Carramba High School Course Catalog Arts |
Last updated March 6 2024 |
Carramba offers a very wide variety of artistic and professional-grade training for working in the creative arts field. |
Course | Description and Instructor Notes |
Art 2a | Taught 2nd and 6th periods by Jedi Dawe and 7th by Zula Heddi Each of these instructors brings a unique style to their classroom. Dawe specializes in an eye for color and texture, structuring her course around mastering the basics of color theory and working with physical media such as watercolor, oil paint, pastels, and ink. Heddi stresses perspective, technical tools, and relishes innovative use of the materials the class supplies. This course assumes the student already has a bit of talent and covers the use of tools, how to research a design, and a dash of art history. |
Fine Arts | Offered 1st and 8th periods, instructors TBA This course offers specific training for the use of pencil and ink, oil and watercolors, but also sculpture and overall design. The end results of this course often are used for fund raising sales, as the goals are to reproduce specific works, with an eye for accurate composition. |
Art Interpretations | Taught 3rd period by Kelley, 4th by Phoenix, and 5th by Heddi As much about style and understanding the specific medium that a piece is created using, as historical and information gathering for those pieces. Also stresses learning how best to critique a piece, for either casual or professional level commentary. |
Ceramics and Sculpture | Taught 1st and 2nd periods by Ainea The resident 'ice sculptor' elfess Ainea enjoys teaching students that love getting their hands dirty - or scraped, or a bit dyed... Each student is encouraged to take a piece of stone, wood, or other materials at the start of the semester, and work on it in whatever fashion they choose. Ainea gives extensive instruction on how to use specific tools for each of the media. |
Crafting for the Thumbless | Instructed periods 6, 7, and 8 by Kuumba Because a good number of the student body - as well as staff members - are not exactly 'human', but still enjoy creating artworks, Kuumba has offered this course to show how to use paws, claws, fins, even antennae and tails, to manipulate a variety of materials into pleasing structures and artwork. At the end of each semester the students all contribute a print of their favored limb (or in the case of those with telekinetic power, some item they want to represent them) onto a large canvas, displayed in the Admin building and Tauroidal Wing. |
Laser Art | Taught periods 4 and 5 by Kelley, and 8th by Heddi In addition to using high-tech tools and machinery for die-cutting, wood-burning, 3-d printing and similar crafts, artistic use of actual lasers may be involved. Students are required to pass a safety and training course at the start of each specific tool lesson. |
Photography | Taught by Phoenix 3rd and 7th periods As an advanced course, Janto Phoenix does require that the students already have access to materials such as a camera of any kind, and a small portfolio of prints to judge experience level. After acceptance to the course, however, they will learn how to utilize all photography equipment including developing and processing, for black and white, color, high-def color, and other more specific items (infrared, 3-d capture, etc). Regular field trips are taken and the class produces a massive book of images every semester. This class is also responsible for aiding the Journalism class and takes photos at events. |
