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Name: Kaggat (heading in all three directions) Gender: Male Age/DOB: around 300, unknown DOB Origin: born on Twoarth's Vort Homeworld, and wandered off to find adventure Family: unknown, likely many relatives back on that homeworld Other: currently considers his team to be his family, and he will do anything to protect them Height: 5'9" as shown, can fully stand to 7', he is taller than most Vorts at the shoulders Weight: unknown, firmly packed muscles and obvious strength without compromising agility Hair: none Eyes: darkly red main eye, though it will definitely take on casts of red-violet and even blue-green when concentrating on different Force or Vortal powers; other eyes very dark crimson red Appearance: mottled shiny tan and black, not spotted, but with distinct scale-like markings, lighter on limb soft parts, belly/torso, and neck; does not wear armor, but sometimes dons a poncho or wrap similar to a Jedi's cloak, mainly to keep things in because what are you going to do with three lightsaber hilts when they're not in use, my man? Speaks with a much smoother and deep tone than expected out of a Vort, with a burr and quite pleasant depth according to Humans Genetic Abilities: as a Vort he is quite strong in the ways of the Force... He can connect with other Vorts and anyone with a hint of mental energy, to convey complex instructions or a simple ping-hello at distances up to 50 miles for the complex, and 100 for a ping. He tends to concentrate this on groups nearby, as he was doing training for young Vorts back on the homeworld. He is able to multitask superbly well, and has very strong telekinesis which allows him to manipulate light weight items such as those lightsabers with incredible confidence. He could juggle 10 or more small items with just his mind, but then add more with his hands! Kaggat is capable of healing grievous injuries but only if they're very fresh, or while life threatening also more small - so if you have a bullet wound in the skull he can fix that, but not a longer-term illness or a mass of internal injuries that may have been incurred days before. He can add his healing power to help others, however. He hefts energy in bursts and some have compared his technique to the Controllers - who float and fire off a series of flame bursts that home in on their targets, and he credits them for the style. These energy bursts are not flame, but instead electrical energy, and can incapacitate small animals, and a series of 4 or 5 of them will definitely render a humanoid unconscious. They can also be made to burst or explode, causing serious electrical and burn damage, and possibly igniting things. When other Vorts are around, he can sense their direct locations and avoid hitting them with any power or his beams, while fighting he is literally all over the field and seems to understand how to not slice his partners' heads off... Also while with others who have the power, he can boost a shield around someone or a group, and power batteries, but those aren't things he's often had to do unless in training with the kids |
Image Credits: Valve, Gmod, EA Games |
Icarus Processing: none, but when they arrived to Xen he had already been collecting interesting glowing stones from their homeworld - and that red beam is definitely produced by one of them; the green and violet ones are both from Xenian sources. Each of these boost his innate powers and abilities significantly | |
Skills or Profession: on the Homeworld, he was the one who was adept at enough different techniques and subjects that he was entrusted to teach the basics of all of them to young Vorts, and he absolutely loves doing this. Among his peers, he might not be 'the very best' at any of them, but he knows how to adjust his style to shore up any weaknesses that he sees, and he is very capable of sensing where a weakness might be. Best in teams, he doesn't care for being sent on his own, and will always have the group in mind when they are together. That said, he is still quite self-sufficient, he just doesn't like it very much. He is also a good cook! | |
Personality: Where Bahhsan has the connectivity and persuasive team building, Kaggat knows just how to convey her requests and instructs both young and old with care. No one would ever find fault in his instructions, he is neither vague nor condescending, he gets the point across and makes sure that it's understood, before moving on. Willing to help out those who struggle but he also makes sure that they are safe before breaking off to work out what they need to do better | |
