A bit of a 'Splanation

Oliver Carramba was a very important explorer on Twoarth (one of the several different universes where Carramba High School resides), he discovered the land bridge between islands in the vast Pacific Ocean that joined the two halves of the world together: The Furry Side and the Human Side.

Since this discovery more than 300 years ago, relations between the Sides has been rough but gaining slowly but surely in establishing a two-sentient world. Both Sides still have their share of pure-sentient holdouts, and are often in the same or very similar parts of the mirrored worlds (hill billies... and hill billygoats).

However, since the construction of Carramba High almost 50 years ago, the area on which it was built has experienced many new changes. Crescent City, the most common and universal constant town where Carramba high has been built, appears to be a nexus of realities. In it, you’ll find super heroes, undead, space travelers, and all kinds of time travelers and such, mingling with the locals. Some of the locals are furry, some are not. So imagine if you will, the ability to send your child to a school where they’re going to be side by side with gods and goths, with powers and with talented kids. With all the people there, YOUR child will look like a saint.

Now... imagine another place, a faraway dark dismal place. Where convicts and criminals fight to survive and it’s a dog eat dog world. That world is Hol, the Human Occupied Landfill. There, people struggle and band together only rarely. They suffer from lack of proper hygene and from the occasional raid by the Spork.

Carramba High School has its share of Hol natives. They’re just getting acclimated to the “nice” parts of the world and seem willing to change their violent ways.

Some of them aren’t.

But you’ll have to figure out who is who once you get to the School, won’t you?

Teenagers On Hol is a system which uses both the Teenagers From Outer Space system and the HoL system, with liberal doses of my own words and wisdom.

The setting Carramba High School and all the people in it currently are (c) 2000-2014 Lethe Gray, and are only for use as background material.

This crossover is unauthorized by either company, so don’t tell them I wrote this.


Teenagers on Hol is a crossover project which combines aspects of character creation of both Hol and TFOS.
The system used is mostly d6, however there are times when using a d10 will be required, primarily during character construction.

The system of damage and such is pretty much TFOS: roll a d6 and take the Bonk. When your Bonk reaches zero, you’re out cold until someone revives you. Each time any reference to a weapon, device or such which does damage comes up, pretty much figure that it will do a certain number of d6 Bonk to the character or to the object in question.

Damage can also be “spiritual” or affecting your Cool score instead of the Bonk. Some can even be taken off Smarts, or other scores, depending on what effect the object is doing.

For all intents and purposes, when something is potentially funny, USE IT. If it means your character gets slimed — do it. If it means that they’ve just been Bonked even though you want to argue, just bite the bullet and let the players and the HolMeister (the game master to you uninitiated in Hol) laugh their little heads off.

Pass notes.
In fact, do all those things behind your friends backs, and see what happens.
To the Hol Meister: hand out rewards in the form of m&ms, or other treats. If the character needs to go “up” in something, just hand them their new ability score. Immediate rewards are always best in this game, because most of the time you’ll forget what happened before you go home for the night.

When trying to use skills, Knacks and powers, the same d6 rules apply. The HM will choose a target number (anywhere from 2, a baby could do this) to 20 or above (not even your local Gods try this at home) and the idea is to try and roll above that number with a d6.

Of course, you get to add your Skill, Knack or Power use (often a skill) to your basic Stat and THEN add the d6 to do this. That makes that 18 point target while you’re trying to drive through a space worm hole with a dog sled tied to the roof of your spaceship while singing the national anthem of Betelgeuse Five seem kinda easy.


You’ll still go splat, but you’ll recover. That’s what this is all about. The system is not as deadly than HOL (no one dies unless they’re going to come back as an evil twin or clone later on) but it’s far more realistic than TFOS (you can buy a condom in the med center — and probably get to use it if your Looks and Cool stand up to your chosen date!).

The map of Carramba High School I’ve provided should come in handy. The yearbook of the school, Engram, will show just who is whom, and who your character should be interacting with.

Don’t be afraid to add or delete classes or change the schedule. I’ve overdone the work into this anyway, there is WAY too much info here for such a little game.

Have fun!