went purposefully. Her Nightwing instincts proved right: there was someone out there, alone, and she meant to find him. Azh-arr is wise, in a very real sense - she is calm and smart, a very relaxing personality whose careful words and occasional very subtle Vortal nudges keep her little human friend from acting rashly.