Magic Studies Facility Campus

Summoning, Combat Magic, Necromantic Studies, Ritual Magic, Arena

Entered by the west door on the Magic Studies Facility in Carramba High, this part of the campus is only reached by magic students and invited guests of Mistress Lethe and her staff.

The area is open air, with two long buildings on a grassy strip. The outdoor areas sport very short or rather dead grass. It is always daytime here, and the sun is nearly never seen directly - if there is one. It could be the fiery pits of hell.

The Necrology Labs are strictly off limits to non-students. The Multi Media Combat Zone is of course an arcade with live action play stations, interdimensional video games and simulations running between here and the Hypercalc Lab.

  • It is requested that magic students not refer to this dimension in conversation with non-magic students.
  • Any mention of this dimension is therefore to be removed from the memory of the viewer. See manual for details on how this can be achieved painlessly.
  • Parties are absoultely forbidden in this dimension. Unless they're being thrown by the Mistress.

North Hall

Intro to Combat Magic - this room is dedicated to showing the benefits of quick combat and appropriate magical assistance including medical-spells.

Multi Media Combat Zone - the arcade!

Library: Modern Arts - both floors of this extra-extra dimensional space are filled with modern magical studies and books/scrolls printed in languages which might still be spoken by real live people. Many of these are on microfiche file or scanned.

Library: Ancient Arts - all three floors of this much bigger, much older Space are harder to navigate and certainly more dangerous. A rule of thumb: if you cannot speak the language printed on the cover, if there is no title, or if the book/scroll has chains binding it, DO NOT OPEN IT.

Necrology Labs - filled with dead things that just plain won't stay dead.

South Hall

First Strike/Second Strike - This room is a Combat Magic practice/tutoring zone, do not enter without asking first.

Transport Spells - teleportation, levitation, riding brooms/flying carpets, water portals, enchanting doorways (such as those found on the exit/entrance).

All Flash, No Damage - spells which distract, entrance, disrupt or otherwise get in the way of something/someone, without the guilt.

Instant Defense - quick healing, shielding, powerful enchantments on clothing/armor, anything which can make you safe.

Memorization and Logic - how else is one to get all this strangely spoken stuff out without a bit of a mind-clearing? Meditation techniques and visualization tactics.

Quick and Dirty Fighting Techniques - all the fastest, motion/verbal only spells one can possibly stuff into one's brain. Also includes small or one-shot enchantments.

Boys and Girls Restrooms - ... gee, y'think?

Outdoor Demonstration Areas (fully warded)

Summoning Supplies - these large warehouse-size and style buildings contain everything you will ever need - except your live mammals. Get those at the Kiosk like everyone else buster!

The Demonstration Area - a very large open area where combat and practice sessions are performed. Nothing goes out of this area including effects of spells.

Magic Demonstration Hall - a three story tall warded and enchanted building which is certainly far larger inside than out. It reaches a volume similar to that of the local Sports Arena, seating approximately 12 thousand human-sized people. When needed, it only seats 200.

Principles of Summoning - the basic ideas of how to get something from somewhere else to come to you and do your bidding.

Keeping It Under Control - the advanced ideas of managing to prevent that 'something' from eating you or going on a rampage after it's done your bidding.