Name: Winston Carlisle

Gender: Male, straight

Age/DOB: ~35

Origin: Rookery Earth, Shorepoint rescue, Canadian originally

Family: All deceased, including a wife and young son, but that was years ago, he's looking to start a new family and keep them safe

Other: is close friends with Arlene and Chester, and maintains contact with those in the Rapture facility that went through Shorepoint as well

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 150, not muscular but not a dad-bod yet, reasonably fit, and enjoys the chill of the Borealis

Hair: nearly black brown, short, thinning, and will likely have more pattern baldness as he grows older

Eyes: medium brown, deep set but wide and usually a bit worried looking, under heavy brows

Appearance: fair skinned with some amount of scarring, including burns from escaping the original Portal Storms, and several gunshot wounds during Combine firefights; enjoys the uniforms that were found for the Borealis, though he kinda wants a belt. Anyone seen a belt?

Genetic Abilities: none known, though he seems reasonably durable and cold-resistant

Icarus Processing: none, but doesn't show any negative traits and would be likely to benefit, perhaps of use in splicing

Image Credits: Valve / Garry's Mod / Mass Effect Casuals

Skills or Profession: Better at hiding and fiddling with gear and mechanical equipment than he is with weapons, he does man the monitoring station with Chester, and does rounds making sure that their cameras and sensor arrays are working properly. While nowhere near as good a tinker as the actual-scientists of the Borealis facility, Winston enjoys watching them work, and will eagerly help in experiments when he's not on shift.
Personality: Though quiet, he has his reasons for sometimes withdrawing and silently watching the skies. He loves watching Lurk, and has attached small monitor cameras to her horns in the past, to get great footage under the ice. He'd be cheerful if only he could let his past go.
Events or History: Though he's lived in the Outlands almost the entire time the Combine has been on Rookery Earth, Winston hadn't encountered the Resistance until shortly before the Shorepoint facility was raided. He had made his way around Europe - having been there with his parents as a child, and having met his future wife on a trip to Paris. They were on their honeymoon in Brussels when the Combine came, and had their only child ripped away from them before they were moved to a City. Broken and devistated by the attacks that left his small family in ruins, Winston basically vanished off the radar from City 14 one day, and several years later showed up at Shorepoint a bit battered and a touch worse for wear. But he bounces back pretty well - they helped him learn how to operate machinery and weaponry, though fat lot of good it did him when their bullets ripped through the thin walls of the place... The dragons arrived very shortly after that attack, and he spent a month or so at the Rookery before deciding to go up north to the Borealis, where he believes the night sky will calm his nerves, and where his wife would have loved to see the aurora.
Currently resides in the Borealis


Name: Nessie Lurk
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Small, 6' s / 20' l / no wings
Colors: cadet-blue grey from nose to tail tip on back and on lower limbs framed by fluted lighter blue bar, and medium blue body from nose to tail and on limbs; neck and belly slightly brighter blue; back and tail fins vibrant purple, eyes purple; horns and claws, forehead armor brighter light blue
Features: Sea-born dragon, clearly meant to swim; four limbs with four long curved claws, slight webbing on paws; skin is heavy blubbery hide very thick and insulated, belly has armor scaled plating but skin is not scaled; head is conical, body is long and slender, sinuous, and has a thick tail 1/3 of total length, with powerful horizontal webbed fluke; body has finned ridge from top of head to mid-tail; two backswept, upturned horns; very petite nose and mouth
Powers: Swimming and Land Walking, obviously geared to life in the water, cold water at that, Lurk is as slick as they come once she's under the surface. She can achieve bullet-like speeds, and is able to whip around in water very much like a speeding seal or dolphin. However she is also more than adept above the surface on icy shorelines, rocks, and even cliffs, able to maintain balance on uneven surfaces, and grip ice. She's not so great on sandy beaches, or on goo-covered areas, so she stays off algae and seaweed, preferring ice and rocky shore. She can run pretty well on land, but isn't very maneuverable.
Mental Speech, Sonic Attack; as many smarter seaborn creatures, Lurk is able to use her voice to stun prey below water. She cannot use it to speak, however, and merely 'bleats' very much like a seal. But that doesn't mean she can't understand English, some Vort, and numerous Draconic tongues. She relies on telepathy to convey her own thoughts, which aren't as well-formed as some, but come in bursts of 'understand this', almost like sending packets of emojis instead of words. Her range on her mental communcation is over 100 miles, and she can 'shout' under water which can be heard by other dragons at more than twice that. Her sonic attack under water works around 20 meters at most, stunning anything smaller than she is.
Water Expertise, though she's obviously a water dragon, Lurk is still a mammal, and still breathes air. However she can hold her breath for nearly five hours at a time, unless she's hunting actively at which point she usually surfaces after less than half an hour. Her 'shouting' expends quite a bit of air. She has never had any issue diving to the bottom of the sea, under extreme pressures and in the darkness below the ice, and seems to be able to 'see' in that darkness with ease. Other dragons who follow her around claim that her skin is almost luminescent, not quite glowing but definitely casting some kind of light. This mainly happens on the armor portion of her face, and the light stripes of blue along her sides, coinsiding with many animals' electrical sensing nerves. She doesn't manipulate water with magic or anything else, but she is quite good in, around, and near it. She seems to be able to sense when tides shift, and is adept at riding waves and deep currents alike to get exactly where she wants to be in the ocean. Also she has an incredible tolerance for the chill of the Arctic, those claws aren't just for show. Though she does still enjoy basking in the sun.
Parentage: Unknown, she's virtually unique among the dragons of the Rookery with no wings and this aquatic adaptation.
Origin: Adopted from St0nedg0at on Deviantart
Other Info: Lurk might or might not be her 'real' name, but she responds to Nessie Lurk eagerly. The Borealis suits her, she sometimes is found lounging on the bow of the ship, no one's really certain how she even got there, as it's lodged in the ice well above the waterline.