Events or History: alive nearly twice as long as some in the team, Kaggat is the only one with a long history on their homeworld in addition to on the team and exploring with them. But he does feel that this is how and where he will do the most good, aiding a mixture of humanoids - and perhaps even dragons - in their skills, and looking for new ways to explore. With dragons as well as interdimensional entities to aid them, he feels there's virtually nothing that they cannot do! ** Read the Jedi group story and Vort page before this if you want context Syruk and his padawan Eshnur framed the Vortigaunt as they explored, but Kaggat was definitely in the lead. The strong mentalists kept their eyes open, their minds open as well, as they trained with this unusual being between them. To find the 'three', a sacred number and highly effective methodology in the Vort culture, meant to be open and vulnerable, but also willing to share new ideas and concepts. Not merely be swept away with them. It didn't escape either the Nautolan nor the Togruta Jedi that they were 'younglings' to Kaggat. He had been used to educating and training with children for longer than either of them had been alive... possibly longer than either of them would live. But he was never short with them, he didn't punish, he encouraged. These were things that the elder of the two, Syruk, had to admit were ... well, much better than his own Jedi training had been. Eshnur had benefitted greatly from his time with Syruk, they'd gone on trips to other temples and distant locations before being called upon by Mochifa. All of this, they conveyed to Kaggat with a long, swirling mental connection as they moved across the low-gravity islands of Xen. Whenever either Jedi was uncomfortable sharing, Kaggat encouraged them to go in a different mental direction. There was no need, he claimed, to rub a bad feeling raw. They could, and would, speak later in separate more private discussions. In words, rather than in a Flux Shift of Vortal telepathy. He was at such ease with them, though, that both Master and Padawan knew they had made the right decision to train with him. Together they learned how to concentrate on a single location, or how to track an elusive creature using each other's senses. It was possible to do merely with the Force, but it seemed that much stronger when they learned how to also tap that 'Vortal' power. Kaggat enjoyed seeing the world from their eyes, limited eyes in quantity until they were joined with him in his Triune... But at least, he reflected, they had their eyes open and not stunted or blinded like most humans or non-Vortal people. He never chastised or mocked those people whose 'vortal inputs' were stunted. Rather, he pitied them gently, hoping that some day their spirit, their lih would be able to see what their kallah, their body, could not. Eshnur's talent with healing and helping tend the wounded from any given incident or battle was something that Kaggat assured him would benefit from this generosity and kindness. Rather than holding on to a superiority or lording over the weak, "always brace with two hands but reach out with the third" he said. They were fairly far from the base island. It could still be seen as a lingering shadow, the shape and outline of it made more distinct by the structures evenly crossing it. But it was only a shadow, distant enough that they would not be able to get back before resting. And before resting, they detected something else... It drew their attention even more distantly away, but that was fine. They were all quite capable! Kaggat rumbled, "I believe there is a mind there, confused and lost," and the others immediately likened the sensation he shared to the one Crux gave off when they found him in the World Between Worlds. "Ahh - then let us hasten," the Vort announced. "I will give a call, perhaps they will hear it across such a vast distance." At that, the other two covered their ear-holes. Because Kaggat could certainly bellow out that voice of his, even if his normal speaking tone was quite pleasant and sedate! He gave a smooth rising cry, a piercing accent, a descending question. It seemed to echo across the islands, even with the space separating them. On one distant shard, they heard a similar cry, though it wasn't Vortigese, more of an approximation from a non-speaker. However from a closer area... "Oh no," Eshnur muttered, backing into the other two and nudging them with his elbows gently. "We've awoken the beasts..." All three of them saw the motion, as a pair of very, very large manta-like creatures took to the skies and were shortly followed by dozens or scores of small ones. "That's a lot of hungry babies," Syruk said, "let's not lead them to a possibly injured meal!" "Ru'uun den-ket tash kallah," Kaggat muttered as they sped under an overhang and clung nearer it, "they are very large, are they not!" "Even their young are large," Eshnur said, "but... we should warn them, or distract these things from going that way." Kaggat raised his one hand, "I shall give warning," tapping his head, "silently. You should find a place to run and hide, with a distraction." Always keeping their safety first, Eshnur grinned. Since they were training together so much, he felt the Vort's mind reaching out again, a specific beam of Force toward the mind he'd connected with earlier. No more sounds came from that island, but plenty right above them. As the pair lit their sabers and used them to create bright and shiny distractions to take the flock of these creatures on a different path, Kaggat continued to move toward the edge of this island. How best to cross the distance, where to leap, how to boost speed in mid-air. Things he'd learned from the Jedi, though he wouldn't be as good at those speed boosts as others. But together? He found the most likely path, a jutting ramp of fallen stone that created a lip over the edge of this island, and would give them access to another smaller shard a bit below. From there, two more improbable leaps well within their scope of abilities, upward. Hopefully the distances