Name: Lois Brooke

Gender: Female, straight

Age/DOB: 28, unknown DOB

Origin: Rookery Earth, Los Angeles

Family: Unknown, likely deceased; looking for love...

Other: in several dimensions women very similar to her have done the voice for that same system at Black Mesa

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 130, pleasantly curved, and reasonably strong after the Resonance Cascade forcing her to survive with the others

Hair: dark red with dyed blond bangs; silky and straight, to mid-back but usually kept in a loose bun

Eyes: light green, with perfect eyeliner wings... somehow (probably permanent tattoo)

Appearance: peaches and cream skin that looks delicate but she actually has quite extensive tattooing on her back and upper arms (mostly abstract, done in 'watercolor' styles, in full color, including butterflies, dragonflies, and beetles, and some vines and flowers down her hips); enjoys layered clothes in bright colors, and has that pair of Doc Martens - Melissa likes those too!

Genetic Abilities: Unknown, though she does seem to be quite resiliant and almost entirely too perky for her own good; she also seems able to know exactly where she is, what time it is, and other localized information at will, as well as being able to mimic voices in amazing ways

Icarus Processing: None, though Melissa is still attempting to get her to do so, believing that she's exceptionally useful for those abilities

Image Credits: Azalea's Dolls / Casual

Skills or Profession: A professional voice actress, with a strong and odd assortment of 'side gigs' including hand modeling, zookeeper, retail clerk, and entomologist. It is that last one which lends her a tremendous amount of useful knowledge in the post-RC era, as she can easily identify species, even alien ones. Having to maintain life in the apocalyptic Black Mesa facility has given her pertinent skills in radio operations, electronics, and overall communications a workout, but also she seems very canny in terms of survival. Though not a formally-educated woman, she has a very broad field of interests, and as such has done 'just enough' research on any given subject to be able to spout a reasonably accurate quip about it. In the current era, she's best suited to keeping the alien life forms either safely out of harms way, or identified as friend or foe. She never hesitates to pick up things she finds - be they equipment or goods, or small animals, bugs, ammunition, or someone's glasses. That bag at her hip is usually stuffed full, and she seems to always know just where something is inside it. Her ability to imitate voices extends to languages, thus as much as she's teaching Carabus English, she's learning (ancient) Draconic as well.
Personality: She's apt to lapse into funny voices under stress, as a coping mechanism. Interestingly she has a strong Vortal presence and the Vorts themselves enjoy her company. A bit of a packrat, but a very well organized one.

Events or History: With a degree in communications as well as what used to be potential to do voice acting until the world ended, Lois enjoys playing with both electronics and vocal imitation. She had been tapped by Black Mesa to provide the voices for their holograms and information terminals. She'd completed them, but was not able to leave before things went to shit. Both bugs and Bugs Bunny were her passions before the Resonance Cascade, and when the event occurred she was on a tour in the Xenobiology labs.

She is currently working with Ivan and others to begin gathering equipment and goods on some of the Xenian islands, items left behind by the prior scientists. With her dragon able to fly and leap across the large gaps between the islands, she has discovered a 'fascinating array' of colorful creatures, all of which she's cataloging and categorizing.


Name: Carabus
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium (bulky) 11' s / 50' l / 35' carapace and 70' ws
Colors: face/neck accents, horns, spikes, claws, and belly from neck to mid-tail deeply purple nearly black; face and neck armor plating light teal; neck, body, tail armor dark aqua with pink-violet inset dots also on limbs, and teal dorsal plating; limb and wing armor pale aqua; backs of limbs and wing arms dusty mauve; flight wingsails grade from pink at body through violet and medium blue, while her carapace (smaller) wings go the opposite with pink at the edges; eyes black with red-violet, antennae pale aqua
Features: Beetlewing
Powers: Winged Flight and Leaping, Carabus is durable and energetic in flight, and with a little prep time and forethought can maneuver straight through very complicated areas seemingly in a straight line. She can lift large and heavy objects for moving slowly, though she can be a bit impatient if it requires a lot of balancing or precarious work. Addtionally she can leap nearly 100 meters at a 'hop' at least in the low gravity of Xen, and she truly enjoys doing this. She does warn anyone that is riding her or nearby when she's about to, because hanging on and ducking to avoid either being thrown off, or having your neck snapped is important, right? She can scale straight upwards with this leap, and at its apogee extends her wings and can fly above any obstruction. If she propels herself into any item that is less than 1 foot thick, depending on what it's made of she might burst straight through it with quite a bit of rubble.
Communication, though not as versed in English as she would like to be, Carabus is learning thanks to the efforts of her human friend - who seems to be able to speak Draconic in that tiny-little voice! She does speak an archaic form of Draconic, however, and even some of the 'younger' species of dragons from her homeworld don't understand Carabus when she's really getting into it. She lacks other Vortal communications, but does have a reasonably strong Vortal bond with Lois.
Senses, with her antennae she can pick up high-frequency sounds, in addition to 'smelling' any insect-based pheromones on the air or near surfaces. This sense is quite strong, and she enjoys trying to figure out what's cooking based on it.
Tail Secretion, though she doesn't use it unless it's truly an emergency, Cara has the ability to excrete a burst of thick, clingy acid from the armor at the mid section of her tail. She can use her tail and wings to propel this goop behind her, and it is used to not only distract but at times even kil potential predators, enemies, or pursuers. Anything with exposed skin or flesh, thin body parts such as leather wings, or are otherwise unarmored, will suffer extreme acid burns that surely kill anything with less than 1 inch 'to spare' of their anatomy where it touches. Weirdly... Lois is immune to this stuff. She does make sure that if Cara has exuded it recently, that it's all washed from her tail before anyone gets near, and before they re-enter any area where others might be exposed to it. The acid itself becomes inert after about an hour, but the goo that it's suspended within often remains for days before crusting over and crumbling to small glittery chunks. The scientists are quite keen on examining properties of both the acid and suspension gel, for weaponizing it against the Combine.
Parentage: Unknown, in fact it's not clear how her species even has a presence but there they are.
Origin: Adopted from LunarSolstice981 with lines by PeregrineCella on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Though a 'big girl', Cara is actually pretty gentle, curious, and quite a bit smarter than most people - or dragons - give her credit for. She likes this exploration they're doing, though she understands that back in the Rookery itself is where most of the 'action' is going on. She will protect Lois with her life, and has stated for the record that she likes Xen a lot more than the bleak and 'heavy' Earth. She does have to expend more energy and effort to fly on a planet, rather than the lighter and more freeing Xen atmosphere.