Name: Ira Sanders

Gender: Male, Homosexual

Age/DOB: 35ish, unknown DOB

Origin: Rookery Earth, Boston MA originally

Family: Not just a fan of, but completely dedicated to Laszlo; other family deceased

Other: part of the Shorepoint rescue group

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 145, lean only due to refugee status, muscular from years of living in the Outlands and evading Combine, but will never be remarkably burly

Hair: dark red, slightly kinked, thick, and kept short; he pretends that it's just a style but that side part is actually a scar from the first portal storm he was in as a child

Eyes: brilliant green, usually surprised or intense, under heavy red brows

Appearance: pasty white boy, freckles heavily particularly in sunlight; keeps a nicely trimmed beard; is quite pleased to have found good condition clothing and likes the styles of Rapture's old-world, and really does like not having sand everywhere in his clothes (the irony of his name does not escape him)

Genetic Abilities: none known

Icarus Processing: None, wouldn't benefit but doesn't show any negative markers

Image Credits: Valve / Garry's Modder who ported suits (Combine Officials)

Skills or Profession: mapping and cartography, weapon handling, and an ability to root for the home team seem to be his best skills. In Rapture, this means he's often found running between locations helping to deliver goods and news, and though he does like the tours, he prefers to be in Laszlo's lab handing over tools, and making sure that his friend eats. Notably he's good with the use of bugbait, pheropods from the Antlion Guardians, but here in Rapture that's not as necessary as it was above on the Outlands sands. He is quite good at identifying animals, both native and invasive, and has now got a strong desire to learn more about dragon anatomy and help with their upkeep. Excellent with estimation of sizes, dimensions of objects, and the like, he tends to be best off in the 'import/export' hub, but always does gravitate right back to the Medical center to aid in whatever Laszlo needs.
Personality: Practical applications of scientific theory, Ira prefers to look over a situation before doing anything, though he does at times do rash things. He isn't apt to panic, but if he does, just... let him do it because he won't calm down any time soon. He's a bit on the extreme end of emotional: he does seem prone to fits of manic depression, and if things are going wrong those may be dangerous. Overall here in Rapture however, he seems to be much more content, and particularly with not just his own dragon friend but Laszlo's being there? Things are looking up.
Events or History: As with many of those who had been in their young or pre-teen years when the Resonance Cascade happened on the Rookery world, Ira didn't have much practical experience when everything went sideways. While he's smart, he's not that smart, and knew he couldn't really compete with some of the higher-end college expectations. But he was always interested in science and technology, and there had been a big exposition (a lot like the original) in Paris, France that he and his family were exploring when the Combine arrived. Though separated from his family at that point, he met Laszlo - the Laszlo - and they have been friends and lovers ever since. His role as Laszlo's assistant and protector is still largely uncontested, particularly by Laszlo himself, and Ira likes giving his brainy friend the time and comfort to think in peace.


Name: Jiman
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Small (semi-bipedal) 7' s (hip) / 50' l / 50' ws
Colors: Body vibrant blue (common) with little variation, wings mottled green with brownish tint, belly armor darker forest green; eye horns and shoulder armor gold (common); eyes rainbow (rare, able to see full color)
Features: Trishathian common dragon, four limbs, two hind and two fore with wingsails, hind legs are slender and long with finger-like paws bearing short retractable claws, forelimbs have three digits (also clawed) separate from the wrist-blade that has the wingsail connected; body is hide with fine scales serving as 'fur', reactive to emotion (they puff up fuzzy like cats), eye and shoulder armor is protective, head is blocky with a forked tongue, body is quite large with a long slender unadorned tail; coloration, armor color, and eyes are all distinct inheritable traits largely gender-based (green armor and wings are rare in males) (Note that any ofspring will carry wyvern arm wings, eye horns of gold generally, and acid/ice/fire breath based on coloration.)
Powers: Winged Flight, Jiman grew up in the comfort of the Healing Den, and practiced flight in and out of its confines for many years before coming to the Rookery. He is fast, but not durable - preferring short flights and light lifting. He is also however remarkably maneuverable without a rider. He likes having Ira with him, even if the human isn't on his back.
Telepathic Communication, all Hathian dragons rely more on empathy and telepathy to communicate, and though he can speak verbally it's in their own Hathian draconic tongue. He has started to learn Aquatic from the Pyrrhan dragons nearby. Vorts enjoy Jiman's mental voice, even if they think he's a little too chatty.
Ice-based breath weapon and adaptation, though he is almost entirely without practice, with years of catching up to do, Jiman has a good and growing ability with ice attacks. Currently he can cast a weak 20 meter swath of ... well, kinda chill air. Given the Sea and Ice dragons around, he does feel quite intimidated by them - but also willing to rise to the challenge. They can teach him how to use what he can do, right? Also he's exceptionally adept in deep chilly water, and though he thinks perhaps the Borealis might be best for that, down here in Rapture there's water everywhere! He can swim adequately, and uses his ice power to occasionally propell himself through the murky depths.
Parentage: Unknown, likely common but bicolor traits have been found in unusual places at the Warren...
Origin: Gift/2k3 from The Warren which has been closed a good long while.
Other Info: raised by those at the Den, Jiman is a dramatic and over-proud male, his forceful personality seems to be overcompensating for his oft-confused coloration. He appears to want to become a liason to other worlds sands, and since he's rather annoying about it, not even Baeris is going to stop him. He's finally found a place to be more integrated with, though the years of pacing around and learning to fly have been beneficial he now realizes that when shit is hitting the fan, he can only talk so much - he needs to act.