of these islands were consistent. A few minutes later, the pair of Jedi located their third. "We sent them off, but I think we should mark this island as a nesting spot," Eshnur breathed, clearly tired from running. His Master nodded, adding, "there are other creatures entertaining them now, away from both our return path and this one." He took out his datapad, indicated the location, and joined the Vort on the edge. "That's a ways off, we can do it." They did - without even a hitch. When three were together, Kaggat reiterated, there was little that could stop them. "Do you think we'll need to summon help getting back?" Eshnur asked, as they carefully moved across this new island. It was bereft of most helpful features - no easily spotted spikes or trees, no pools of water, but plenty of rugged rocks and sharp edges. Unlike the springy ground found on most of their explored locations. "This seems almost volcanic," Syruk said, picking up a shard of black rock. Porous, but without any weather to bring it down to its elements, it seemed as barren as a moon here. Sharp, a voice called, but only to Kaggat. Hurt, it said. But it wasn't panicked, merely worried. The Jedi watched as Kaggat hustled in one direction, clearly he was privy to something they didn't know and possibly that he couldn't share. They had encountered such a thing among the ... "Dragon riders," Eshnur whispered, on reaching where Kaggat had stopped. Below a rim of what looked like the spent edge of a volcanic crater, was a dragon. Small, definitely smaller than many they'd seen coming and going back at base. Green, yellow, brownish... And with her wing half folded in a direction that wings very much ought not to be moved. "Ahh, our healer arrives," Kaggat waggled his fingers toward the dragon. "He has warm hands and a warm heart," he told her, "we will aid in your repair." The dragon got up, with some difficulty. She wasn't taller than any of them, but was quite long. "Oh that is a bad break," Eshnur said, immediately pulling his breath in slow and deep, and feeling for his triune. "Allow me to focus, a moment..." "Each species is different," Kaggat said, "anatomy and needs become clear with such a task." Aiding their friend in his task by allowing the Force, the Vortessence, to flow among all three of them, Eshnur assessed the injury - several broken bones and a very torn joint. There were bruses and scrapes from falling onto these jagged and sharp volcanic stones as well, but the main injury would need to come first. Besides, he thought to the others, when they got her back to base, there would be pools for that to give all of them a boost. Though it was clear that the break repaired under Eshnur's ministering fingers, Kaggat was the only one who felt it. He commented quietly, "she is relieved," which at first the other two felt was obvious. But then they both caught the gentle echo of her mood - not from her, but through him. "Ahh," Syruk said with a broad grin, "our friend has found a dragon..." Given the words, one might think that was obvious, but in the context they had, they knew from being told expressly by riders, how it would go. Or how it could go - some dragons didn't seem like others. In time however, this one would certainly be a marvel! Through their connection, Kaggat aimed a strong request for aid, including 'avoid that area with the nest', back to the riders at the research facility. The dragon gave her wing a little stretch, wincing but possible. Thank you, she bespoke, this time directly to them all. But privately she expressed a level of gratitude to Kaggat, and a warm sensation of belonging. "I suppose this makes us four," Syruk chuckled. They waited for help to arrive, collecting a few rock samples before being collected themselves... ** "I suppose this makes you three!" Syruk laughed loudly, when Kaggat was presented with a dazzling arrival. "He called for us," Kaggat indicated himself and Ahmun'azh - he'd named her in his language, "the star tunnel's path". Whether she had a name before then was in question, it was one of those subjects that didn't get broken into and was kept private between the Vort and the dragon. "But he is here for the celebration!" And he would be staying after, that was obvious. This much larger and much more colorful dragon made use of his lights and skills on arrival. The celebration was more a Twoarth thing brought onto Xen, the scientists and explorers all gathering at the top of the broadest building's roof, and decorating the area with strings of lights that looked surprisingly like those on the dragon's body. Gifts would be exchanged later, they'd all had time to prepare for things to hand out. "Life day is a bit like this, but a bit not," Eshnur said, "you should ask Kuwwippuy and Raycholokli about it!" "Some day perhaps I shall see it," Kaggat suggested. "Now that would be a gift!" Syruk clapped their backs and held his triun tight. He'd been drinking a little...just a little... But the festivities were quite fun for everyone. Even those who needed a little bit of a break from being around so many people, sensitive little Ivah'dasa and Ciizla Blenx, both of them so very open to others minds. Kaggat would help train them too, later. For now, however, he suggested that people give the girls and a few others in various states of social anxiety to go their own