Illustration and Publishing | Taught 3rd, 4th, and 7th periods by Lethe Gray, and 5th, 6th, and 8th by Ashigaru, they do collaborate Basic instruction with a strong emphasis on tool use for graphic arts, such as pen and ink, graphics programs, and color separation. Comic art and illustration, as well as sales and advertising styles are taught. The final 3 weeks of the course are dedicated to understanding the legal and financial aspects of publication, as well as attending conventions specific to students needs. |
Optional - one course per year
Requirements / Course # | ARTS | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | Off- Campus | Taught By... | Building and Room Number | |
O | 172 A | Art 2a | x | x | x | 2/6-Dawe, 7-Heddi | Art 101 | ||||||
O | 372 | Fine Arts | x | x | x | x | 1/8-Darby, 4/5-Valena | Art 101 | |||||
O | 172 B | Art Interpretations | x | x | x | yes | 3-Darby, 4-Phoenix, 5-Heddi | Art 400 | |||||
O | 172 C | Ceramics and Sculpture | x | x | yes | Ainea | Art 306 | ||||||
O | 172 D | Dysfunctional Ceramics | x | x | yes | Zoeller | Art 306 | ||||||
O | 172 G | Glass Art | x | x | x | yes | Z'iun | Art 306 | |||||
O | 172 E | Crafting for the Thumbless | x | x | x | yes | Kuumba | Art 400 | |||||
O | 172 L | Laser Art | x | x | x | 2/4-Boreah; 8-Heddi | Art 102 | ||||||
O | 175 A | Photography | x | x | yes | Phoenix | Art 103 | ||||||
O | 173 | Illustration and Publishing | x | x | x | 5/6/8-Ashigaru | Art 302 | ||||||
O | 171 A | CCTV Performance | x | x | yes | Vax | Art 201 | ||||||
O | 171 B | CCTV Production | x | x | yes | A.Leone | Art 201 | ||||||
OC | 174 A | Website Creation | x | x | x | x | Silverfawn | HL S-001 | |||||
OC | 174 B | Computer Graphics Animation | x | x | *** TBD | Art 303 | |||||||
O | 172 H | Fractal Art and Rendering | x | x | Boreah | HL B-001 | |||||||
OA | 179 A | Basic Architecture | x | x | yes | Yresh | Art 500 | ||||||
OA | 179 B | Interior Design | x | x | yes | Yresh | Art 500 | ||||||
O | 172 F | Flower Arranging | x | x | x | yes | Goldstem | Art 500 | |||||
O | 175 B | Fashion Technology | x | x | x | x | 1-Phoenix, 3-Heddi, 5/7-Lallidarr | Art 301 | |||||
O | 175 S | Fashion Identities | x | x | Hidalgo | Art 303 | |||||||
Costuming Stage Fandom | x | x | x | x | yes | 1/8-Velenis, 2/6-Hidalgo | Art 305 | ||||||
O | 175 F | Grooming For Success | x | x | yes | 4-Dian Rhein, 5-Lane | Art 301 | ||||||
O | 175 M | Makeup and Hair | x | x | x | Shalen | Art 301 | ||||||
OWB | 287 B | Tattoo Art Instruction | x | x | x | yes | Ink | Art 304 | |||||
O | 176 A | Music Theory | x | x | yes | Singe | Music 102 | ||||||
O | 176 B | Instrumental Music | x | x | yes | Zeets | Music Basement | ||||||
O | 176 E | Electronic Music | x | x | yes | Zeets | Music Basement | ||||||
O | 176 U | Ultrasonic Composition | x | yes | Batty | Music Basement | |||||||
O | 176 C | Choir and Chorale | x | x | x | x | yes | 1/6-A Caroline Clone, 3/7 Arothphael | Music 101 | ||||
O | 176 P | Lyrics and Poetry | x | x | A Caroline Clone | Music 101 | |||||||
O | 176 R | Advanced Air Guitar | x | x | yes | Zeets | Music Basement | ||||||
O |
176 L | Lightshow Tech | x | yes | Boreah | HL B-001 | |||||||
O | 176 J | Club DJ Training | x | yes | 3-Singe, 6-Zeets | Music Basement | |||||||
O | 176 M | Marching Band | x | x | x | x | yes | Penbardd | Music/Field | ||||
OA | 277 B | Voice Acting (was radio) | x | x | Milsap | Music 201 | |||||||
O | 178 B | Backstage Pass | x | x | yes | Cat'director | Music 201, AUD | ||||||
O | 178 | Drama | x | x | x | yes | 1/2-Leone, 5-Milsap | Music 201 | |||||
Theater Tech | x | x | yes | Cat'director | Music 102, AUD | ||||||||
Stage Magic (not 'powers') | x | x | x | yes | Velenis | Music 102, AUD | |||||||
Bollywood and Flashmobs | x | x | yes! | TBD** | ** | ||||||||