ways. Smaller parties would form, this place would still be lit up for days anyway. It was while Kaggat and Ahmun'azh were watching their red arrival dancing across the nearby rooftops, that they saw his head tilt, his motion waver and eventually stop. He let the party continue in a more normal fashion, but went over to the pair. I sense a longing, someone wants to be with another, they cannot. He bespoke with a powerful mind, but was only heard by this pair. I may be of help to them... but I would need to establish boundaries and rules... "Who are they?" Kaggat asked, head equally tilted. It turned out that there were a pair of scientists that had worked together at Black Mesa's facilities... Both male, and one of them was a raccoon kin. Though there were certainly ways to have a surrogate and splicing done back at home (or even just back at the Black Mesa facility), they couldn't afford it. The Vort was able to locate them somewhere in the maze of offices and dorms, and gently cleared his throat at the door. The way the pair held each others' hands while seated so close, he'd seen that on both humans and vorts over the years now. He felt that it was because their kind as a whole weren't able to communicate Vortally. The raccoon kin had a strange look on his marked face, when the Vortigaunt entered. "Is something else going wrong now?" He pleaded, little fangs very slightly visible when he spoke. His partner pulled him closer, blond hair mixing with the pepper and salt fur on his shoulder. "I would say something may be going right," Kaggat said, "if you follow, there is a gift you might want." Both of the men were slightly taller than Kaggat, though the raccoon kin slightly broader in the thighs as most of his morph. His tail was shorter than expected, and Kaggat was sure there was a story to it, but one that the kin might not wish to talk about. Eventually they found the roof once more, now with far fewer people on it, but still a dash of couples and groups sipping their nog or wine, talking quietly among themselves. The human noticed the dragon first, and his eyes went wide with the same kind of joy and wonder that a child might on seeing their first new bicycle on the driveway. The raccoon was still a little more hesitant. "Come, he is offering something to you, do you hear it?" Kaggat said, and the dragon spied them approaching. He wasn't as excitable as Ahmun'azh, but his coloration did flip around to a more calming shade of deep greens and greys. A ripple of violet and red carefully traveled around the dots on his body. Apparently he was conferring to the pair mentally, above even Kaggat's frequency. This was, as the Vort assumed, a private deal, a moment that was made only for them. "Never thought a dragon would want a prenup signed," the human chuckled, and his relieved and suddenly crying partner agreed. Over the next few days, they made their arrangements, but also gave information where it was needed. They would be applying for schedule adaptation, and eventually... for parental leave! And proudly, once this ritual - which only they were privy to - was complete, they held... an egg. It was lighter than they expected at first, but realized... It was hardly full just yet. It would be, it would become a little child - and one which was highly unusual even for Twoarth. "The Force truly binds us," Syruk said, "and the Vortessence as well..." -- The dragon decided to remain, he'd come for the party, but stayed for the results of that egg. Perhaps just to see it, but also perhaps... to count the little girl that was 'hatched' as a success story! He allowed the Vort to bestow him a new name, Darr'turr, the brilliant illumination. Darter, usually what came out of people's mouths or minds - it was good enough, he was speedy and bright either way. "So you are now three, yourself," Syruk observed, "will that change things for us?" "Hardly," Kaggat said, "we will always function well. There will be others to show the techniques learned to, share what we know with them." Both the dragons that had attached themselves to him sat proudly nearby, watching the islands of Xen floating softly in the luminous skies. Eventually, they might follow some of the others into the new worlds they could connect to - Izorrat and Ketvaozh, even the Rookery. Possibly there first. While it might take a bit for Darter to recover from the magic he'd spun into a child, there... were others that would need that too. Kaggat and his companions had learned through a circuituous chain of connections, that Vortikind in one dimension had lost so much. All of their females, or perhaps nearly all anyway, enough to condemn them to extinction if they couldn't find a way to intervene. Numerous options, but all for another time. For the moment, Kaggat was hoping to help Ciizla and Jargra work on combinations of technology and applied mentalism, the Force working in tune with navigation tools! ** note that neither dragon below has a 'breath weapon' so much as other skills and abilities but may carry those things in offspring with the appropriate partner |
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Dragon Name: Darrturr, "darter", name however means Brilliant Radiance |
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Dragon Name: Ahmun'ahz, "star tunnel's trail", ahm mun ahz (tunnel, trail, star; awm moon awzh) |